☆Chapter One: 4 Years Later☆

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*4 Years Later*
Date: Tuesday, November 23, 2021. 7:30A

I roll over and open my eyes to see my clock "Crap! Not again!" I exclaim as I get up and put on blue boots, a purple pencil skirt that hugs my hips well, and a red sweater, I tuck my floral printed glasses into my bra while I fix my mid-shoulder length curly hair to the side, and put on makeup. I grab my yellow backpack and rush downstairs where I see my father; black haired and hazel eyes covered by thick spectacles, smiling at me "Morning, hun." He greets as I smile "Morning, daddy!" I greet back as I rush into the kitchen. "Gotta go! I'll be late!" I exclaim to my mother "Honey, remember we have family coming in day after tomorrow!" She reminds as I roll my eyes "As long as I don't have to sleep around my cousins, I'll be fine." I say as I shut the door and run to my white car. I head to school and lock my car "Took you long enough." My friend, Stacy, says while looking at her watch. She is black with brown and blonde dreads and brown eyes and is wearing a red dress with matching shoes "I know, I had that weird dream again." I say as she shakes her head and rolls her eyes "Girl, you need a psychiatrist. For real." She says as we walk inside the building. School is full, as usual. "So, you wanna skip today?" She asks with her arm around my shoulders "Stace, come on. I have to-" "Study, study, study. C'mon, it's almost Thanksgiving. Nobody is doing anything except watching movies or eating. Let's go do something fun, like the mall! And I'll drive." She suggests as I sigh in defeat "Fine. If you so wish." I say with a laugh as she laughs and puts her right index finger to her red lips "Okay, shhhh, let's sneak out." She whispers between giggles. We get inside her red sportscar and we squeal excitedly "Alright, and we'll be back in time for the last class." I say as she laughs "You're such a nerd!" She giggles as we leave the lot, I look at my phone to see Mark leaving me a message "Oh jeez, leave me alone, Mark!" I exclaim "Him again? After he cussed you out last night drunk." She says "Yeah, I dumped him today and he is reacting by his colorful choice of words." I say as we laugh "I swear, girl, you need a better standard." She says "Hey, I've not dated that bad of guys, Mark is just a loser. Then again so was Joey, Kyle, Jared-" "Rowan." She interrupts while giving me a knowing glare "I do not speak of him!" I exclaim "Why? You know, Ash, it's been 3 years. Have you checked on him?" She asks as I cross my arms and slide down her soft, gray seat "No, I've blocked him on everything. I don't ever want to see him again either." I snap as she sighs "Well, you guys were cute together." She says. We get to the mall and we look around a few stores while taking pictures or talking about boys. It sure did get my mind off things, Stacey and I have been friends since middle school, and I love having her around like the sister I've never had. Stacey looks at me while taking a drink of her iced coffee "Miss studying yet?" She asks as I sigh "Okay, maybe I do need a little break. But you know I'm trying to go to New York." I say "I am ready for graduation, and to be 21. We're already legal, but wait til we're adults!" She exclaims as I laugh "I know, once I turn 19 I am leaving the house." I say as I knock into someone, I gasp "I'm sorry, I didn't see you-" I fall silent when I look at the boy I've known for a long time, his red hair that covers the right of his greenish blue eyes, his freckles being covered by a medical facemask, and wearing a black shirt with a panda on it, dark jeans, white sneakers, and a green hat backwards. He looks down at me in surprise "There...A-Ash?" He asks as I nod "Yeah, long time no see, Rowan." I say as I cross my arms over my chest, Stacey can sense the tension and smiles "Rowan, how ya doing bud? Been a while." She says cheerfully as he looks at her "Stacey, hey, yeah, it has been awhile." He replies as he hugs her from the side. "You guys ditching?" He asks "Yeah, just before Thanksgiving after all." She says as he nods "Right, I'm here on holiday. I decided to get a certificate and I graduate in March." "Oh that's so awesome!" Stacey replies to him, I roll my eyes "Showoff." I think as he glances at me "Say, uh, Ash, can we talk?" He asks "Sure. What is it?" I ask as he chuckles "Well, the two of us...no offense, Stacey." He says "Whatever you can say to me, you can say to her." I snap as he sighs "Alright, fine. You, you look nice." He says as I arch my eyebrow "A compliment? Really?" I ask as he sighs "Look, Ash, I just want to say I'm sorry. I was a real jerk back then, I was hoping that maybe we can...start over?" He asks slowly "Rowan, let me just be honest. You are a jerk, and you've sure got some balls to come here and say all that you have after calling me selfish and that I only care for myself." I snap hatefully "I know, and I am sorry. We should have talked it-" "Well, you should have thought that then. Move on." I say coldly as I drop my arms. "Stacey, let's go." I say sternly as she sighs "We should pro-" "Now!!" I shout, a few people look at us and I storm away with Stacey following me closely "Ash, that was horrible." She says "How? I don't want anything to do with him, he should just take a hint." I say "He apologized! That's more than what most men do! Ash, I'm sorry to say this, but that was awful. You should at least forgive him." She snaps as I turn around "Forgive him?" I laugh. "He ruined my life, I was so depressed by what he did and very hurt. I have nothing but hate for him." I snap "He called you selfish, it's not like he beat you or cheated." She says "What he did was still wrong, he betrayed my trust. How can I ever forgive someone for that?" I ask as she sighs "He's 20 years old. He could have been busy thinking of a college girl, or a party, but he was thinking of apologizing to you. Shouldn't that say something?" She asks "Yes, it says how shallow he truly is to bring up the past." I say as we walk outside. We get back to the school and head for the building "Same time tomorrow?" I ask as she gives me a look "Maybe...I might not come at all, I'll text you." She says coldly as she walks away from me "Not you too. Stacey." I say as I now groan "Gosh, I hate my life. I just want a change!" I exclaim as I storm to my car.


I look at my phone to see more pictures of Rowan and I together; including one of us kissing, I shut my phone off and lay down "I just want a normal life, a good one. Is that too much to ask?" I ask myself to which silence ensues, I pull up my comforters and fall asleep...I wake up again after that dream, that stupid dream. "Okay...why do I always see these people from the 1900s or something?" I ask myself as I get on my phone and look up people from the 1900s "Okay, it's always the same characters, that little boy, the white sheet. The clothes, the accents and languages, what do they all mean?" I think as I try to research what little information I have. Nothing has come up, I wind up falling back asleep after an hour, I just hope tomorrow is better.


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