Chapter 4

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*As always, this story is on-going and changes will be made along the way

Thank you to each and every one of you for reading my book. Your support is everything to me! :)

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I was so happy. Hand in hand with Giovanni, we walked through the city, taking in the sights. I laughed at a bad joke he made and he smirked, showing me that deep dimple of his that I loved so much. He caressed my hand with his thumb and brought my hand to his lips, leaving a sweet kiss on it. My heart swelled with happiness. He pulled me into his arms and I was content. There was nothing else that I needed but to be here with him.

He pulled away to face me, "I love you, Casey,"


My eyes flung open and I was greeted by darkness. My heart ached at that cruel dream. My cheeks were stained with tears again. I cried for hours before sleep finally found me and then I was greeted with that? I reached for my phone to check the time and found the battery had died. I dragged myself off the couch and went over to my bag, digging through it until I found my charger. I plugged it into the plug by the counter and left it to charge. I had no idea what time it was or how long I had been asleep. The hovering sadness I was feeling settled in again and the dull ache in my chest wasn't going to be leaving me anytime soon. I dragged myself to the shower and turned it on. My appearance in the mirror caught my eye and I was saddened by it.

I looked defeated

Dark bags under my eyes and bloodshot stained eyes from all the tears I couldn't hold back. I stared back at my reflection and I wanted to apologize to the sad girl in front of me for getting her into this mess in the first place. I wanted to apologize to her for allowing her to fall for Giovanni. I wanted to apologize for the pain she was feeling right now. I turned away from my reflection and removed my clothes, stepping into the shower. The hot water hit my skin as I took a deep breath in. I closed my eyes and stepped forward, tilting my head back against the water. For a brief moment, I felt calm and collected as I focused on the hot water. I thought of nothing more for those few seconds but it was short-lived before memories of Giovanni and I flooded my mind. The memories of that night in Valencia under the hot water. A night filled with passion and love - at the time we hadn't said that to each other but we were already in that place. The warm tears stained my cheeks again.

"Come on, Isabella," I reprimanded myself, "Stop crying,"

I quickly finished up in the shower and turned the water off. I started to feel more collected as I stepped outside, wrapping my body with the towel. I thought back to earlier when Giovanni was banging at my door. I should have opened the door. I knew it was the right thing to do but I couldn't bring myself to face him.

You can't run away from this

That phrase echoed in my mind. I needed to rip the band-aid off and speak to him. I needed to find out everything I could about Casey's pregnancy and what that meant for us. The thought of Giovanni with Casey in any way were thoughts I hated to entertain so the idea of the two of them starting a family together was killing me inside.

I made my way to my room and quickly changed into something more comfortable and much warmer. Within days winter had started to make itself comfortable in the city. As I pulled a hoodie over my head, I heard my name from the kitchen

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