Chapter 58

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*As always, this story is on-going and changes will be made along the way

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"What are you talking about?" I managed to get out after trying to process what he had just said

"I'm not going to be a father," he repeated, "The baby isn't mine,"

My jaw dropped and my hands jerked up to cover my mouth. Oh my God. What is going on here? The baby isn't his? My brain was imploding with all the thoughts running around inside of it.

"I don't understand," I said as calmly as I could manage

I watched as he tried to shift himself higher on the bed. I stood up to try and help but I wasn't even sure how I could. He managed to move himself to an elevated seated position and I fixed the pillow behind his head to make sure he was more comfortable. I could see the distress on his face just from those small movements.

He reached for my hand and took it in his as he leaned his head to the side to look at me, "A few weeks ago, I did a paternity test to find out if I really was the father of Casey's baby,"

"A few weeks ago?" I repeated

"Yes, it was actually Reyna's idea a-,"

"Reyna?" I interrupted, "The two of you knew about this weeks ago and you didn't tell me?"

"Don't be mad," he murmured, "We had a good reason. I didn't want to tell you about it and get your hopes up because there was still a possibility the baby could have been mine,"

I wanted to be mad about them not telling me but I couldn't. I understood why he chose not to tell me. I couldn't imagine the pain if he had gotten my hopes up for the life we wanted for it to be ripped away from me again. My heart wouldn't have been able to take it.

"So, the baby isn't yours?" I asked slowly

He shook his head

I couldn't believe it. I leaned back against the chair, staring straight ahead of me as I processed this. All this time lost was for nothing. All the pain and heartbreak was for nothing. All because Casey lied about Giovanni being the father of her baby. Anger deep inside of me started to flicker at the thought of her and her deceit.

"Please say something," he said softly

"I don't know what to say," I admitted, "I think I'm in shock,"

He chuckled, "That's understandable,"

"Did Casey know this whole time that you weren't the father?"

"I have no idea. I haven't spoken to her. I got the phone call from her doctor and then I tried to call you and then this happened," he gestured to the hospital room, "How long have I been here?"

"Only a day," I said, "The paramedics brought you in yesterday and the doctors took you straight to surgery. It was a long surgery,"

"What's the damage?" He asked, attempting to make light of the situation

I smiled, "Well, your leg is broken and you have some cuts on your face,"

"That's not so bad,"

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