☆Chapter Six: Infatuation?☆

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*A few days later*

Some time has passed aboard the Night Soul, it has been five days since I fought with Rowan. I have mostly stayed in my room and will go out on the dock at night to look at the stars. The stars are probably the only thing keeping my sanity anymore. I've tried to avoid Rowan the best I can; he'll come in, ask how I'm doing, and leave. I was holding my stomach and gazing out the window at the ocean, I remember when Rowan...well, my Rowan, and I went to the beach with our families; we were just kids then, playing in the ocean and making sandcastles. I could feel a kick and I chuckled lightly "Whoa, baby, calm down there." I say, just then I hear a light rap on the door. "Who is it?" "It's Doc, miss. May I come in?" Doc asks from the door, I ponder for a moment before walking over and letting him in. Doc walks in slowly and in comes Rowan; I glare at him before closing the door behind him "You've got some nerve." I think "I was going to check on some of your wounds, Alice, I've been thinking about you." Doc says suddenly "And him?" I ask whilst nodding my head towards Rowan. Rowan crosses his arms "I'm here because it is my child too, and Doc here won't let me let go." He says hatefully, Doc sighs "Kids, come on now. Alice, come here." He says as I walk over. He lifts my skirt a bit and looks at my bruises "Are you okay, Lass?" Rowan asks slowly as I nod "Yeah...it feels odd though, still can't believe I did that." I say "Well, doing that could have hurt the child. No more swashbuckling for you, miss." Doc chuckles as I sigh "Are you okay?" I ask Rowan as he nods "I'm fine. I'm not worried about me though, I've handled worse." He says with a shrug as Doc grins "So...when do we tell the crew? I mean, I'm going to start getting bigger, you know." I say "Well, that's really up to you two. I'm just a doctor." Doc says with a hearty laugh. Rowan leans against the doorframe "I also need ta find out where ta put ya, Lass." He says "I'm not a dog." I look at Doc. "Excactly how far along do you think I am?" I ask "Maybe three, four months. Maybe even further. You look big enough for twins." He replies, Rowan laughs nervously and a guy with black dreads walks in "Doc, One Armed Pete got his head stuck again." He says plainly as Doc nods "On it. I'll leave you two be." He says as he gets up quickly and follows the guy. Rowan looks me up and down "I haven't seen ya fer awhile." He says shyly. I cross my arms "Well, whose fault is that?" I ask as he sighs and walks over to me "Yer still mad at me I see, Lass." He says "Why wouldn't I be? I still don't really know why you were upset at me for res-" He grabs my shoulders firmly "Because ye have me child in ya, Lassie! I could handle out there! I just wanna protect ya, Alice." He says, his face turning more red by the second. I didn't know a child like this would be this way "What's wrong with you? All of a sudden you're wanting this baby?" I ask as I stand up "Alice, I always wanted the baby. I just...I'm afraid." He says, I turn to him to see him looking at me "It's always been me an' me crew, Lassie. And before the new crew it was just Reid. Ye, ye me first love, Lassie. I...I never thought I'd be a father." He says with a nervous scratch to the back of his head, what do I say to this? I shake my head "I'm going up for some air, since your wee baby is constantly disagreeing with anything I eat." I snap and leave the room. I step outside and look down at the ocean to see shark fins...shark fins. I look over to my left to see three men; one on the far left missing his right arm. They're throwing what looks to be raw meat out of a bucket into the depths below "Alice, didn't expect ya to be up here." The African American man with a the gold nosering says. I gulp and smile "Right. I didn't either but I have to have fresh air." I say as he smiles warmly "By de way, my name Abdalla. I do haul most of my time. I never really got to tell you my name." He says as I nod "Well, it's a pleasure to know your name, Abdalla. Rowan's just been..." "Giving trouble? Fret not, Alice, he care great for you." He says before lifting up a wooden crate. "Be ready if I was you. We be entering into Italy shortly." He says calmly as I sigh. What exactly is the goal here? Doc comes up to me "Alice. What ye be doing up here?" He asks in surprise "Morning sickness." I answer plainly as I look down at the water. "Don't they know it's illegal to chum?" I ask, Doc gives me an odd look "So wes'a headin' to Genoa? I wonder what fer dis time." Rowan speaks up "Rowan, ye know how Reid can be! He's always thinkin' that there'll be treasure!" Doc exclaims with a laugh as I look down "Well. I'll tell you both one thing, I am ready to get off this boat." I say as I feel a kick "Alright, Lass, since I can't stop ya. I'll go with." Rowan replies cooly. I look up at him and half smile. After another day we do finally arrive to Italy, and just as Rowan had said he went with me into the city. I've got to say, I never thought I'd ever see Italy in my life. Rowan and I looked at what looked to be Farmer's Markets, gardens, even went by some bakeries. In Italy, there's barely even road; mostly everything was by boat. I smile brightly as we sit at a pier and I watch the sunset "Rowan...thank you." I say with a smile, Rowan looks at me "Thank you?" He asks as I look down at him "Thank you for taking me out. It's been lovely. I never thought I'd ever get to visit Italy." I reply with a warm smile, Rowan smiles back "It's me pleasure, Lassie." He says, as I feel the cool breeze hit my face I feel something against my left upper arm; I look down to see that Rowan laid his head against it, he now loops his right arm and hugs my arm. I begin to flashback to when Rowan, my ex Rowan, and I went to the park; it was our first date. He would smile at me with adoration as I would skip rocks or while we watched the lake. At the movies he was always so nervous to wrap his arm around me, unless there was another guy around and that was when he tried to be confident. He always had a low self esteem; despite his many triumphs. "I wonder what he's doing these days..." I wonder absently, I still don't know if this is a dream or not. I open my eyes to watch the sun slowly lower into the sea; and a few dolphins jump in the water. I watch the dolphins and smile "Everything okay, Lass?" The present Roman's voice fills my ears, I blink out of my trance and look down to see Rowan's concerned look "Of course, I'm sorry, I just got lost in thought for a moment there." I say as he smiles "I see...so, um, I had a lot of fun with ya, Lassie. I wish we could do this more of'en, I missed the days we had doin' this. Ye showed me the beauty of the world when I thought there was none, an' all ye did was show yer face." He says, I feel myself blush and I giggle "Goodness, Rowan, you are something else." I say "I just speak from me heart. I really felt alone without ya." He says as he moves himself away from me, I look back to see him with a nervous look in his eye "So you missed me?" I ask, he chuckles nervously "Yeah, I guess I did...I missed ya a ton, Alice." He says, he moves his left hand to my cheek and leans forward whilst closing his eye; my eyes widen in surprise as I feel our lips touch. After a few seconds he pulls away and opens his eye; he has a boyish grin on his face as if it was Christmas. I feel my face getting hot as he chuckles "Wow..." I say "I'm sorry, Lass. I couldn't control meself." He says as I blink. I just kissed a 14 year old boy at 18 years old; yikes. I begin to feel gross as he takes my hand, I hop down slowly and we walk "Is that even legal what I just did...I mean, in this dream I am 12, ugh, it just feels so wrong!" I think. As we head to the ship Rowan puts his arm around my waist. I can't figure any of this out, why am I here? Why am I with a pirate of all things? And why does he have this infatuation with me?


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