Chapter 19

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*As always, this story is on-going and changes will be made along the way

Thank you to each and every one of you for reading my book. Your support is everything to me! :)

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I pushed through the door to the sound of Reyna's laughter. I closed the door behind me and slipped off my coat as I walked into the kitchen. Diego was seated across the counter and Reyna was handing him a plate full of food

"Good morning," Diego said politely

"Hey guys," I mumbled

Reyna raised an eyebrow at me. She probably had so many questions but instead of delving straight into that, she pointed to the kettle

"Want some coffee?"

I nodded and strolled over to take a seat next to Diego. I might as well get the third-degree over with now so I can push last night out of my mind for good. I was thankful for the numb feeling that settled over me on the drive home. There was no pain and no anger. There was nothing.

"Where did you disappear to last night?" Diego eyed me out of the corner of his eye

I flicked my eyes over to Reyna who was now glaring at Diego. They had obviously discussed this but I had expected the questions to come from her. I had gotten to enjoy Diego's company since hanging out with him at Vai Moana. Their relationship had just escalated since then which meant wherever Reyna was, nine times out of ten, Diego was close by.

I hung my head in shame, "I made a big mistake last night,"

Reyna handed me my coffee and leaned against the counter, "Giovanni?"

I nodded

"We already knew that," she shrugged

"How did you know that?"

"Well you ran out last night and for hours, I didn't know where you were," she explained, a hint of annoyance in her voice, "I had called you a number of times but you didn't answer until I got a call from your number and it was Giovanni on the other end,"

I wrapped my hands around my mug, clinging to the heat that was coming from it

"I made a mistake," I repeated, "I should never have ended up at his place,"

"What were you doing there?" Diego asked politely

"I don't want to talk about it,"

My mind wandered back to last night. His hungry kisses still lingered against my lips and my body still burned for him. There was an animalistic desire that consumed us last night that we had never experienced previously. I couldn't get enough of him and now I was stuck with such recent memories of him. I hated it.

"Izzy, please don't give me that," Reyna snapped, "What are you doing? You broke up with him,"

"I know that!" I retorted, "Trust me, I don't need that reminder okay? I fucked up. I should never have slept with him last night,"

"You didn't," she groaned, leaning her head against her hand

Her reaction wasn't helping the copious amount of guilt that was working its way through me. I knew I fucked up bad by going there and saying it out loud was only making it more of a reality.

"Look, I don't need you guys to make me feel worse okay?" I snapped, "I fucked up bad. I was drunk and high on emotion. I couldn't help it,"

I took a sip of my coffee. How could I have allowed last night to happen? And then to have to see Casey this morning just poured salt in the wound. It reminded me of what a fuck up this all was in the first place.

"We're not trying to make you feel worse," Reyna said softly, "But what are you going to do now?"

"Nothing. Nothing has changed. That much was clear by Casey arriving this morning for their doctor's appointment,"

The nausea returned. It was a knee-jerk reaction every time her name came up. I didn't want to think of them going to the doctor together. I didn't want to think of them seeing the scan of their baby. I didn't want to think of any of that.

"That couldn't have been easy," Diego said

"Obviously not," I mumbled sarcastically

Reyna nudged Diego and shook her head. He was quite obtuse when it came to stating the obvious in situations. The previous anger I was feeling started to work its way back as it tangled itself in the overall guilt and sadness that overcame me. I didn't want to have to deal with Giovanni and Casey again.

"Well, I'm not going to sit here and reminisce on the adventures of Isabella," the sarcasm continued, "I have plans,"

"Plans?" Reyna looked confused, "What plans?"

"Lorenzo and I are going for coffee,"

Diego looked confused and glanced over to Reyna for answers. Reyna tried to keep her face unchanged but that was never something she was very good at.

"Coffee with Lorenzo?" She repeated

I nodded

"Do you think that's a good idea?"

I rolled my eyes, "Well, it can't be worse than the other decisions I've been making,"

I grabbed my mug off the counter so I could take it back to my room with me. My raging hangover and emotional overdrive were making me very tired of this conversation.

"Just think about what you're doing Izzy," Reyna said softly

I nodded and made my way to my room, leaving their concerned gazes behind me. I didn't need my actions to be questioned. I was well-aware of the mistakes I had been making but going for coffee with Lorenzo wasn't going to be one of them. He was being polite and friendly, what was the problem with that? I didn't want anything romantic. I just wanted a distraction from the pain.

Was that too much to ask for? 

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