☆Chapter Seven: Uncle☆

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*The next day*


I lay in my bed next to a sleeping Rowan, I'm still in shock that he had kissed me. I feel the baby kick and I hold my belly "Shhhh." I whisper faintly. Suddenly though I feel it; a faint shaking in the room. Could earthquakes happen on the ocean? Or in Italy? I feel a loud thud with the ship; Rowan wraps his arms around me as I let out a shout. The two small lanterns fall and bust on the floor. "What was that?!" I ask as I attempt to sit up, but Abdalla opens the door quickly "Rowan, hide the Alice! Bernard Adney is here!" He exclaims as he comes into the room "How would he have found 'er?" Rowan asks as he pulls me up gently "Can someone please tell me what's going on?" I ask, Abdalla gets me up off the bed "Your uncle here looking for you." He says as my eyes widen, Rowan takes my shoulders and we walk out of my room "Alright, Lassie. I'll stay with ye. But ye have to let me help ya, alright?" Rowan whispers as I nod "Greetings and salutations, my humble pirate!" I hear my fake uncle's voice from the ceiling "Are you kidding me?!" I ask in a hushed voice "It's okay, Lass, Reid's gotcha, and yer uncle ain't gettin' ye o'er me dead body." He whispers as he opens up a hatch "Aren't you romantic." I say sarcastically as he grabs my right hand and pulls me down with him gently before shutting the hatch back "Good day, sir, I am currently looking for my niece, her name is Alice Adney." I hear my fake uncle say, Rowan leads up a few steps "You can hear better here." He whispers as I look up where I can see the bottoms of feet, Reid walks up to him "Well, that's not really a description, is it, sir?" He asks "Ugh, you know what she looks like! Don't you know who I am?" He asks as Reid lets out a hearty laugh "All I know about ya is that ye wrecked me ship, possibly injurin' me crew, an' that ya look like a pansy." He says, the crew laughs as my fake uncle looks at him ghastly "How dare you, you, filthy pirate!!" He shouts. Reid draws out a sword and aims it at my uncle "Now, now, I would rather not have yer blood pour upon me ship, Abdalla just polished the floorboards. However, I ain't afraid to see ya walk da plank." He says with a laugh. Rowan moves away from me slightly "There's gotta be a way to get his crew from us. I've gotta plan, Lassie." He whispers as he walks speedily out of the area; leaving me in the dark. I cradle my belly as I look around the room and look up "You know, I could have you all hanged in the morn!" Bernard exclaimed "Okay, ya lil' weasel, you can't hang us all!" Reid laughs as I see his feet walk towards Bernard. "Now, I've said we don't have any women aboard me ship!" He barks "Alice..." I hear a faint whisper behind me; I twirl around and punch the person. The girl cries out and looks at me "Alice! It's me, Anne!" She exclaims, I slowly begin to recognize her as the girl from the night I arrived in this hellhole "Anne! What are you doing here?!" I ask in surprise as she holds her left cheek "I've come to rescue you! Bernard was right that you'd be here, Alice." She says as I step back "How did you know I'd be down here?" I ask "Well, you've told me of Rowan...the little pirate whelp that you were so enamored by. I figured I'd put matters into my own hands." She says with a smile "Well, that's good and all, but listen, Anne, I don't want to marry that man. Besides, I-" "Oh pish posh, Alice! That man's done more for us than some pirate! He should be hanged for taking you like that! I knew it was him that kidnapped you that night. Besides, you and I could maybe help mother together." She argued, her face going red. My eyes widen as I step back from her "What are you even talking about, Anne?" "I know you're with child, Alice! I saw you gaining weight in only one spot, I saw you getting bigger every day and it's not Bernard's! It's that pirate's. Well, I shall rid you of this curse even if it's by force!" She exclaims, with her right hand she pulls from behind her back a dagger. I scream as she charges toward me "Anne, Anne! Can't we talk this out?!" I shout, Anne attempts to grab at me with her left hand "It's too late! Do you know what all I've done for you!! And you leave me behind for Bernard to take!" She exclaims "I'm sorry, Anne!! Somebody help me!!" I shout, I run behind some barrells with her chasing me, I feel like those girls in slasher films, and I have to find some way to fight back! I get into a darker area of the cellar while Anne is still chasing me. "You can't hide from me, dear Alice!! You scum of a woman!" She exclaims, I hide behind a shelf as I begin to hear shouting and fighting above me; swords clash and clang as I cup my right hand to my mouth. "Alice..." Anne sings, has she lost her mind? I try to feel around for anything; even just a broom to keep myself from her. I feel through the darkness as I hear her humming. I begin to feel tears stream down my cheeks. Anne screams as she slashes my left forearm making me gasp out sharply, she continues to scream as I run from her "Get away from me, you psycho!" I exclaim as I see a beer bottle; I pick it up with my left hand, twirl, and fling it at her forehead. She falls to the ground as I turn and run "ALICE!!!" She screams, I hear someone coming towards the room "Help me!" I exclaim, it's Rowan. "Alice! Alice, are ya-" He gets interrupted by Anne pouncing on him and trying to stab him. I scream as I charge toward them "Get off of him!!" I shout, Rowan grabs at her left forearm that's holding his neck and tries to pull her off and I punch her face. She falls down and Rowan draws out his sword and gets in front of me "This ends now!" He exclaims "Not until her blood is spilled onto this blade." She says with venom in her voice "What in Heaven's name is going on?" We hear a British voice and we look over to see Bernard and Reid; Reid holding Bernard's hands behind his head. "Your psycho freakshow just tried to kill me!!" I shout "That is not true!! I'm trying to save her, she has been brainwashed by these pirates!" She argues. Reid shakes his head "Why should I let 'er go off wit the lot o' ya?" He asks "She will not be goin' anywhere wit ye! She's stayin' on this ship!" Rowan exclaims as Anne stands up "Is it because she's an adultress to you? You filthy sinners!" She looks at Bernard. "Uncle, she's with child. It be the pirate's, I just know it!" She exclaims. Reid's eyes widen "Now that's ridiculous! Stop telling tales!" Reid exclaims, Rowan looks at him "I refuse to marry that man! I do not want him! Why don't you marry him if you love him so much, Anne?" I ask, trying to change the subject. "Because you and I are supposed to have the family, not your sister yet." Bernard answers "Yer sick. Get off me ship!" Reid hisses as Anne crosses her arms "Not without the girl!" She exclaims, Rowan stares at her "She ain't goin' with ye." He says darkly. Reid pushes Bernard and he stands up "This isn't over, pirates." He says as he walks over and grabs Anne. Anne screams as I watch them walk up the stairs. Reid looks at Rowan "I can't believe it." He says as I cradle my belly, Rowan wraps his arm around my shoulder "Are ya okay, Lass?" He asks worryingly as I nod "Well, aside from her trying to kill me. Yeah, I'm good." I say with a laugh, Reid looks at me and at Rowan "Is that a tale? Is it true, Rowan?" He asks with his hands on his hips, Rowan looks at him and I hide behind him slightly; I never thought we'd tell anyone this soon...Reid shakes his head "Rowan, what were ya thinkin', boy?! This ship ain't no place!" He exclaims "Reid, it's me child! Her uncle would kill her if I didn't get 'er!" "So that's why we came all da way d'ere? Rowan, she could die aboard this ship!!" Reid shouts, veins bulging in his neck. I step back "I-I'm sorry!" I exclaim, putting my hands up in surrender. Reid throws his silver hook into a wooden pole; as if to throw a punch, and back at his side "Reid, I will not let 'er outta me sight!" Rowan exclaims as Reid charges towards him; his face just a few inches from Rowan's "Ye can't have a baby here!!" He roars "What about me, Reid...? What about me? Ye di'n't leave me, Athair." He says. They both start to speak in a different language, I cross my arms "What are they going to do to me?" I think. Rowan shouts in the language at Reid and Reid growls and shouts back before finally throwing up his right hand and left hook and saying "I give up!!" He now looks at me "Alice. Ye should go ta yer cabin. I...I need time." He says calmly, he turns and walks away from us. Rowan looks at me "It's gonna be alright, Lassie." He says as I shake my head "What's going to happen to me, Rowan?" "Ya leave dat worryin' ta me. Let's getcha ta yer room. I'll see ya in a bit." He says as he takes my hand and walks me to the cabin. I cradle my belly as the entire crew stares at us when we come up and head to the bunkbeds. Rowan puts me in his room and says nothing to me; he just gives me a sad look with what looks to be a tear in his eye. I sit down on the bed. For the couple of hours I stare at the floor and try to think about my past life "What would I have done before? Should I leave and get off in the next country we're in? I need to wake up...what would Stacy do? I wish she was...whose Stacy?" I ask, my mind completely goes blank, my eyes widen as I look around the room. "Whose Stacy? What's going on? Rowan, he was my...my...oh gosh, what's going on?!" I ask aloud, I stand up. I can't remember anything! A rasp comes to my door and I turn around to face it. "Come in." I say, the door opens to Rowan with a loaf of bread in his left hand "I gots some food for ya, Lassie. Is ev'rythin' alright?" He asks with concern. I sigh and sit down "I just...I'm worried, Rowan. I'm scared."  I answer, Rowan shuts the door behind him and walks to me "I-I'm sorry, I really am, Lassie..." He trails off "You shouldn't have brought me-" "No." He says with a wide-eyed stare, I look up at him as he sighs and hands me the loaf of bread and gets on one knee to my eye level. "No, I definitely should've broughtcha here. If yer uncle found out ya had the offspring of a pirate he'd have ya beheaded, don't ever think that me bringin' ya wit me was a mistake, Alice." He says as he cups my cheek with his left hand "Rowan, how will we take care of this baby? What if Reid kicks me off the ship?" I ask "I would never let that happen. Besides, Reid just needs time to grasp onta things, Lassie." He says softly as he wipes under my eye with his thumb. "Don't cry, Lass. I'm so sorry." He says, I didn't know I was crying? I wipe my left eye with the palm of my left hand and feel the baby kick me "I hope you're right, Rowan...because I sure as heck don't want to go back to that jackoff of an uncle." I say, Rowan chuckles "I...It won't happen. Lassie, Reid has been the only form of a father I've known, I've known 'im pretty much me whole life. He probably is just worried as while I was a wee lil' lad, havin' an infant aboard would be way worse." He explains, he closes his eye and we kiss; I also close my eyes. After a few seconds I break the kiss and I smile at him, Rowan puts his forehead to mine. My heart skips a beat as I slowly put my right hand to his hair "Can you stay with me?" I whisper, Rowan opens his eye and looks at me "Of course, I'll stay here with ye forever, Lass." He whispers back. The night through we laid on the bed and just talked about the baby mostly; baby safety and how we'd raise it. Apparently, Rowan is Catholic, and is thinking of naming the baby a biblical name. The entire time he'd talk I would just look into his beautiful eye; Rowan really is just a sweetheart, he comforts me and protects me. I think he really wants to be a father; it really does my heart well to see this, and I think I...wait...what am I thinking?! I can't be...can I?


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