☆Chapter Fourteen: Doc☆

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October 4, 1650 @ 4:20A

I open my eyes to see it's dark, I get up out of the bed to see that Rowan is asleep on the floor. I sigh and walk over him, I open the door and walk by the hammocks; making my way up the steps onto the dock. I cradle my belly as I see a few of our crew out and about. I look up at the sky to see the stars shining brightly and I smile; feeling the warm breeze "Well, baby, when you get out of me, I'll show you the stars." I say. It's been a week since we've gotten married, things haven't been much too different, and I have been spending more time with Doc. I get ready to head downstairs to go see him, as I have been trying to help him. Nobody will even look for a hospital; and God only knows about Reid. I walk through to see Doc with his hands cupped over his chest and his eyes closed, but his mouth is moving. "Doc?" I ask, he opens his eyes and smiles "I'm sorry, child, I was praying." He says with a weak smile, I walk up to him and he laughs softly. "You're about to give birth." He says "I know, and is everything okay?" I ask as he nods "Yes, I was just praying, I want to see my son again, I haven't been close to religion for awhile, I figured I might as well." He says, I hold his right hand "You're going to be okay, Doc. I'm so sorry you have to be in this amount of pain." I say "Oh, Alice. I be in no pain no more, just, peace. Now, I want you to promise me that you will tell your children that I cared for them deeply, and wanted to deliver them. You raise these babies well, okay?" He asks as I nod "Of course, Doc. And you're going to make it through this, I promise you!" I exclaim, he looks into my eyes and smiles warmly "Alice, it's going to be alright. You're a good girl, and I know you're going to be an amazing mother." He says. He now turns his head to the left, and I hug him softly "Oh, Doc, you're going to be okay." I tell him. All I hear is silence, I look down at his stomach to see that he's not breathing...no...I lean forward to look at his face to see his eyes open and glassy; no life in them. "Doc? Doc, no...wake up! Doc!!" I shout whilst shaking him, he doesn't stir, his hand releases mine loosely, I turn around "HELP!!! SOMEBODY HELP!!!" I scream, tears begin to stream down my face, a few pirates come down and see Doc's body. "He's gone..." I trail off and begin to ball. The two pirates come down to check on Doc, I get down on my knees. How could I have let him die? How? Rowan comes down the stairs, gets down on his knees, and holds me "I'm so sorry, Lassie." He whispers tearfully as I sob "Why couldn't we help him?" I ask as he shakes his head "I...I don't know." He says sadly as he gets up to help his crew. I ran to Reid's room to see him just waking up "Doc...he..." I trail off, Reid nods solemnly "Aye...it's okay." He says sadly. I run to him and hug him tightly as he hugs back. I can't believe I'm hugging a pirate; let alone a captain...but Reid is so much different. Rowan comes into the room to see us "We, uhm, we should honor him, Athair." He says, Reid nods "We should. Help Alice up there." He says "I can get up there by myself, Reid." I say as he tries to stand up, I try to grab his shoulder but he shoves it away "Nah, I got it. No worries 'ere." Reid states with a small, but weak, laugh. Rowan helps me up the steps "Rowan," he looks at me, "are you alright?" I ask. He nods softly "Aye...yes, I'm okey, Lassie. I'm jus' tryin' ta-" "It's okay, Row." I whisper, putting my right hand on his cheek softly. He looks down and moves my hand away gently "I'm fine, Alice. I know ye an' Doc had somethin' special, he even told me ya did. Let's get goin'." He says dismissively. I follow him and we head up to the Helm to see all of the crew. Doc's body lays on the wood, his eyes already shut and I see two of our crewmembers put a white sheet over him. Tears come down my face as I grab for Rowan's right hand with my left, Reid comes up to us "He was a good man..." He trails off, sniffling quickly and limping up to the body. Rowan looks down "Why did this happen?" He asks quietly as I shake my head "I'm not sure...I wish I knew." I whisper. "As I'm sure e'r'one knows! Doc fought a hard an' noble fight! He was witty, an' sharp as a sword he was. Hearing he was gone broke me heart, as it has e'r'one else's. Let us bow our heads fer a moment." Reid says. I feel a dark cloud loom over me as my breath hitches; I close my eyes and grip Rowan's hand. Silence ensues the ship for a few moments. I feel Rowan's hand shake lightly and judging by his body language he is crying hard. I feel him move and I open my left eye to see him look up "...I thought I heard the Old Man say "Leave her, Johnny, leave her" Tomorrow ye will get your pay." He's singing? I hear a few more men join in. "And it's time for us to leave her." They sing.

(Play at 0:15) the crew all starts joining in to sing the song. I recognize it instantly from a game that Rowan played...my old Rowan. Reid sings proudly and I can feel something; the crew's sorrow, but the power of their loyalty. I feel love in this moment, and eventually I begin to sing along to the chorus after hearing it once or twice. I'm sure Doc is loving this. After the song everyone cheers; including me. I wave goodbye to Doc before Abdalla, Rowan, Phyllis, and Reid lift up the body and throw it into the ocean depths below. I wipe my tears as Rowan comes up to me and hugs me "It's gon' be alright, Lassie." He whispers comfortingly. Abdalla pats my shoulders "Alright, e'r'one! Back ta work!!" Reid barks out as everyone obeys. I stand still and feel a crack in my heart, Rowan grabs my left arm gently "Lassie, it'll be alright." He says softly; something flashes in his eye before he lets go and walks away. I sigh sadly and walk back to my room; I start crying while doing so. Why wouldn't anyone try to help him? I know he was the only one here with any medical knowledge, but there's doctors everywhere...right? I sit on my bed and look out at the moon as I play with my brown hair, I begin thinking about how I am now Alice Wellerman; what an odd sounding name. I look out the window and begin to smile as I think of the times Doc showed that he truly cared for the baby and me, he was a good man. Rowan opens the door to see me "Ya alright?" He asks as I nod solemnly "I guess...how are you feeling, Row?" I ask. He sits down by me "Ahh, death happens, Lassie. Can't get away from it." He says "Yeah, but you can still grieve. He was a good man, Rowan." "I know that, Alice. This be me way o' movin' on." He says "Well, now I'm worried. Because how are we going to deliver this baby now?" I ask "We'll find ways, Lassie. It'll be alright." He says "How are you so calm through all of this? Doc just died, and nobody tried to help him!" I exclaim "Nobody tried, Lassie?! What choice did me crew have?! It's da middle o' the ocean!! An' Lassie, he ain't da first person I've lost, ya just get used ta it af'er awhile..." He trails off, something weird starts to hit me dully, and I shake my head "Rowan, you've got to give me time, okay? I'm not like you, I don't shut off my emotions on will." I snap as he stands up "It's not 'bout that, Lassie. I have to forget, or I'd break down!" He exclaims "What ya do is fine. If you want to be an emotionless ghost go ahead, but I am scared, I'm worried, the only hope I have for delivering this baby is gone now! He was a dear friend to me!" I cry "I'm sorry, Lassie. I'm sorry!!" He shouts before punching the wall with his left hand. Rowan pants for a moment while I look at him fearfully "Something is bothering you, Rowan..." I trail off "Of course somethin' be botherin' me! I'm losin' me crew, I'm a Cap'n now, and I worry 'boutcha an' yer safety!" He exclaims, something hits my stomach and I cry out "R-Rowan! Something's wrong!" I exclaim, Rowan gets down on his haunches "What's wrong, Lassie?!" "I, I don't know it's-" I scream, my heart pounding. "The baby's coming!!" I shout.


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