☆Chapter Eighteen: Fight with Grant☆

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I attempt swinging myself on the rope; clutching my sword tightly. How am I gonna get over there? I swing myself back and forth "C'mon, please!!" I yell, I feel someone climb on with me, and I look down to see a man with a missing eye "I won't hurt you, wench." He teases. I drop the sword on him and he falls down, I slide down with an 'oof' and grab the sword "Oh, screw it!!" I shout, and begin to yell as I charge myself up the stairs. Thinking of a plan; I just hope it works...I run up the stairs and hold my sword up with both hands. Rowan swings his sword and clashes it with Grant's. Grant attempts to jab at Rowan but he ducks underneath and slices the blade against Grant's cheek "Tha, tha thu a 'sabaid math. Ach cha stad mi gus am bi d' fhuil air mo lann. (Yes, you fight good.But I won't stop until your blood is on my blade.)" Grant says, slicing Rowan's left shoulder making him yell out. Before Grant could stab Rowan's head, Rowan takes his sword with his left hand to block Grant. The swords clang and make noise similar to nails on a chalkboard. I now aim my sword at Grant "Stop it!!" I shout, thunder booming with my voice. I look up in awe to see it beginning to rain harshly. Grant looks back at me and laughs heartily "Look, Rowan, yer lil' lass thinks she can get me!" He mocks, Rowan tries to swing his sword at Grant, but Grant dodges and charges at me! I swing the sword like a baseball bat; Rowan and Grant look at me weirdly before Grant grabs my sword by the blade and chucks it to the left. He now grabs my throat with his right hand; my eyes widen as I try to scratch at his arm with my nails. "No! Grant, let 'er go! It's me ya want, isn't it?!" Rowan shouts before running towards him. Grant lets go of me and yells out, I wonder why and I now look down; he has a sword protruding from his side! Rowan pulls the sword back while Grant falls to his knees, but I see him pull out a dagger with his left hand; switching it to the right quickly and turning around to attack. I lay limply as I watch them fight; blades clanging. Rowan gets onto a rail and slices Grant's right cheek, Grant takes his dagger and cuts Rowan's left leg. The ship tilts to the right causing Rowan to then fall off the railing. I roll and attempt to stand up "Rowan, please..." I try to say. Grant then cuts into Rowan's right calf while trying to stand up, and Rowan now stabs into Grant's left hand; Grant screams loudly before taking both hands and pulling Rowan down to the floor. I stand up, seeing lightning flash before my eyes, and see Rowan blocking Grant with his sword by holding it horizontally in front of his face. "Stop it, please! Leave our crew be!" I beg. I now hear Rowan scream out and throw the sword. I run over to them; Grant has stabbed Rowan in the stomach! Anger fuels within me as Grant laughs "Looks like I'm gon' be da Cap'n of dis crew now." He says, Rowan coughs up blood while Grant pulls out the dagger and aims again. I pull it out and point at the back of his head; cocking and pulling the hammer back "I don't think so." I say. Grant looks back and stares into my revolver with wide eyes while I glare at him menacingly.
"Oh, screw it!!" I shout, and begin to yell as I charge myself up the stairs. Thinking of a plan; I just hope it works. I step on something with my right foot and look down to see an old revolver...wait, we had revolvers back then? I pick it up and see Grant, I've shot guns before many times. I've never shot a revolver, but, could I do it to save Rowan? I need to stop thinking of myself, and think of other people.
Grant laughs cockily "Ya think ya can shoot me?" He asks, standing up. I stare at him "I will for you harming my family. I'm done being selfish, I don't want to wind up like you. A heart filled with so much greed you're willing to maim your own son!" I exclaim. Grant rolls his eyes "I do not care fer dat idiot. Dat wench he called Màthair deserved death." He said "You're an evil man, Grant. You do not deserve to be Captain, and you certainly don't deserve life." I say, Grant charges at me...and I shoot. My eyes widen as I watch his face explode from the bullet's impact; I will probably never forget the kickback of the gun, and the sound of breaking bone. Grant's body falls to the ground lifelessly with the rain draining out his blood. I blink from the shock; feeling all time freeze. Rowan looks over in shock, but his head falls back down to the ground. I begin to feel ice cold as the rain turns into hail. I shake my head and look over to Rowan; blood pours profusely from his stomach. I run to him and get on my knees. "Rowan, Rowan, don't go!!" I shout, Rowan coughs up blood on my skirt as I look back. "HELP!!! IT'S ROWAN!!! HE'S INJURED!!!" I scream out. I look down at him to see his skin is slowly turning pale; I wrap him up in my arms. I can hear the fighting go quiet as I believe Grant's crew realizes what's happened. I stand up and pat Rowan's cheek before heading to the wheel. "Raise the sails! Let's get sailing! We need to go back to Greece!" I exclaim. Abdalla runs from the cannon to the Mast while my crew decides to help out. Grant's crew stands confused and I look at them. "Your captain is dead! He was shot in the face!" I exclaim. I guess I have become Captain now, and with doing so I managed to have The Night Soul sailing in a severe storm and have captured Grant's crew. After an hour and a half we got ourselves back to Greece, I told Abdalla and Phyllis to watch the twins while I gathered my strength. I ordered Mark to help me get Rowan, and we raced into the night. "Be careful, please!" I exclaim "I am, Cap'ness. I got 'im!" Mark exclaims as we head up a hill. "Help!! We need a doctor!!" He exclaims "Please! Help us!" I yell. He now sets Rowan down on a table "Leave 'im here!! I'll go find a doctor!" Mark shouts. The hail pours onto us as I feel for Rowan's pulse "Please, hurry!" I beg. I start balling as Mark runs and screams for help. Rowan looks at me weakly before his eyes shut. No, no, I can't have him die like this!! I turn around and try to pull Rowan onto my back; he is a bit heavy. "Rowan, it's going to be okay, I've got you." I say, I lift him up off the table with as much strength as I can muster. I trudge slowly through the mud while trying to keep Rowan from sliding off me. I see a faint orange glow, and lightning flashes to reveal Mark and an older man "ALICE!!!" Mark screams as I look at them "I'm...coming...hold on!!" I try to shout. I can feel Rowan start to become limp as I walk into a puddle "You did it!" I hear a familiar voice, what? I look around while feeling Rowan come off my back. I feel myself fall down into the puddle, and the older man helps me up; I look up to see Mark carrying Rowan over his left shoulder. I stand up and the older man tries to hold my shoulders "Cap'ness, he's a doctor! Our Cap'n will be alright!" Mark says happily as he runs to a small building. Thunder booms into the dark sky once again as I struggle to get inside. The pain of having Rowan on my back and the stress of losing him hurt me. I hope he'll be okay! We get inside the small room where the doctor works and Mark lays Rowan on a table, the older man rushes to Rowan's body while Mark rushes to me "H-...how, is, he?" I pant, Mark pushes me to sit down gently "He'll work on 'im, I'm here." He says comfortingly. My eyes become heavy, and I feel myself fall down. What is happening?! No, this can't be it!! Rowan doesn't deserve to die, it should have been me...


AN: I sincerely apologize for the wait. What's going to happen to Rowan? What about Alice? Find out next Sunday! Again, I am sorry for the wait! 💖

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