☆Chapter Ten: Captured☆

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The next day I was still pretty shocked, having it's been three days since I got kidnapped, I cradle my belly and waddle to my window in our cabin to see the sun slowly rising. "Good morning, kid. Looks like it's just you and me again." I say, I hear someone stir and look over to see Rowan asleep peacefully. I still have no clue what's been going on, or when I will have the baby. Rowan's eyes crack open and he sits up lazily "What are ye doin' up, Lassie?" He asks with a yawn "Oh, just watching the sunrise. You looked happy sleeping so I left you be." I explain as he nods and smiles "Aye, the sunrise is beautiful, just like you." He says as I roll my eyes "Where did you get that one from? Shakespeare?" I ask, he looks at me with an arched brow "I love ya, Lassie, but sometimes I have no idea what yer yappin' about." He says with a laugh as he gets up out of the bed and stretches "Rowan, I was going to ask you. Didn't you think it was, too easy?" I ask as Rowan cocks his head to the side "What you mean?" He asks as I turn around to face him "I mean, do you think Grant tricked us? It felt too easy, maybe they're planning something more sinister?" I ask, Rowan chuckles before smiling at me "Lassie, Grant don't stay around fer too long, he's got other people ta kill. And even if he does try anyt'ing I'll get 'im meself." He says as he walks up to me and holds me in a warm embrace. Maybe he's right? We start off our morning pretty well; we eat breakfast, and I go find something to do while Rowan works. That thought keeps gnawing at me though. Grant seemed pretty easy to get knocked to the ground like that, and he just lets us go, same with the crew, it just doesn't make any sense. I get down to our cabin and walk in, maybe I can sleep as I haven't been sleeping well since the incident. I uncover the blanket before stretching; I feel arms wrap around me "Rowan, please." I say with a sigh "Say another word an' I'm guttin' ya up like a fish." A gruff voice snaps, I gasp and try to move but the man puts a knife to my throat "I knew it, it was a trap, wasn't it?" I ask "What would you know? Yer just a woman." He snaps as he begins to walk me backwards "No, you're wrong. I'm a mom to be." I say before elbowing his ribs roughly. He grunts from the impact and tries to slice at me "Get o'er here!" The man shouts before I step back "What exactly is your plan? All this because we hit your ship?" I ask "Stop yer whinin' an' come here if you want Rowan alive!" He threatens, I glare at him and sigh "You won't hurt my baby, will you?" I ask, the man shrugs "That depends on yer co-op." He says darkly. I see that from his scraggly, black beard partially soaked with blood and a blood stained sword he is pretty serious. I sigh and walk past him "Where are we going? Lead the way." I say as he walks ahead of me. We stand at a gaping hole in the ship's wall that I stare at in shock. "Have you been camping here?" I ask as he now grabs me and pushes me. I scream as I look down at the rowboat below me "Get 'er!" A blonde man orders as two bigger men catch me, I feel bile gurgle in my stomach as I look at the blonde man "What are you going to do to me?!" I shout as the other man hops down onto the boat with us and slips and falls into the ocean. I sit down and the men who caught me row us to a boat three miles from The Night Soul. I look up to see Grant's ship; with the entire crew eyeing us. They hoist us up by ropes aboard the ship where the men pick me up "Where do we put her?" A tall man asks as the man on my left nods toward ahead of us "Where Cap'n says." He replies, I look back as I see the crew watching me. We head down into the cellar "Please keep in mind that I'm pregnant, and-" "Yeah, yeah, wench. Where yer stayin' be very nice!" The man on my right cuts me off before I look up; a small room with metal bars is nailed to the floor and ceiling; almost like a jailcell. I back away with the two men trying to pull me forward "No, no, you can't put me in there!" I exclaim "Oh, relax!" The man on my left says as they set me inside and shut the cage door "Noo!! You can't do this to me!" I shout as the men laugh "The Cap'n'll be seein' ya shortly!" The man on the right exclaims as they turn around and walk off. I scream at the top of my lungs as I beat on the cage with my fists. I look at my hands to see they're bruised and I growl angrily "Hello?! Somebody help me!!" I shout "Nobody can hear you!" A voice booms. I jump back and curl into somewhat of a fetal position, Captain Grant steps into view with a lit lantern in his hand; his eyes cold and dark. "Oh c'mon now, aren'tcha happy ta see me?" He asks mockingly as I lean forward "What is it that you want from me, Grant?" I ask as he chuckles darkly "I think ye know what I want, Lassie. Da Night Soul destroyed." He says "Okay, but why me? Is it because I'm carrying your biological grandchild?" I ask as he shrugs "Rowan be nothin' more t'an a disease!" He exclaims, I hold my hands to the bars and stand up "Please don't do this, do you have a heart at all?" I ask as he laughs "He really got 'imself an idiot, di'nt he?" He asks, my eyes widen "Excuse me?! Don't you dare speak to me that way!" I snap. Grant now puts the latern to the bars "If ye don't hush dat mouth o' yers I'll throw ya o'er ta the sharks ya hear?!" He shouts "Listen to me, Grant, I woke up to find myself pregnant, a pirate, I was supposed to marry my uncle which is absolutely gross, and to top it all off! I'm engaged and now I have to deal with the likes of you! I'm not afraid of you!" I snap, Grant smirks and I glare daggers at him, he pulls back "You're quite something, girl. Heh." He says as he turns around and trudges off into the darkness "Wait! Where does that leave me?!" I ask. His laughter in the darkness being his only response. I shake my head and roll my eyes. I don't know what I'm supposed to do now? A week passes with me being in darkness, thankfully they would feed me and they left some lanterns for me. They'd feed me fish; which was fine but I'm sure I stunk pretty bad. I mostly laid down and played with my belly, my baby is sure active, though occasionally I'd feel two or more other bumps...probably nothing. I see Grant come down towards me with a halo of light from the lantern. I look at him confusingly as he storms toward the cage. "Good morning, Grant. What is it today? Fish?" I ask whilst crossing my arms, Grant chuckles "Yer somethin' ain'tcha? Too bad I gotta see ya go." He says as he opens the bars "Oh? You're finally taking me back?" I ask as he grabs my arms "No, you'll be sleepin' with da fishes tonight." He says with a hearty laugh. My eyes widen as I try to kick "No! What?! Why?!" I shout before he smacks me across my face "You need ta die, wench." He says calmly before grabbing me again. "Unless ya want dat baby out of ya and ya can watch me tear it limb from limb." He seethes, his hot breath against my face. I spit at him and he grabs my throat, he begins to drag me while I try to free myself from his iron grip. He walks up out of the cellar and I can see the sunset. He throws me down while I hold my belly "Please, don't do this." I say with a bloodchoked voice as the crew laughs. Why would they do this? "What do you get to gain from killing me?" I ask as Grant kneels down to my eye level "Just anotha name in me book of people I've kilt. Yer nothin' special." He hisses before standing up. "Off to the plank!" He exclaims as three men grab me. I scream and try to get free; it's no use. The men chant as they set me on a wooden board going over the ocean. I never thought these were real. I look back to see the men laughing "I won't!" I exclaim as a man smacks me down "Do it or we'll behead ya right 'ere, Miss. Get on wit it!!" He shouts, pushing me down. I stand up slowly; tears pricking my eyes. Maybe this is my way back to reality, is for me to die in this world...I walk steadily on the plank and try to prepare for my death, is this it? I look down at the black waters below as the crew keeps cheering me to jump, I take a deep breath; my final breath. I open my eyes to see a ship ride towards us at max velocity. The ship barely misses us and I see a familiar boy with an eyepatch and big grin on his face "Alice!!" Rowan shouts as my eyes widen and I smile "Rowan!!" I shout back as Grant grabs me "Go down!!" He shouts at me but I kick my right leg into his testicles. He shouts in pain and I balance myself away from him. The Night Soul's crew hops onto the ship and furiously begins killing and mauling. I've never seen so much death happen in my life. I continue to run through the fighting, Grant trails not far behind me and bellows loudly. I look back to see him getting closer and get hit by a pole. The men watch Grant and me and he grabs me by my hair "Nice try-" "PUT HER DOWN, GRANT!!!" A familiar voice screams, and I look to my left to see Doc with a sword in both hands; he glares at Grant menacingly. "Let 'er go, Grant, she is of no concern of ya!" He exclaims as Grant stands up "I could slice 'er throat right here and now." He says with a laugh as Doc walks over to him "You done took everythin' from me, Grant. Ya ain't takin' this!" He says "I don't even know who ya are...wait, that boy was yer boy, wa'n't he? Hah, he needed ta die!" He says as Doc slices him with his right hand's sword against Grant's arm "This is for my son. AUGH!!" Doc screams before Grant lets go of me and pulls a sword out, Doc turns to look at me. "Run, Alice!!" He shouts as they begin to clash swords. I run away from them and look at my surroundings; there is so much gore...I run up the steps to the Helm and look over to The Night Soul. Should I make a jump for it? I hold my belly "What should I do, kid?" I ask, I look over at a rope and smirk; I have an idea. Like they do in the movies I grab the rope and attempt to climb it, if Rowan can do it, surely I can. Right? I try to move slowly as I watch more people die, Doc and Grant are still swordfighting. I see men running up towards me. "No..." I mutter before pulling at the rope. "C'mon, swing already!" I exclaim "Hey, lady, get down from there!!" A man shouts as I try to swing slowly. I feel someone grab my ankles and pull me down making me shriek "Hey, it's the Alice!" Abdalla says as I smile "Abdalla! Help me!" I exclaim as more men race towards us "Find Rowan! He will help you, Alice!" Abdalla orders as I roll my eyes and look around, getting frustrated "Where?!" I shout, I try to scream for people to stop, trying to think of where to go, to no avail. Tears begin to pour down my cheeks and I stare at The Night Soul longingly. "Wake up!! Wake up!!" I shout, smacking my face. I look over and I see Rowan curbstomping a man, he now stops and pulls up the man by his throat "Where is she?!" He shouts "Rowan!!" I shout, Rowan looks at me; his face covered in blood. He drops the man and runs to me "Are ya okay, Lassie?" He asks as I nod "Yes, I'm fine, don't worry about me. Let's get off this ship!" I exclaim "Alright, but ev'ryone is fighting, I should be. I gotta getcha o'er d'ere." He says as he grabs my arm. "Cùm do ghrèim (Hold on)." He orders as I nod, he leans up to kiss me passionately; my eyes widen and slowly close into the kiss. The kiss lasts half of a minute before I break it "Rowan, the heck?! Let's go!" I exclaim as he laughs "Sorry, Lassie." He says as he grips my right hand tighter. We run through the crowd of fighting; I did get cut by a sword and gasp, I had blood splatter on my dress as we just go down the steps. I see Doc dodge a swing from Grant, Reid charges toward them with his sword high above his head. Rowan grabs a rope. "Grab dis rope an' swing really hard." He says, I turn around to see Grant move away from Doc and turn to clash with Reid, Doc attempts to stab Grant before a man attacks Reid, Reid stumbles back and Grant turns quickly. I shout at Doc but it's too late; Doc stands still and drops his swords. He falls to his knee and Reid holds a bloody dagger, he now turns around and stabs Reid in his stomach; Rowan and I watching the macabre scene. "NOOOOOO!!!" Rowan screams as I grab Rowan "He'll kill you too!" I exclaim, Rowan's eye gets watery as he grabs the rope and begins to shove me "I won't lose you too!! Hold on!!" He shouts before pushing me. I scream as I watch Rowan get farther and farther away, I let go of the rope and roll onto the floorboards before standing up, Rowan runs back to Doc and Reid as I run to the edge. What should I do?! I run over to where Abdalla would be "Abdalla!! Abdalla!! What should I do?!" I shout, I hear nothing but violence. And that's when everything goes black...I open my eyes to see Rowan with blood on his body and a stab wound in his right shoulder, he laughs with tears "Yer alive! Hah! Yer alive!!" He shouts before pulling me into a hug, I pat his back and see we are at the Helm of The Night Soul; I see the night sky above us. Rowan lets go of me "What happened?" I ask "Well, ya got hit by a  flagpole, Lassie." "A what?!" I ask in shock as he smirks "A flagpole, Alice. You just had minor bruising though, you'll get better." Abdalla says reassuringly. I look around at the open ocean, we still have our crew with us "What about Grant?" I ask wearily, Abdalla and Rowan exchange looks before Rowan looks at me sympathetically "I know this might sound odd, Lassie. We killed most of his crew, and Grant threatened Reid that he'd kill me if we didn't leave his ship..." He trails off, his eye looking down to the left as I blink "Why...? What happened?" I ask. Abdalla pats Rowan on his right shoulder as another man picks me up gently. We all walk to the cellar where I hear painful screaming; bloodcurdling even. I stare wide-eyed at the door as a man with blue eyes and black hair knocks harshly on the door "Doc! C'mon now, ya can't hide in d'ere fereva!" He has a Scottish accent, the man knocks again "LEAVE ME BE, VARMINT!!!" A gruff voice screams from the door. Rowan shakes his head and approaches the door "Doc, it be Rowan, Alice is awake!" He exclaims. Doc grumbles an incoherent sentence "Shield 'er eyes!! She'll need it, I tell ya!" He exclaims. Abdalla opens the door and I look inside the room. Doc is leaning into a hammoc with a bottle of what looks to be alcohol on his right side; he also has a hook and thread that he's holding tightly...I can see the huge gash in his stomach bleeding profusely. He lets out another scream as he looks at me weakly. "I told ya I'd get 'im back!" He says with a laugh. Rowan grabs my right arm gently "He's drunk, it's fer da numbness." Rowan whispers as I nod, I watch Doc's right hand as it burries the hook into his flesh making him have a pained face. Rowan walks up slowly "Doc, have ye seen Reid?" He asks, almost timidly, Doc drunkenly points his left hand as more blood pours from his wound "Doc, why won't you let nobody help you?" I ask as he shakes his head "Kid, I don't trust anybody on dis ship, I'll be fine, ain't da first time I done dis!" He exclaims as I shake my head "Thank you, for earlier, Doc." I say as he just softly smiles "I hope I avenged 'im, my dear boy." He says, looking off into space. I pat his shoulder and Abdalla touches my left shoulder "Captain is in the other room." He says quietly as I nod and walk into the room. Rowan is kneeling down and patting Reid on his left shoulder "I'm happy you and Alice are okey, lad. Doc checked me already befer workin' on 'imself." He explains as Rowan nods "I got 'im, Reid. You an' Doc are gon' be okay. I'm sure o' it." He says determinedly, Reid looks my way and smiles warmly "Aye, if it ain't da Lass. I hope ya an' that child be doin' well." He says, Rowan looks at me and I walk in slowly "We are, I am just surprised you guys rescued me..." I trail off "Lassie, of course we would." Rowan says as Reid chuckles darkly "Yeah, we's a family now, don't you ferget that." He says whilst pointing at me. I smile and blush lightly. Reid now looks to Rowan and smiles weakly "Rowan, ya know I don't be askin' much o' ya, but I'll be down fer a bit...would, would ye take me place?" He asks, Rowan's eye widens as he stands up "As...as Cap'n? Reid, I-I-" "He'd be more than honored." I cut Rowan off, he looks at me in shock as Reid nods "It'll only be fer awhile, Lad. It's like whatcha always wanted." Reid says as Rowan nods "Alright, I'll leave ya be, Reid." He says as they both bid each other adieu and he gets us out of there. That night I tried to comfort Rowan about being captain for awhile, but to be honest, what is supposed to happen now?


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