Chapter 28

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*As always, this story is on-going and changes will be made along the way

Thank you to each and every one of you for reading my book. Your support is everything to me! :)

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"I know I shouldn't have spent the night but he needed me, Rey," I leaned my head against my hand, "I couldn't help it,"

"I understand Izzy," she murmured on the other line, "But you know you're only hurting yourself,"

I sat in the bathroom leaning against the counter. I had gotten out of the shower and was changing back into my pants and a random shirt that Giovanni gave me to wear when Reyna called me. I left her a message last night letting her know that I wasn't going to be home and I would explain tomorrow. She didn't wait long this morning before calling me to find out what was going on.

I took a deep breath in to keep the tears that were forming from falling, "I don't know what to do,"

"You're the only one who can figure that out. I know you love Giovanni but I also know how much it broke you to find out about Casey's pregnancy. You said you couldn't watch him raise a baby with her,"

I couldn't. Every time I thought of them together, it sent me into an emotional frenzy that I couldn't control. I couldn't hold back the deep pain it brought me and the constant rolling anger. How was I ever going to get over that? I loved Giovanni more than I had ever loved anyone but nothing had changed and I was angry that I kept allowing myself to be pulled back into this.

The tears escaped my eyes and rolled down my cheek, "I can't put myself through that,"

"Then you know you have to walk away and for real this time," she advised, "The two of you are only making this harder on yourselves,"

I didn't think it was possible for my heart to break anymore but it did. Every time I was reminded of the reality of our situation, the pieces cracked even further and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I had to make a decision and stick to it. I couldn't keep doing this to myself.

"I love him so much," I cried

"I know, Izzy,"

There was nothing that could be said to make this better. It didn't help that I loved him and he loved me back. The fact was I couldn't stand by him while he had a baby with another woman and that was the truth. That was never going to get easy to hear and it certainly wasn't going to be easy when the baby finally arrived. I had to accept that Giovanni and I were done for good.

Reyna and I said our goodbyes and I wiped away the rest of my tears. I stood up and reached for the shirt Giovanni left for me. I held it to my chest and breathed in the smell of him that lingered. It smelled like home to me and the tears formed again. I was breaking inside and I just wanted to make the pain stop. I pulled the shirt over my body and reached for the towel to wipe away the last of my tears. I had to contain myself before I left the bathroom. After finally pulling myself together, I slipped out the door and went over to the bed to pull my boots back on. I slowly ran my fingers over his bed. The memories of him and I together flooded back. The way he held me in his arms as I fit perfectly across his body. My head on his chest as it rose softly when he was in a deep sleep. I tried to stop my mind from wandering further but I couldn't hold it back. I thought back to the way he lay me down and took control of my body. His lips across my skin, his hands in my hair pulling it back as he entered me.

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