Chapter 24

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*As always, this story is on-going and changes will be made along the way

Thank you to each and every one of you for reading my book. Your support is everything to me! :)

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"I'm not going to lie, that wasn't the best song choice," I admitted sheepishly,

"Seriously?" Lorenzo laughed and looked over at me, "So you don't listen to this kind of music?"

"Hip hop isn't my genre of choice. I'm more into the Reggaeton stuff,"

He indicated and turned down my street, "See, I'll have to tailor a playlist just for you then,"

I smiled and placed his phone back down. I was zipping through his playlist all the way from when we left and if there was one thing I had learned about Lorenzo, he had very interesting taste in music. I was surprised by how different our tastes were. We had plenty of similarities between the two of us but music was not one of them.

"We'll have to do some kind of music exchange," I suggested, "I'll introduce you to some of my favourite artists and you can do the same,"

"That sounds like a plan," Lorenzo agreed, "How about ne-,"

Lorenzo continued talking but the black Audi R8 parked outside my apartment caught my attention, forcing my focus away from him.

Giovanni was here

My breath caught in my throat and the nerves started to zip through my veins. What in the world was he doing here? Did he come to see me? Surely not. But who else would he be here for? He wouldn't casually be in the are-

"Isabella?" Lorenzo snapped me out of my thoughts, "What do you say?"

He pulled into an empty parking a couple cars down from where Giovanni's car was parked.

"About what?" I turned to him

"Our music date?" He repeated sheepishly, "I don't mean date date, just like we can get together and exchange music,"

"Oh yes!" I exclaimed, "We can do that,"

I was trying my hardest not to focus on the very obvious fact that Giovanni was in the area. Maybe it wasn't even his car? I was pretty sure other people in the world had that car and here I was just assuming it was his. Lorenzo stepped outside the car and I followed his lead. I came around to his side as he leaned against the car.

"That was fun," he announced

I smiled and pulled my coat closer to me, "Yeah it was. You were a very enjoyable distraction,"

"Well, I'm glad to hear that," he reached for my hand and squeezed it

Before I could reply, I heard his voice boom from behind me, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

I turned to meet Giovanni's dark seething eyes. He stumbled towards us and I quickly pulled my hand away from Lorenzo's, suddenly overcome with an unexpected wave of guilt

"Giovanni, what are you doing here?" I gaped

He pointed his finger at Lorenzo, "What the hell is he doing here?"

Giovanni stumbled closer to me and I could smell the alcohol on him. He had clearly been drinking and wasn't thinking straight.

I stepped in front of him, and lifted my hand up, stopping him from taking another step towards Lorenzo, "Giovanni, stop,"

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