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8 months ago...

The worst part of it was the bleeding. The red was all you could see against the white, and he was loosing it too fast. So, even though they were in the middle of a snowstorm, and the road had become overcome with ice, Troy ripped off his jacket and tore one of the sleeves. He covered Mike's abdomen with the bigger part of it and used the sleeve to put pressure around the leg that faced towards him instead of away. A horrific sight.

Mike's screams were pretty terrible too. Not being able to feel his leg as if it was detached from his body felt different from the pain, and he hadn't even realized how broken everything was until Troy lifted him, and he has wished he was left on the ground.

Troy decided to put him in the passengers seat, to makes sure that he wouldn't die in the backseat. His leg, now just swinging on its own was tugging at Mike's skin, and you could see the bone sticking out through his jeans. Adrenaline numbed it, but Mike hadn't stopped screaming. He was hyperventilating now, screaming at Troy, breathing irregularly, almost passing out.

Troy could barely focus on the road, and speeded through the neighborhood, even going through the woods to make it faster to the hospital. When they were halfway there, Mike had calmed down and had stopped speaking, which was more terrifying than the loudness.

"Mike! Stay awake! You're not dying on me today, Wheeler!" He yelled while shaking him with one hand, and pressing down harder on the peddle.

"I'm tired—"

Troy cut him off instantly. "No! Come on, do something! Yell, scream, fucking start punching me if you have to! You're not tired!"


Woodlake High | Tue 3:43 PM
Troy Walsh

After finding out that his son ran someone over with his truck, Tom Walsh thought that it would be better for Troy if he went to go stay with his mother and her husband, which meant that he would have to transfer schools.

Troy couldn't be any more excited about it. Being able to escape his past, start over fresh and meet new people. There isn't a Mike or a Will in sight and everyone at this school were much friendlier than the people at Hawkins, and the cliques weren't super tight. Everyone just kinda mingled with everyone. To him, it was absolute heaven.

The second day of school went as smoothly as it could go, and after the bell rang he was off. He walked on the sidewalk next to the building, stopping once he saw his ride gliding down the street and halting at his feet.

The drivers window rolled down, revealing the curly-headed, hazel-eyed angel. A face Troy had gotten more than accustomed to in the past year.

"Hey stranger." He said with a wink and a slight southern accent.

Troy's chest fluttered with glee, and he hasn't noticed the ear-to-ear smile that was across his face. No one made him this happy in a long time, or ever he started to realize.

He made his way over to the passengers side and as soon as he closed the door, and shut out everyone in the world, Isaiah grabbed his face and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. He entangled one of his hands in Troy's hair, on top of his ear, and wrapped his other arm around Troy's neck.

Troy came back with the same passion of course, pushing them together a bit more, resting a hand on top of Isaiah's and leaning over the arm rest to hold his back, sliding his hand underneath the part of his shirt that was untucked.

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