Chapter 40

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*As always, this story is on-going and changes will be made along the way

Thank you to each and every one of you for reading my book. Your support is everything to me! :)

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**Mature content in this book | +18 only



I didn't know why I suggested tagging along with Giovanni to his family's event but it just felt like the right thing to do. When I woke up in his arms, I was reminded that I was meant to be there. It just felt right to me. I know I was the one who walked out on him and that I still had to deal with the whole Casey situation but it didn't have to be today. It didn't even have to be this weekend. I had convinced myself that I could have this time with him and then I'd figure out what to do next. A voice in the back of my head screamed at me not to go through with this. My heart knew I wouldn't be able to handle it when reality came knocking but I didn't have it in me to walk away from him again. I didn't know what that meant in the long run but I wasn't concerned about that right now. All I wanted to focus on was a weekend with him out of the city. Away from everyone we knew and away from our problems.

You're only putting off the inevitable

The voice in my head was right but I drowned her out. I pushed through the doors to my apartment building with a bag packed for the weekend. I left Reyna a message telling her I was going out of town and that I'd answer all her questions when I got back. I didn't want to have to explain myself to anyone. I just wanted to follow my heart and it kept leading me back to him. He was leaning against his car but walked towards me as I came into view.

He reached for my bag, "Is this everything?"

"I think so. I wasn't even sure what to pack. Are you sure I'll be able to get something to wear there?"

My phone buzzed in my back pocket. I pulled it out and Lorenzo's name flashed across the screen. I had been avoiding his calls this morning but I just didn't know what I was going to say to him. I wanted to avoid everyone this weekend.

Giovanni shut the boot and walked over to the driver's seat, pulling his door open as we both slipped inside

"My mother has already organised everything for you. We have a family friend who is a designer so they're going to send some options up for you,"

I pulled my seatbelt across my chest and clipped it in, "That seems a bit excessive,"

He shrugged, "My family is excessive. Trust me, you'll have everything you need,"

He secured his seatbelt and leaned his arm across, resting his hand on the back of my headrest as he turned to reverse out of the parking. He leaned closer to me and I took a moment to soak him in. I'd never get enough of looking at him. He tugged at his bottom lip for a brief moment while he concentrated and the car moved back. He brought his hand to the steering wheel again and turned onto the road, joining the rest of the cars.

He handed me his phone, "You're in charge of the music,"

I took his phone and unlocked it, surprised to see a picture of me staring up at me. It was a freeze-frame moment of me laughing and I was surprised at how happy I was here.

"When did you take this?" I asked

"That day at the fountain," he replied sheepishly, "Sorry, I probably should have removed that,"

I didn't even know he had me as his wallpaper but the fact he did made my heart burst with happiness. I didn't want him to remove it. I didn't remove mine either - I couldn't bring myself to do it. It reminded me of a happier time and I never wanted to forget that.

"I loved that day," I murmured

He glanced over at me and reached for my hand, bringing it up to his lips, "Me too,"

I smiled as he let go of my hand. Every little moment with him made my heart swell and I was consumed by my feelings for him. It was suffocating at times. I scrolled through his music and landed on a Reggaeton playlist that I knew we would both enjoy. I kept his phone in the compartment in between us and fished mine out as it started to buzz again.

Lorenzo was calling

"Do you want to get that?" Giovanni asked

I placed my phone on silent and locked it. I needed time to figure out what I was going to do next and I didn't want to have to answer to anyone right now. I had decided I was going to spend the weekend with Giovanni and that was as far as I had gotten when it came to making decisions. I had no idea what I was hoping to achieve from this weekend but I was happy to live in blissful ignorance for the next couple of days.


"Was it Lorenzo calling?"

I nodded and kept my eyes straight ahead. I felt guilty for what happened with Lorenzo last night. I should never have let him kiss me. It wasn't what I really wanted but my feelings were a mess and I wasn't thinking straight.

"Do you have feelings for him?"

I was surprised by his question and how calmly he was asked me. I turned to him, as he moved between looking at me and keeping his eyes on the road. Did I have feelings for Lorenzo? I enjoyed his company and was happy when he was around but it didn't feel romantic to me. I could definitely acknowledge how attractive he was and there were moments when I thought there could be something more. Soft touches and longing looks - there was something there but the kiss last night just confirmed that it was nothing more than friendship on my side.

"You're the only one I have feelings for,"

"Even after everything?" He asked softly, the vulnerability shining in his eyes

"My feelings for you haven't changed, Giovanni," I reached for his hand and squeezed it, "I just don't know what the future holds for us,"

He was silent but he never let go of my hand. Neither of us had that answer right now.

"But I don't want to think about that," I tried to lighten the mood a bit, "We agreed that I'd come with as a friend so I think we should try our best to keep it that way,"

He lifted an eyebrow, "You told me once that you and I could never be friends,"

He was right. Even in that moment, I was holding is hand as if it was the most normal thing but it wasn't. Not for two people who were broken up. I could never be just friends with him. How could I be when I was still completely in love with him?

"I don't want to be just friends with you, Isabella," he murmured, "But I'll respect your boundaries because I'm just happy to have you in this car with me,"

I smiled but pulled my hand slowly away from his. I couldn't think of being just friends with him when I could feel the heat between us already. I needed to keep my desire locked away for now. I couldn't keep handing myself over to him.

"You mentioned that Nate works for your dad," I changed the subject, "Does that mean he is going to be at this Christmas party?"

"It's a possibility. I'm not happy about your ex being here," he admitted

"It's not like you have to worry about him. Our relationship ended long ago and he's engaged," I reminded him, "And I don't really care about Nate that way anymore. I'll admit it was weird to see him again but there were no longing feelings or anything like that. I was over Nate way before we broke up,"

That was the sad truth. I had definitely loved Nate in the beginning but it didn't last. I wasn't in love with him and our relationship was more of one of convenience. I was actually happy that he found someone else. He deserved to be happy too.

"So we might have your ex to deal with and I have to watch my parents pretend they aren't fucking each other around," Giovanni took a deep breath in, "It's going to be quite an interesting party to attend,"

He was right. Who knew what this weekend was going to bring? 

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