Chapter 14

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*As always, this story is on-going and changes will be made along the way

Thank you to each and every one of you for reading my book. Your support is everything to me! :)

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Where did she go?

I leaned over the railing trying to find her in the crowd again. I was thankful for the many drinks I had upstairs before finally convincing myself to come down. I was dying to see her again and when my eyes met hers on the dance floor, I couldn't look away.

Until she took off towards the exit.

I know she saw me. There was no way she didn't. Her gaze met mine and in that moment, there was no one else around. It was just her and I and I wanted nothing more than to go up to her and pull her into my arms.

But I couldn't

I turned to the entrance and she caught my eye as she slipped back inside, hand in hand with Reyna. Should I go to her? Am I allowed to do that? Fuck, I didn't know how I was supposed to act around her. I watched her make her way back to the dance-floor as Reyna slipped past her. I couldn't take my eyes off her and right now, I needed all the help I could get to try and rid myself of the constant pressure in my chest. The alcohol was the perfect illusionist and it helped to not think of the pain. It wasn't a healthy outlet but it was the only one I had right now. I focused on her and how much I wanted her. She threw her hands in the air and moved her body to the music. I was intoxicated by the sight of her. It had been so long since I had felt her body and watching her throw her head back the way she was, reignited the desire I had worked so hard to push away. I wanted to push through the crowd, grab her hand and lead her back to my place so I could have my way with her.

But that would never happen again

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to meet Reyna's judgemental gaze

"Hola, Reyna," I said politely

"Don't Hola Reyna me," she leaned against the railing and faced me, "Giovanni, what happened?"

For fuck sakes. I was so tired of that question. I hated that what went down with Isabella was public knowledge. I was reminded of my fuck up at every turn and it was making it harder to escape.

"I don't want to do this right now Reyna. I'm only here for Sergio,"

I didn't want to come tonight. I had to talk myself into it because I knew I would have to see her and that it would kill me.

"I wouldn't be doing my duty as best friend if I didn't tell you what I thought," she crossed her arms, "You fucked up,"

"I hadn't noticed," the sarcasm dripped off my tongue

"But I'm still rooting for you two,"

I turned back to her, surprised by her statement "What?"

Before Reyna could answer, Sergio and Katrina joined us holding shot glasses in the hands.

"Come on guys! It's a celebration," Katrina exclaimed and handed me a shot

I wanted to know what more Reyna had to say. I never thought I would say that because her opinions were often unwelcome ones but it surprised me that she was rooting for us. If anything, I would have expected her to give me an earful about how I hurt her best friend. Sergio handed a shot to Reyna and turned back to me, handing one over as his gaze reached past me

"Perfect timing!" Sergio shouted, "Isabella, come have a shot with us,"

I turned around and there she was coming up the stairs. Fuck, she looked so good. I had never seen that dress before but it clung to the curves of her body, sending my imagination into a frenzy. She had pulled her hair into a low bun with curly strands of hair falling forward. Her gaze met mine briefly and there was something missing in her deep hazel eyes. She was the Isabella that I knew and loved and yet, she was like a stranger to me now. She walked past me and stood on the other side of Sergio, taking the shot from him.

"Thank you guys for being here," Sergio shouted and lifted his shot glass up

There was a chorus of congratulations that went around as I brought the glass to my lips. It burned going down but I was thankful for something to try and help take the edge off. I needed something stronger though cause it was taking every ounce of self-control I had not to look over at her again. Just knowing she was so close but I couldn't do anything about that was driving me fucking crazy. Instead, I turned around to face the dance floor full of people again. I was happy this place was still able to fill up, no matter the cold weather outside. I tapped my foot anxiously, trying to focus on anything but the thoughts of her. I didn't want to think of her and that dress and how I wanted nothing more than to rip it off her. I swallowed and clenched my fists in an attempt to hold back my arousal. I turned around and made my way to order a drink

"Whiskey, neat," I asked the bartender

I leaned against the bar and scanned my surroundings for her again. I couldn't help it. It was killing me that I wasn't able to go up to her. I thought I would feel good about being able to see her again but this was fucking torture. She stood in the crowd with Reyna and Diego. I watched her as she engaged in conversation with them, throwing her head back in laughter. From here, she looked perfectly fine to me, happily engaging in conversation. Laughing as if nothing had changed. To an outsider, she just looked like a beautiful woman enjoying the company of those around her.

How was she so okay?

Here I was falling apart inside and she didn't even seem phased by it. The pressure in my chest returned along with a flicker of anger and I turned away from her. Why did I do that to myself?

The bartender placed my drink in front of me. I reached for it and brought it to my lips. This was going to be a long night. 

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