☆Chapter Nine: Captain Grant☆

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What the absolute heck? Rowan just proposed to me?! My eyes widen in surprise as I'm sure my cheeks are a rosy red "Uhm...Rowan, well..." I trail off, fiddling with my hands. Rowan blinks at me; his smile not wavering "Alice?" He asks as I sigh "Yes...I'm sorry, just, a little surprised." I say as his smile seems to get bigger "Is it a yes?" He asks. I take a deep breath "Yes, Rowan, I accept." I answer slowly. He lets out a yell that startles me "That be so much harder than I imagined!" He exclaims as he now leans forward to kiss me. I catch my breath before he laughs "How will we have a wedding up here, Rowan?" I ask as Rowan blinks his eye "Who said it be on da Night Soul?" He asks "Rowan, Cap'n needs ya!" A crewmember shouts as Rowan kisses my cheek and runs the opposite direction. I sigh and hold my belly "Well, kid, you and I are in for it." I say as I waddle. Abdalla smiles at me in greeting "Hello, Alice. How is t'e infant?" He asks "Oh, baby has not been happy with breakfast. Do you know what is wrong with Rowan?" I ask as he laughs and begins to knot a rope "Ah, Rowan is just happy, Miss. I am guessing he made marriage?" He looks at me, my eyes widen as he chuckles. "Ev'ryone knew, Alice. He wanted to surprise you." He says as I nod, I feel the baby kick again and I put my hands on my belly; they kick so hard I actually grunt slightly. Abdalla walks over. "Can I feel?" He asks, I look up at him in surprise but smile "Sure...go ahead." I say, he puts his right hand onto my belly gently and chuckles "Wow...that's..." He stammers in disbelief, I giggle and smile "Incredible, yeah, it's crazy. It really is." I say. After a while from walking around the ship with everyone congratulating our engagement, I sit down and try to rest. I watch seagulls up in the sky as I see clouds begin to flood in. I still can't believe what is going on...I am now starting to forget things from my life, did I even have a best friend? What was my school like, or did I even go? I cradle my belly "So my name was...Judy? No, no...Yvonne? No, not that either." I think as I sigh and hold my head. "Why can't I just remember?" I ask as I put my hands down to look at my palms; as if they'd have an answer. Why can't I remember? What does this all mean? Life has changed so much..."I didn't know ya was a Gypsy, Lass." A gruff, Scottish voice says as I look up to see Reid. I nod and look back down "No...I just have other things." I say sadly as Reid sits to the left of me "I was just a-teasin'. What's on yer mind?" He asks as I look at him. Should I tell him? He probably will think I'm crazy if I even tell him. I look at him "Well, uhm...have you ever forgot something that was really important? Like, something in your life?" I ask. Reid gives me a soft chuckle "Well, hmm, I'm not really sure. I'm sure if I did, it wasn't important ta begin wit." He answers "Well, yeah, I guess so, but I mean something really important. Like your life." I say, I don't know what I'm thinking this will accomplish. Reid gives me a strange look before sighing "I've...missing what's in de past can be pretty hard, and I'm sure you are going through all sorts o' things, Rowan tells me ya forgot de past three months. But here's da thing, Lass, the past is in the past...an' now yer 'bout ta be wed. If ya need ta talk, I'm here." He says before patting my back, getting up, and walking off. "That went well." I say aloud as I stand up and waddle. I wish somebody would understand! "Hey, Lassie." Rowan greets cheerfully as I smile "Hey, so, about earlier, I-" "Before ya start, Lassie, lemme speak." He interrupts as he now gets in front of me and grabs my shoulders gently. "Ye be important ta me, dis is why I wanna marry ya. Plus, Doc an' Reid said I should. But, Alice...I, I love you." He says, I stiffen in shock as he blushes lightly. "I can't b'lieve I said that. I-" "Rowan, it's okay, you're the father of my child. Today has just been a lot to take in. Alright?" I ask as he nods. I look up to see a dark cave in front of us. I stare in disbelief "I wish I could post this." I think. Rowan wraps his arms around me "It just be a cave, we've gone through here before. Nothin' ta fear, darlin'." Rowan says bravely before kissing my cheek. I look up and watch as the blue sky becomes blocked by the cave above me and becoming enveloped by darkness. The crew begins to start grabbing at ropes from the sail as others begin to light up oil lanterns to give the cave a faint orange glow on its walls. I move away from Rowan and watch as we travel through "How long is this cave?" I ask "It be a good fifteen mile'r. Just don't be lookin' down in da water, sirens be a-lurkin'." Rowan answers before a guy with long, blonde hair and green eyes runs up and grabs Rowan's left shoulder; Rowan and the guy exchange looks before the man leaves. "I gotta go, Lassie. Ya stay right 'ere." He says before pecking my lips and running after the guy; leaving me, once again, to my thoughts. I forget that pirates believe in sirens; even though they are actually dugongs or manatees. I look down at the ocean to see nothing but pitch darkness as I hear the men shouting. I cradle my belly and sway lightly "It's okay, kid, I'm right here. We'll get through this." I say as the baby begins to kick; I feel the other side of me kick slightly and I arch my brow. "I guess you really got those legs spread, huh?" I ask with a giggle "Alright, lads! We's a-headin' inta Grant's grounds! We mus' keep up our strength and stay on da look!" Reid barks out from the helm. Grant? I watch the crew as they begin to set up canons and start packing swords. Rowan climbs down from a rope and hops down before helping Abdalla tie a knot "What are you doing, love? We need to hide ya." Doc says as I look to my left to see him "Rowan says I have to stay here." "Rowan doesn't know what Grant'll do ta ya." He huffs as he grabs my forearm and walks me. That's when it happens. Our boat clashes with another; causing the Night Soul to shake. Doc grabs ahold of me tightly. "We've got to get ya down there now." He says as suddenly a few men start to hop onto the ship. I gasp as Reid charges towards the men yelling in his language "What about Rowan?!" I shout "Rowan'll be fine! We've got to-" "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!" A man screams as he punches Doc, the man looks at me and laughs. "Well, well, look what we have here." He says as I step back "Please...no." I beg before turning and running; the man chasing me. Men clash swords and fight with ropes or even their own fists, blood and gore is splattered on the boards and I try to run through it. Two men punch each other and one of them pushes the other into the water. "Alice!" I look over to my right at Abdalla with blood all over him. "You hide!" He exclaims before grabbing a man and making him hit a table with his body. I feel someone grab me roughly "The Cap's gon' love ya!" The man says evilly as I attempt to try to hit him "Let go!" Abdalla yells as the man pulls me "Let me go! What gives, you moron?!" I shout as the man continues to pull me. Reid bashes two heads together as as a man tackles him "Where be Grant?!" Reid shouts as he backs himself roughly into a wall causing the man to fly off his shoulders "Reid!! Help me!!" I shout as Reid looks back to see me with the man "Rowan!!" Reid shouts as a man swings across Reid's face with his fist. I look around to see the crew in disarray before the man gets in front of me "Get ready to meet the Captain." He says before pushing me and making me fall off the ship. I scream as I feel my stomach drop, is this it? I fall into the arms of a burly man who now puts me down roughly "A woman, eh?" He asks in a deep voice as a smaller man with black hair in dreads grabs me from behind "What are you going to do to me?!" I shout "Calm down, Lass." The man says in an Irish accent. We walk up to the Helm and I meet a man who is as tall as Reid, but he's facing away from me "Leave 'er here." The man says as the guy holding lets go and runs away. I look at the man and feel tears pricking my eyes "What's going on here? Who are you?!" I shout "You won't speak ta me dat way." The man says gruffly "Let 'er go!!" I hear a familiar voice, Rowan swings down to the ship and rolls before standing up and looking at me with concern. "Are ya okay, Lassie?" He asks "Rowan, I-" "So that be yer name now, heh? Well, that is what yer Mama named ya." The man cuts me off, Rowan glares at the man "Don't do this, Grant." "Oh? But ye can wreck me ship? Y'all know dis be me turf, when I found out ye had a woman aboard, it gets awfully lonely wit'out dat wench around." The man, Captain Grant, says evilly, Rowan storms to the man "DO NOT SPEAK OF MY MOTHER!!!" He screamed, his voice cracking slightly making Grant laugh "Ye should of died wit' her. Ye sure have somethin' fer dis one." He says before turning around. Grant has blue eyes with rough, strawberry blonde hair and a beard down to his chest; he is also wearing all black and has a long scar going down the right side of his eye. I gasp seeing Rowan and Grant's resemblance. Rowan pulls out a dagger with his left hand "She be wit child, Grant, my child. Cha leig mi leat a goirteachadh. Marbhaidh mi thu, Grant (I won't let you hurt her. I will kill you, Grant)." He says before lunging at Grant and stabbing his arm, Grant yells before grabbing Rowan and flinging him "Rowan!!" I shout before Grant gets in front of me "Ah, I see I will be a gran-" "Aah!" Rowan grunts before knocking Grant at the back of the head. "Let's go, Lassie. Reid!!" Rowan shouts as Grant looks up at us "Ye will fere'er be unworthy." He whispers before laying his head back down. Reid and Doc look down at us as Rowan grabs ahold of the rope and they pull us up. Grant's crew falling from the Night Soul. Rowan grips me tightly and I hold onto his shoulder "Thank you for saving me, Rowan." I say as he looks down at me and chuckles "Well, yer 'bout ta be me wife af'er all." He laughs. We get back on the ship and everyone is treating me like a doll. Doc gives me a smirk and the crew cheers while we begin to sing sea shanties. We come out of the cave with the sun setting down; we unfortunately lost some of our crew because of the attack and we had small funerals for them, Reid looked so sad, but hid it well. Afterwards Doc checked the baby and said they are doing well. I walk and look at the stars shining. I am still in shock about today, I got kidnapped by an evil pirate and had my fiancé rescue me, maybe I could get used to this pirate thing. I cradle my belly and smile down at it "You know, kid, having you around isn't too bad." I say with a giggle "What are ya doin', Lassie?" I turn around to see Rowan; he looks pretty beat up with a cut just below his eyepatch, I look at him sympathetically "Oh my, are you okay?" I ask as I put my right hand to his cheek; he moves away from me "I ain't worried 'bout me. Ye should be in bed." He says before I sigh irritably "Now, Rowan, I am alright! I was already checked on. There is nothing wrong with me asking you if you're okay." I scold, Rowan growls "Yes, Lassie, I'm fine. I just worry 'boutcha is all." He says before walking to the ledge and putting his forearms on the board. "Dat be an evil man that took ya, I thought I was ne'er gon' see ya again." He says sadly. I put my hand on his back "Rowan, I'm alright, I would have made sure nothing happened to me. But what kind of hold does he have over you?" I ask as he sneers "There's no hold he has o'er me!" He exclaims defensively, I cock my hip "Then why are you so defensive? Rowan, he brought up your mother, and-" "I don't wanna talk 'bout it, Lassie! Grant is an evil man who'll kill whoever he wants ta get his way!" "But he didn't get to kill you. Rowan, is Grant..." I trail off seeing his icy cold stare "I don't want anymore questions 'bout Grant, Alice." "He's your father, isn't he? He tried to kill you multiple times, and your mother...did he...?" I ask, his icy cold stare begins to turn; his eye becoming watery but he looks down at the ocean below. Silence falls upon us and I shift my feet slightly "When me mother turnt 16 she became a prostitute fer bars in Scotland. She then met a man who stole from 'er in 'er room. Well, long story short, she had me an' it was jus' da two o' us. Da man kept comin' 'round, and af'er findin' out he had a son outta wedlock he told me mother ta throw me away, or do away o' me, me mother ne'er gave 'im da satisfaction...but when I was 5, two men came outta nowhere, they, they killed me mum..." He trails off, my eyes widen as his voice starts to crack. "I, uh, I kept screamin' at 'em ta leave 'er alone, they threw a white sheet o'er her. Da man who sent 'em was Grant, he is me birth father...but Reid rescued me as a wee lad, and he became me father." He says tearfully, I rub his back gently "Rowan, I, I'm so sorry. But I want you to look at me." I move both my hands to his head to make him look at me; tears pouring down the side of his face. "You're not unworthy, as a matter of fact, you're probably one of the most bravest people I know. As long as Reid takes care of you and makes you happy screw whatever Grant says. He's a toxic man but one mistake he did make was the greatest, and that is you, Rowan. Your mother would be so proud of you." I say as I wipe his eye. Rowan's lips curl into a soft smile as he grabs ahold of me into a tight hug "Lassie, I have no clue what I'd do wit'out ya. I promise ya, I ain't ever gon' be like dat man, I'll be like me father." He says as I hold him "That gives me a lot of relief." I say, suddenly a flash of a young boy pops into my head...that dream, it was Rowan! Just a flash of my life comes back...what if I'm dead? Is this it? What if my brain was preparing me to go back in time, and that's why I'm here...so many questions, that nobody can answer. We stand like this for another hour before going to bed, that would explain the dream I kept having, it's just too bad now that I'm not able to tell anyone now, or ever...


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