Chapter 56

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*As always, this story is on-going and changes will be made along the way

Thank you to each and every one of you for reading my book. Your support is everything to me! :)

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It was just after three in the morning when I unlocked the door of my apartment and pushed through as Reyna shut it behind us. Now that Giovanni had been moved to a ward, we couldn't stay at the hospital any longer. We had to come back in the morning for visiting hours. Thankfully that wasn't too far from now since we spent most of the night and the early hours of this morning waiting to hear what happened with the surgery.

"Can I get you something?" Reyna offered, "I can make us something to eat,"

I shook my head, "I'm not hungry,"

I still had tears in my eyes and the hovering pain from earlier was still present. I was so happy that he was going to be okay but I just wanted him to wake up. I wanted to hear his voice again and know that he was fine now. Seeing him hooked up to all the machines and the marks on his face just broke my heart. I hated knowing that he was in pain.

"I'm going to take a shower," Reyna said, walking over to me, "I think you should try and get some rest,"

"I'll try,"

She pulled me in for one last hug before disappearing down the hall. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and pulled myself up onto the bar stool by the counter. Sudden exhaustion washed over my body and I couldn't hold back a yawn. The emotional rollercoaster I was on tonight had drained me. We had left in such a hurry earlier that I didn't even grab my cellphone. It was still lying on the counter on charge where I left it. I reached for it and disconnected it from the charger. I turned it on and waited for everything to load. I was tapping my fingers nervously on the counter. I hadn't quite wrapped my head around the events of the evening. I couldn't believe that Giovanni was in an accident and that I had almost lost him. That thought alone brought on a wave of nausea and I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I allowed them to stream down my face as I glanced down at my phone, my notifications now popping up. I scrolled through them and my heart dropped as I saw Giovanni's name on my screen.

Oh my God, he had left me a voicemail

My hands were trembling as I reached for my phone and brought it to my ear

"Isabella, it's me," his voice came through the other side and my tears filled again, "I need you to call me back right now, I have to tell you something - everything is going to be fine with us but I need you to ca-,"

And then suddenly I heard the sound of shrieking tires in the distance before the call disconnected

My heart contracted. He was trying to get a hold of me before the car hit him. I couldn't hold myself together any longer. I hung my head in my hands and cried, allowing the pain to consume me. He said he had something to tell me. He tried to phone me earlier and I wasn't there to answer. I just let it go to voicemail and I felt sick to my stomach with guilt. I just needed him to be awake when we go back to the hospital tomorrow.

I needed to apologize to him.

I grabbed my phone again and dragged myself to my room, dropping onto my bed and fell into a deep sleep.


When I woke up the next morning, I was convinced that it had all been a horrible nightmare. Until the reality of what really happened settled and I was consumed by the same pain I had felt the day before. Giovanni was in a car accident. He was going to be okay but they were still waiting for him to wake up. I was sick with anxiety over that. I would only start to feel better once I saw him awake. Then I would know for sure that he was here with me again and he wasn't going anywhere. I was thankful for the few hours of sleep I had managed to get but I could feel the lingering exhaustion. I was way too eager to get to the hospital so I had already showered and was ready to go.

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