Chapter 8

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*As always, this story is on-going and changes will be made along the way

Thank you to each and every one of you for reading my book. Your support is everything to me! :)

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I woke with my face against a cold floor. I tried to open my eyes but the blinding light from the sun shining through forced me to shut them closed again.

Where the fuck was I?

I slowly rolled over, the throbbing headache reminding me that this was alcohol-induced and completely self-inflicted. I finally managed to get my eyes open and I stared at the ceiling of my bathroom

Well, at least I was home this time

Not like the last few days where I had ended up passing out on whatever bar counter I could find. Okay, it wasn't always on bar counters - some were other people's couches and sometimes even floors. I couldn't remember one person I had seen this week - everything was a blur since she walked out of my life.

I didn't want to think of her. That was the whole point.

I dragged myself off my bathroom floor and slowly moved through my room. I stopped in my tracks as I noticed two females in my bed.

Fuck Giovanni, what have you done?

I walked downstairs to find sleeping bodies scattered across my apartment. I was the only one awake and I didn't recognise a single person but judging by the copious amounts of empty bottles, the party had moved to my apartment last night.

I opened my cabinet doors in search of another drink but was out of luck

"Mierda," I mumbled

This agitated me more than I realised and I suddenly needed everyone out of my apartment.

"Hey, get up," I started tapping the sleeping bodies, "You need to get out of here,"

I was greeted by a chorus of groans but I didn't give a fuck. They needed to leave.

"Party's over," I announced, "Get out,"

Slowly they started dragging themselves out of my apartment. I turned to go back upstairs to the two females occupied in my bed. I was thankful that they were both at least clothed

Did I sleep with them?

I couldn't have and yet the holes in my memory were making it impossible to confirm that.

I strolled over to my bed, "Hey, you guys need to leave,"

The blonde one rolled over and reached for my hand, "Come back to bed,"

Fuck. Was I even in bed last night?

"No, you guys need to get out. Now,"

The brunette one sat up and gave me a dirty look, "You're a dick,"

"So I'm told," I shrugged, "You know where the exit is,"

They both mumbled insults as they made their way out of my room. I followed behind them to make sure everyone else had left. After they stepped into the elevator, I was left with nothing but the thoughts in my head to keep me company. I strolled into my kitchen for one more inspection of the bottles scattered across the counter. I managed to find one with some alcohol left inside and I lifted it to my lips as my phone rang from the other end of the counter.

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