☆Chapter Fifteen (Pt I): Delivery☆

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October 4, 1650 @ 6:24P

"The baby's coming!!" I shout as I moan in pain "Are ye sure, Lassie?!" Rowan asks as my eyes widen, and I feel something wet forming below me "M-my water just broke..." I trail off, I am so scared! Rowan gets up and takes a deep breath "Okay, it's okay, we'll sort it out!" He exclaims, although it feels like he's speaking to himself. Rowan picks me up bridal style and runs up the stairs. "SHE'S HAVING IT!!!" He screams as I scream along with his words. This pain is nearly unbearable!! Abdalla runs after us "Where should she go?!" He asks as Rowan looks around the boat, he now looks at Abdalla who nods "W-what?!" I ask as Rowan runs me over to the poopdeck; I know where we're going "N-no, don't put me down there!! Please!!" I beg, Rowan ignores me "I need wata, an' a clean bed!! Now!" He commands at some of the crew "Captain's orders!!" I hear Abdalla shout. Rowan rushes me down the stairs as I cover my mouth to keep from screaming. Three of our crew quickly try to remove Doc's blankets and pillow from the hammock. Rowan now sets me down inside it "Rowan, please, I don't want to do this." "Ya don't have a choice, Lassie." He says as he puts his right hand on my cheek. "I'm right 'ere." He says calmly as I scream again "No! I wanna go to a doctor! Please!" I beg "Alice, there be no doctor." Abdalla says calmly as I shake my head "I want Epidural!! I want a doctor!!" I shout. Rowan bites his lip and paces anxiously "Watch 'er." He tells Abdalla and runs into Reid's room. I start to pant as I see some of our crew bring in a bucket of water, a towel, and a blanket "It will be alright, Alice. Are you okay?" Abel, a fellow crewmember, asks "Am I okay?! Do you know anything about childbirth?!" I shout angrily, Abdalla's eyes widen. "I'm sorry!! I'm in pain! Rowan!!" I shout, George grabs the wet towel from the bucket and hands it to Abdalla; Abdalla starts to rub the towel on my forehead gently "It's okay, Alice. I understand." He whispers and winks "Please, take me to a hospital. Something is wrong!" I say in a hushed voice as Rowan comes back in the room and looks at me; he looks so lost. I pant "Just breathe slowly, Alice." Abdalla says confusingly. I look at Rowan who still has a thousand-yard stare "Please, Rowan, take me to a doctor or someone!! Please!! What are we gonna do?! I can't die again!!" I shout, isn't this when women died from giving birth? "Where is she?" I hear Reid come in, Rowan points over at me with his right hand; his face pale with fear. Reid weakly walks to me "I...I don't know what ta do, Athair." Rowan says as Reid looks over to him "Ya do what ye have ta." He says. I cover my eyes and begin to sob "Please, someone help me!!" I yell out. I uncover my eyes to see George looking down at my groin with horror "Cap'n!! She's a-bleedin'!!" He shouts. Rowan's face twists into that of determination and shoves him away "On it." He says before getting down on his knees "Rowan, what-what are ya doin'?!" I ask "Lassie, it's alright. I got dis." He says before forcefully bending my knees down to the hammock and spreading them. "Abdalla, watch 'er." He says as he runs to Reid's room. Reid sits down on the floor next to me "I-I'm scared." I say, Reid puts his unhooked hand on my shoulder "It's gon' be alright, Lass. We're all here fer ya." He says, I look pass him and I can see all of our crew; practically blocking the stairs! My eyes widen before I let out another pained scream; this is so painful! Reid pats me gently. "What is he doing?!" I ask loudly. Rowan comes running back in with his hair tied back and his eyepatch on "Lassie, I'm here." He says reassuringly. Abdalla grabs my left hand tightly while I pant "Rowan..." I trail off, the pain starting to be too immense "Doc said somethin' 'bout pushin'...?" Reid says questioningly "Yes, I have to push it out. Oh gosh!!" I shout in pain "Lassie, he's gotcha. He can do dis." Reid says calmly before looking at Rowan. "I would't know anyone better than me own son." He says. Rowan smiles at him softly before looking at me "Alice, I need ye ta push...alright?" He asks as I nod "I can't, this hurts so much!!" "We are here, Alice." Abdalla says as I begin to feel the contractions; like a wave of pain within my abdomen. I scream as my body gives into the torture, this feels like nails clawing their way into me. Rowan grabs a knife and rips the bottom half of my dress, tears pour from my eyes as I scream loudly "Keep goin'!" Rowan exclaims as I scream "GET IT OUT!!!" The pain becomes more intense as I sob. "I-I can't!!" I shout. "Something is wrong!! Something's wrong!!" I shout as Rowan pats my right hip lightly "You can do dis, Lassie! C'mon!" He exclaims, I push harder and feel my body begin to convulse, I scream as I feel tears stream down my cheeks. I suddenly feel being taken back; a feeling of lightheadedness, and everything goes white "Hold on!! She's having a seizure!!" I hear a man shout, everything flashes from dark to light as I breathe heavily; what's going on?! I blink and begin to hear crying...crying? I look up slowly and can see Rowan staring at something with wide eyes and a smile. "'S e gille a th' ann! (It's a boy!)" He exclaims with a laugh as Reid smiles "Atta boy! And girl, too." He says reassuringly as I smile "What his name?" Abdalla asks as I look at Rowan and he nods at me "Uh...Thomas, I wanna name him Thomas." I say as Rowan kisses Thomas' head. George comes over and helps Rowan put Thomas in a towel as he screams and cries. I smile really big and begin to laugh as I lean back "It's over." I say happily "He looks jus' like ya, Rowan." Reid says as Rowan smiles. As I get ready to lean up and get Thomas I feel another contraction "R-...Rowan." I say painfully as he looks at me "It's okay." Abdalla says as I begin to yell again "Something is wrong! Not again!" I yell out.

To be continued

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