Chapter 54

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*As always, this story is on-going and changes will be made along the way

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We sat in that waiting room for hours.

I was losing track of how long we just sat waiting for answers. Each moment that passed was torture. I was drowning in pain and every time I tried to reach for air, the reality of what was happening kept pulling me further and further from it. I was sick to my stomach with guilt. I felt so guilty that I left Giovanni this morning. I felt guilty that this whole time I was trying to figure out if our relationship was going to last or if I was going to walk away for good. Now, I didn't care about any of that. I didn't care about any of the reasons for us not to be together. I just needed to be with him. I loved him in a way that consumed every fiber of my being. With his witty charm and seductive confidence. The way he would throw his head back in laughter, displaying the deep dimple in his left cheek. His spontaneous and care-free energy that I always found contagious. The way he would pull me into his arms and tell me how much he loved me. How could I have ever wanted to give up any of that? Now, I would give anything just to have another moment with him.

Giovanni's parents arrived shortly after I did and I couldn't hold my emotions back when I saw Marcina's grief-stricken face. She cried into my shoulder, repeating over and over again how she needed her son to be okay. Cecilio was still in shock but I could see the fear in his eyes. It was the most emotion I had ever seen him show. Sergio and Katrina were the next to arrive after Reyna called them to tell them what had happened. Both of them threw their arms around me when they arrived, trying to console me and repeating that everything would be fine. Each passing moment without a word from the doctors was killing me. I was curled up on the chair in the corner, staring into the distance. I was starting to feel numb again. There was no pain - I couldn't allow there to be. Every time it seeped into my heart, I felt it shatter over and over again. The possibility that the doctor could walk up to us now and tell us that they did everything they could but they couldn't save him.

That could not happen

I couldn't lose Giovanni. He was everything to me and I couldn't believe it took me this long to realise that. It took him having to be in an accident for me to get the wake-up call that I needed. I would never be able to live with myself if something happened to him. The regret I was feeling from walking away from him was all-consuming. The guilt of constantly putting him through the back and forth of whether I could accept this new change in his life. All of that was a mere speck in our universe. I needed him more than I had ever needed anyone before.

I couldn't lose him

"Señor y señora Velazquez?" An older doctor said, bringing me out of my own thoughts

I jerked my head up as I watched Giovanni's parents stand up and walk over to the doctor standing in dark blue scrubs. He was a much older gentleman with a kind face. He continued to speak to them in Spanish and I looked over to Alvaro for a translation - the anticipation was killing me.

"He says that there was some internal bleeding due to the blunt trauma to his spleen that caused his abdomen to swell,"

He listened intently as the doctor continued

"They managed to remove the spleen and the swelling has been reduced,"

"That's a good sign,"

I slowly started to breathe a sigh of relief but still waited in fear over if he was going to be okay or not. That was all I needed to hear. I didn't care about any of the medical lingo. I just needed to know that the love of my life was going to make it out of here alive.

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