Chapter 57

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*As always, this story is on-going and changes will be made along the way

Thank you to each and every one of you for reading my book. Your support is everything to me! :)

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I opened my eyes and was greeted by the bright fluorescent lights shining down on me. I closed them again before trying to open them slowly, this time prepared for the bright lights. I could hear the constant beeping again and tried to look around to see where it was coming from. I was definitely in a hospital, that much was clear but I couldn't move. There was pain all over my body. I was so disorientated trying to gather my bearings.

"Buenas dias, Señor Velazquez," I heard a voice say and I slowly turned in the direction of it

A younger-looking nurse walked over to my left side, suddenly coming into my view. She smiled at me sweetly, "How are we feeling this morning"

"O-okay," I stuttered

I swallowed, the feeling of my dry mouth urging me to ask for water. I couldn't move so I wouldn't be able to get it myself.

"Water," I managed to get out, "Water, por favor?"

"Si, Señor," she turned and reached for a small cup with a straw sticking out. She brought it to my lips and I welcomed it, slowly sucking on it as I felt the water on my tongue. It was like a breath of fresh air after suffocating. I took another sip before she moved it back to the table.

"What happened?" I asked

"You were in a very bad car accident," she explained, "But the doctor says you're going to be just fine. I'm sure he'll be here soon to explain more,"


She smiled and left my side. I was left with nothing but the ceiling for company as I stared up at it trying to rack my brain around what happened. Everything was a blur in my mind. I remembered driving back to the city. I remembered the storm. I remembered Isabella.

Isabella? When last did I see her?

I tried to think back. I remembered her voice and her hand in mine. She was apologising to me. She must have been here because it was after the accident. The memories of the accident came flooding back. The feeling of being thrown into darkness and not being able to move. I remembered the pain which was must worse than what I was experiencing now and I was thankful for that. I remembered trying to call Isabella and tell her about the paternity test

Oh yes, the paternity test results

I remembered the fact that I was not the father of Casey's baby and the happiness inside of me returned. I just needed to see Isabella and tell her. I needed to tell her that we were going to be okay. I didn't care about the pain I was in or the fact that I was in an accident at all, I just needed to see her again and tell her.

Between the exhaustion and the pain, my eyes slowly started to close again. I tried to keep them open, hoping that someone would come and see me but I couldn't any longer. I shut my eyes and welcomed the sleep.


"Giovanni?" I heard her voice in the distance, "Can you hear me? The nurse said you were awake earlier,"

I could hear her voice but I couldn't move again. I was paralysed and the frustration started to build up inside of me.

Come on, Giovanni. Focus on her voice.

"I needed to come and see how you're doing," she murmured

I focused on nothing but her voice as I took a deep breath in. I needed to see her again and I used all the strength I had inside of me to open my eyes. After a couple more moments of darkness, I was finally greeted by those bright lights again.

"Oh my, God," she exclaimed and her face came into view, "You're awake!"

She had been crying. I could see her eyes were still filled with tears and they were red and puffy. Even with the clear sadness in them, she still looked beautiful. She was a natural beauty - not a drop of makeup was on her face and I had never seen anyone look more perfect.

"Hi baby," I murmured

"You're awake," she kept repeating as she grabbed my hand and leaned her forehead against it, the tears slowly escaping her eyes, "I can't believe you're awake,"

"Hey, don't cry," I slowly lifted my other hand, bringing it over hers,

"I'm so happy that you're okay," she cried, "I was so scared that I was going to lose you. I was here yesterday,"

I remembered her words. I remembered her apologising and telling me that she wasn't going anywhere. She didn't know it but I had heard everything she said.

"I'm so sorry, Giovanni," she cried, "I am so sorry for everything and for leaving like I did and for saying I ne-,"

I stopped her, "Isabella, hey, look at me,"

Her hazel eyes met mine

"You don't have anything to apologize for," I assured her

"Of course I do," she tightened her grip on my hand, "I left because I needed to think about if I wanted to be with you. How stupid could I be? Of course, I want to be with you. The fact that I almost lost you..."

She stopped her sentence as she was overcome with a new wave of tears. She leaned closer to me, resting her head on my hand again

"You didn't lose me, baby, you're never going to lose me," I lifted my hand slowly and ran my fingers through her hair as best as I could, "Everything is fine,"

"It's not fine," she cried, "And I didn't even know you tried to call me till I listened to your voicemail this morning,"


Oh yes - I had called Isabella to tell her about the results when the car hit. That was really bad timing but I didn't dwell on it for too long. I was far too eager to tell her about the results.

"Isabella," I murmured softly, "Baby, look at me,"

She lifted her gaze to mine again, her eyes swimming with sadness

"I don't want you to cry anymore. You have nothing to worry about - everything is going to be fine,"

She nodded and gave me a small smile, "I was just so scared of losing you. I don't care about Casey and the baby. I want to be with you Giovanni, doesn't matter what it takes,"

My heart warmed at her words. She was willing to put herself through that because she loved me enough to be with me.

"You don't have to worry about Casey and the baby," I said softly

"Of course, I do," she objected, "And that's fine. I'll be a step-mot-,"

"You're not going to be a step-mother because I'm not going to be a father,"

She froze 

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