Chapter 1

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*As always, this story is on-going and changes will be made along the way - I apologize if there are mistakes, I am actively working on it :) 

*This book is written from the perspective of both Isabella and Giovanni

Thank you to each and every one of you for reading my book. Your support is everything to me! :)

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**Mature content in this book | +18 only 



"I can't believe it's you," he said wide-eyed, "I had heard you were in Barcelona but that was months ago,"

How the hell was Nate standing in front of me right now? I wiped away the tears that managed to escape and quickly took a moment to take him in. He had the same kind eyes he always had. He was sporting a light, well-groomed beard that he never had before. He always found it frustrating to maintain so he never allowed it to grow out. His light hair was pulled back into a bun. He grew his hair out? Since when? I was surprised by his appearance. He looked just like the man I used to know but he also looked like a complete stranger.

Why was he here now? Why now when I was trying to wrap my head around what I just found out. I was still in shock.

"What are you doing here?" I managed to get out, reminding myself to hold onto my emotions

He pulled his bag over his shoulder nervously, "I'm working on a project here,"

"Good for you," I mumbled

It came out more hostile than I intended it to but how was I supposed to react to my ex-boyfriend, that dumped me only to get engaged to someone else, standing in front of me?

"I wanted to reach out to you," he said, "To see ho-,"

"To see how I was doing?" I snapped, "Don't you think you're half a year too late to be asking me that?"

He averted his eyes, "I'm sorry about what happened and for leaving just like that,"

I really didn't have the energy to deal with this right now. I wanted to get out of here. The air around me was becoming thin again and I couldn't get a handle on my breathing. I was too focused on the fact that Casey was pregnant. What did that mean for Giovanni and I now? When last did he sleep with her? How far along was she? How could I trust him again? When did he find out? I had too many unanswered questions right now and the last thing I wanted to do was deal with Nate of all people.

"Don't you have a fiancé to get to?" I huffed, annoyed by his presence at that moment

His eyes met mine, "You know?"

I scoffed, "Of course I know, Nate. You put your announcement on social media, did you think it would be a secret?

"Isabella, I wanted to talk to yo-,"

I lifted a finger to cut him off, "I don't care that you're engaged. I really hope you and Christina will be happy but I have to go right now,"

I turned to leave but he grabbed my arm, "Please wait,"

"Wait for what?"

Before he could answer, my phone started ringing. I looked down to see Giovanni's name flashing on my screen. My heart contracted. I couldn't do this right now. I couldn't face him. How could I?

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