☆Chapter Three: A New Life☆

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*Some hours later*

I open my eyes to see a dark night sky with little rain droplets hitting my face, I look over to my left to see the plague doctor rowing. "Please, tell me what is happening...?" I ask weakly to which it won't respond; like it's pretending I'm not here. I am pretty angry by this point when I see lights and a small town. I gasp as we now pass a small dock and we are closer to the land. "I'm home!" I exclaim as it gets off the rowboat and yanks me up causing me to yelp. "Excuse me!" I exclaim as it grabs my right hand and pulls me with it. We are now on a small beach just below a small boardwalk in order to get inside the town "Shhhh." The plague doctor hisses out "No, I will not, I have had a horrible day. Where is everyone?! This joke is getting ridicu-" I pause when I see a broken, antigue body mirror. I am pretty chubby, I have light tan skin, black, straight hair and one green eye on my left and a brown eye on my right. I scream in horror as the plague doctor cups my mouth "Sàmhach sìos. (Quiet down.)" It whispers as I elbow it in its ribs and turn to face it "And can you quit talking whatever that is?! I can't understand you! Where is the TV crew?! This is not funny anymore I'm done with this childish-" I get cut off by the plague doctor now grabbing me by the shoulders and its face inches from mine "This is not a joke! I am trying to rescue ya, Alice! I come all this way here, a simple thank ye would be nice!!" A thick, male accent barks out from under the mask in a hushed tone. I gasp as he moves away. "Let's get going. The Night Soul should be near Aberfraw." He says as he walks in front of me, I cross my arms "Listen to me, I know you're some plague doctor or something, but I am not Alice. My name is Ash Taylor and I live in Washington state, I am 18 years old, and I just want to go home. Now, please, can you or someone explain to me what is going on?" I ask as the plague doctor looks back "Are ya sick? Yer name is Alice Adney, yer family is very known in Liverpool, England, and last I checked ye are 12 because I am older than ya by a couple o' years. I need ta getcha ta see Doc, he might know what's wrong." He says as I scoff "I'm not sick! Also, I don't know you. What is your name?" I ask "Ye should know it, it's not been that long since we last saw each ot'er. It's Rowan." He says as he ducks down into the shadows, I roll my eyes "Rowan, of course it is." I say as I now grab his mask "Hey, we're going to-" "If you rescued me from that incestuous fake uncle, I at least deserve to know what you look like." I say as I remove the mask and gasp...Rowan, Rowan Grant, my ex boyfriend; he is looking right at me, but he looks different. He has long, red hair in a ponytail, a black eyepatch over his right greenish blue eye, two gold earrings, a scar on his right, freckled cheek that looks like a gash, he also has small, red hairs on his chin and the top of his lips. Rowan looks a lot younger than before, but it is definitely him. I smack his face and he looks at me wide eyed "Rowan Grant! I should have known you were in on this whole getup!! How dare-" "Rowan Wellerman! And do not smack me! Do not ever call me Grant ever again." He says sternly as I nod "Rowan, I just want to go home." I say, he now sighs and places his left hand on my cheek delicately "We'll be on the Night Soul shortly. Right now I just need ye to trust me." He says sympathetically, I sigh "Okay, Rowan Wellerman. I will come with you, but one question, are you 14?" I ask as he gives me a smirk "Well, ya always said my age isn't a problem, and it beats yer uncle that ye were set to marry." He states with what looks to be a wink. I roll my eyes and we walk side by side. We eventually get onto the boardwalk where we sneak by people; this is all so real and I am in awe by how medieval this all looks. I find out more about Rowan and even myself which he explains to me in a gentle and kind way. Apparently I am 12 years old and I was supposed to marry my uncle but apparently Rowan and I were secretly "courting" when him and his crew ported at Liverpool. I touch my stomach and suddenly feel something sharp hit my hand, I look down in shock as Rowan suddenly snakes his left arm around me and pulls me close to him. He has on the plague doctor mask but I can tell he is looking at me, as he is a head taller than me. "Rowan." I say as he looks down at me. "What is today's date?" I ask as he shrugs "Hmm, well, it is May 19, 1650. I really need to get you to Doc." He says with concern in his thick accent that sounds Irish. My eyes widen and I gasp "Maybe I am dreaming..." I say while trailing off. About two hours of traveling and we go onto a beach where I see a loading dock and a large ship...this ship is wooden, beaten down partially, and has a mermaid on its front with white sails. I stare in shock as Rowan grabs my hand "I thought they'd leave, but the ole girl is still here." He says "Rowan...are you a...?" I ask slowly as he takes off the mask and chuckles "Ye can say it, Alice. A pirate, ye said ya have a thing fer pirates though." He says with a boyish grin as I laugh "Right...I did say that." I say nervously as we walk up. We are greeted by a large, African American man with no shirt and a gold nosering on the left nostril "About time, Rowan! This is the Alice?" He asks in a deep voice as Rowan pulls me on "It sure is. Where's Doc?" He asks as the man points with his left hand "He's in his room." He looks at me. "It is nice meeting you, Alice." He says as I nod and smile and we walk. There are at least twenty-five pirates on here of all kinds; with many scars, missing limbs, and deformities. We get down into the bottom of the ship where Rowan knocks on a door "Doc! It's Rowan!" He exclaims "What is that accent by the way?" I ask as he turns to me with an arched eyebrow "Scottish...?" He says slowly as he now bangs on the door thrice this time. "Doc! It's an emergency! Open the bloody door!!" He shouts, suddenly two women; blonde and brunette and wearing obscene clothes, come out the door and a man with makeup smothered on his face in his 70s follows after them "Oh ladies, I promise I'll be a few minutes. What it be, Rowan? I'm very busy!" He exclaims as Rowan hands me to him "This is Alice. Something is very wrong with her!" He yells out "There is nothing wrong with me!" I argue as the man nods while using a stopping motion to Rowan "I've got her. Just go up to the dock. Captain wants to see ye." He says calmly as Rowan looks at me and sighs before obeying the man "You must be Doc?" I ask with my arms crossed as he nods and grins "Aye, and you're Alice. That boy's talked about cha since youins met." He replies as I nod "Oh..." I say as he now grabs a stool "Take a seat and I'll see what's wrong." He says calmly as I sit down "Listen, sir, my name isn't Alice, I think I'm dreaming." I explain as he chuckles "Yes, and I'm the Grand Dutchess. Young lady, you needn't worry. I was a doctor before a pirate." He says as I chuckle slightly "Right. Why did you become a pirate?" I ask as he grabs a wood tube "Well, my son got murdered by Captain Grant. Five years ago I found out my son was a pirate. After that I found Captain Reid, and I told him what happened, he said he would let me kill Grant specially for revenge. And that is just what I'm bound to do." He explains darkly "I'm sorry about your son..." I trail off as he places the wooden pole in between my breasts and leans forward "Heart is doing okay." He says as he places his hand down my side slowly. "Have you been tested?" He asks as I shake my head "Uhm, well I have been tested. But it's not for another thousand years." I say with a slight laugh as he feels my stomach; which is surprisingly bigger than I thought it would be. He feels around it and places the tube on my stomach while putting his ear to it. "Is something wrong?" I ask as he smiles and leans back "Congratulations, madam." He turns his head to the left to face the door. "Rowan! You scallywag! Git 'choself in here!" He exclaims as he stands up "Where is he?" I ask "He's a-comin'. You can hear everything on this ship!" He answers as he looks up and cups his hands to his mouth. "Rowan!!" He shouts. We hear footsteps and Rowan comes in through the open door "What is it, Doc?" He asks breathlessly as Doc grabs him by the shoulders, spins him around, and slams his back to the wooden post "What were you thinking bringing her aboard, boy?" Doc asks as Rowan puts his hands up "I don't know what you're meaning!" He exclaims as I stand up "What is going on?" I ask as Doc looks at Rowan "She's with child." He says in a hushed voice as Rowan looks at me in shock, my eyes widen as I feel my belly to feel a kick. That explains a lot of what I'm feeling now "I'm pregnant?" I ask as Doc nods and I look at Rowan who has fear on his face. I nod and rub my temples "Well, I guess this is my new life now. This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder." I say.


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