☆Prologue: A Dream☆

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Date: Friday, May 25, 2018. 12:00A

I step outside to see snow on the ground and look up to see my boyfriend, I walk up to see him in his usual getup; blue jeans, white sneakers, a dark hoodie covering his greenish blue eyes and very short, red hair, he gave me a small smile as I cross my arms over my pink nightgown and scrunch my face causing my floral printed glasses to edge forward slightly "You're late." I say as he places his right hand on the nape of his neck "I'm sorry babe, you know I've been busy with Practice." He replies nervously as I sigh "We've been over this, just let me know when you'll be late, Rowan." I say in a more cold voice than what I meant. Rowan frowns "I'm sorry I've been so busy, are you coming tomorrow? Coach said I can play really well." He asks with a hopeful look in those eyes. I sigh and shake my head "I'm not sure, Rowan. I've got so much going on." I say as he rolls his eyes "You know, you always have time for your studies. But when will you have time for me, Ash?" He asks "What do you mean?" "I mean, you've been so distant lately. Did I do something wrong? It just seems like you can't stand me anymore." He says "Rowan, I've been working hard so I can get good grades." I explain "You don't have to go out of state, you can go where I'm going, they're a really good school babe." He says as I roll my eyes "No way, they don't even have what I want." I snap "Yes they do! They have photography there!" He exclaims "It's not that, I don't want to go here because everyone knows me, I just want to be around different people you know." I say as he furrows his brows; a sign he is angry "Okay, you want to see new people, apparently I'm not different enough for you? Is that it? Well fine, here's your chance." He says as he starts to storm off "Rowan!! Rowan!! Get over here!!" I shout while running after him. I grab his arm and he shrugs it off. "Rowan, baby, I-" "I what? It's always I, I, I, I. You don't care about nobody really but yourself, Ash. I love you, but I can't keep going like this. You're just too selfish." "Are you...are you breaking up with me?" I ask as he nods "Yeah...I guess I am. I'm tired of having to prove myself to you." He says as he then turns and keeps walking "Rowan! Rowan Grant, get over here!!" I shout but he just keeps walking, I stay outside and watch him leave into the snow. I sigh angrily while letting a few tears slip. I walk back to my house and open the door "What happened?" Mom asks as I look towards her "Oh, nothing. Rowan just broke up with me." I say as she smiles "Thank God! That boy was never good!" "Mom!" I snap at her before running into my room and slamming the door. I can hear my mom shouting joyfully and I lay down "Ugh...I'm barely 14, I shouldn't be going through this!" I think as I look at my calendar to see a picture of Rowan and me together, my curly brunette hair in a ponytail, my floral printed glasses bringing a glare over my hazel eyes and I am on Rowan's back. This picture was taken right when I started high school, since we are a year apart. "We have dated since we were kids, how could he do this to me? Well, he is 15. He's got his permit, he's probably even planning to mess around now." My thoughts bug as I roll my eyes, grab the picture, and throw it away, this is our fourth time dating, and this time we've been dating for almost 3 years. I lay down on the bed and start to cry, why me? How could he do this?


I open my eyes and look around the empty hall, "Oh no, this dream again..." I think to myself as I run down the hall and open the double doors. A little boy; no younger than 5 and in baggy, torn clothes, was laying down and sobbing while facing a white sheet. I tried to approach him but suddenly two grown men in baggy clothes in their 30s grabbed ahold of him "Aww look, the lil' bloke no longer has the whore!" The one on the boy's left exclaimed with an accent as the one on the right laughed "That'll teach 'im! We should probably get rid of him too, no more diseases!" He exclaimed with the same accent as he then pulled out a knife and aimed for the young boy's chest "No!! Don't!!" I shout, but I didn't wake up. Whenever I see this part I always wake up, but this time was different...the boy fought against the man on his right by kicking and screaming "Shut it, foundling. Wretched disease!!" He shouted with a laugh, suddenly to my right I see a man about their exact age wearing a black trenchcoat and boots, tan pants, a white undershirt with a red vest, an orange beard down to his collarbone, and a black durag. He pulled out a sword "Dè tha dol? (What is going on?)" He asked as the men looked at the man who stood 4 ft more above them, the man yeilding the knife stood up "Tu chi sei? Guarda i tuoi occhi! (Who are you? Watch your eyes!)" He exclaimed as the tall man shook his head "We seem to have a problem, men. Let the boy go." He said in a thick accent as the man holding the boy scowled "This wretch?! No more disease for us! He is to die with his wench!" He exclaimed as the boy cried out "Màthair! Màthair! Cuidich mi! Leig leam falbh! (Mother! Mother! Help me! Let me go!)". "Give the boy to me, or I will kill the both of you right here!" "And why should we do that?!" The man holding the boy yelled "Because he is my son, now set him to his father now or so help you God!!" The man demanded as the men then dropped the boy and ran "Blasted wench! Blokes!" The man that yeilded the knife exclaimed. The boy, who had green eyes and reddish blonde hair looked up at the tall man before him "I am Reid. Come with me." The man said offering his left hand as the boy wiped his eyes and looked at the sheet before taking the man's hand and they walked "Wait! Is he okay?! Somebody do something!!" I shouted as everything went black.


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