☆Chapter Two: A Sudden Hit☆

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*The next morning*

I look at my weather app and to my dismay I see snowstorms coming in tonight "Great, now I am going to be snowed in with family. Today can't possibly get any better." I say sarcastically. Stacey didn't come to school today, I know she is mad at me but sheesh she's my best friend, shouldn't she be a little more understanding? I throw away my lunch and set the tray back. I have cheer practice after school, so, of course, I have to wear my uniform even though snow is coming "Heard about the snow yet?" I hear a voice say behind me, I cringe and turn around slowly to see stupid Rowan "Ah. You again." I say plainly "Wow, I have a name, Ash Taylor." He says "What are you even doing here? You're a college graduate." I say as he shows me a paper 'Farewell Fall Dance! 11/27/2021' "I am on the security staff, just wanted some nostalgia is all." He explains as I nod "I see." I say "Do you wear glasses anymore? Or contacts?" He asks "How is that any of your concern?" I snap as he sighs "I see you're still bitter." He says "Bitter? You made me this way! You think you can just try to waltz back into my life after four years  and pretend nothing ever happened?!" I snap with venom in my voice "Look, Ash, I said I'm sorry, okay. That is all I can do, but you don't ever listen just like now. When will you ever just be happy with what you have instead of being such a priss?" He asks as my mouth opens wide "Wow, a priss, huh? Well then, this priss has other things to go do, like not screwing around with her jerkoff ex whom she's had the misfortune of ever knowing." I say darkly "I'm just trying to confront the past to change the future, okay? My whole family has never learned that concept, so I'm starting. Why is that so bad?" He asks "Because I wouldn't want to change anything between us even if we were the last two people on Earth." I say as I storm off. I head into the gym where I see everyone is basically socializing. I sit down at the top of a stand when I see Rowan out of the corner of my eye talking to some of the basketball players; occasionally glancing up at me. I bring my knees to my chest and put my face into them "Ugh, I hate this. Why is he even here? He hurt me so bad. I really did love and care for him, I hate him now. And why won't Stacey talk to me? Why is this happening?" I think to myself as I look up and see a white sheet a fellow cheerleader is holding to make a banner. My mind goes back to the little boy sobbing at the white sheet. "Wait a minute...they were talking about a whore? What was under that sheet?" I ponder as I suddenly get a message from my phone 'Cheerleading practice canceled due to below freezing temperatures. Stay warm!❄' I sigh and stand up "Oh look, it's the lousy wench." I hear Mark come up behind me as I twirl around and point my right index finger "I am not in the mood to deal with the likes of you, Mark. Go mess with someone else." I warn "Or what? You know I can get you off the squad right? My mom's the coach." He says nonchalantly as I grit my teeth "Is he bothering-" "Yes." I interrupt as I look over at Rowan; his eyes glaring at Mark as if he were a cat about to chase a mouse. "Rowan Grant. I see you're still a simp for this trash." He smiled "Okay, Rowan, I'm handling this, and you," I point at Mark, "say one thing about me to your mom and I will ruin your entire life." I seethe angrily "Yo, think fast!!" We hear a freshman shout as I look towards them, the last thing I see is a basketball before it beats into my face; feeling like a slab of concrete smacked into me. I feel myself fall backwards and a small amount of pain on the back of my head, I see blurry visions of people crowding me and my hearing just tinnitus bursting my eardrums. I start feeling extremely tired and I close my eyes where I am enveloped in complete darkness...

"Psst, m'lady, wake up, please, it's an emergency." I hear a faint whisper and suddenly feel my body shaking. "We do not have much time. Your uncle is coming! We need to hide!" My eyes crack open slightly to see a young girl with green eyes, black hair, fair skin, and covered in soot and dirt. "M'lady, I know you're tired. But we must hurry!" She exclaims with a strong British accent "What, where am I?" I ask and my eyes widen; I, too, have a strong British accent just like the girl before me, she grabs me by the arms "We musn't waste time! We have to go!" She exclaims as we start to run "Why are we running?" I ask "Your uncle heard about you! He is coming to kill you!" She exclaims "What?!" I shout as we run outside into the night "Alright, we need to go find an inn." She said "Can you please tell me who you are and what is going on?!" I shout at her while out of breath "Now is not the time for brown study, m'lady!" She scolds as we now hear horses. "Oh no, they're coming!" She exclaims as we now see some villagers; and I mean that because they look so medieval. A man on a black horse with white hair and looks like George Washington hops down "Ah, dear niece. Glad to see you are out on the town tonight." He says "I'm sorry, who are all of you?" I ask when he suddenly draws out a sword, my eyes widen "Whatever happened to our deal that your father made. Do you remember, Anne?" He asks the girl as she nods solemnly "Is this some kind of prank, because this isn't funny anymore?!" I shout as he now pins me to the wall harshly "Alice." He whispers almost seductively. "We would make such a great family." He whispers again, I knee him in his crotch causing him to yell out and I punch his face "Alright, first of all, get off of me you incestuous freak! Second of all, I am not your niece, my name is not Alice, and I do not know any of you! And lastly, if this is a prank I am so ready for my money now!" I exclaim, my supposed uncle stares right at me with shock on his face "You wench!!" He shouts as I move away from him and shriek, I look down at myself to see that I'm in a white gown along with black hair covering my breasts and to my belly button "Where is my phone?! If you lay another hand on me, mister, I will call the cops!" I threaten, everyone gives me a very odd look "Wow, I thought the disease didn't affect the brain!" Anne exclaims in awe as the man looks back "Take her. She will wed me!" He exclaims "What?! What about her?" She argues as she looks at me. "I love you, dear Alice, remember that." She says bravely as the men take her and she willingly goes "No!! Give her back!!" I shout "Alice, this is how our Adney family works, you know this! Someday you might marry your brother, if you don't go mad on him first!" The uncle says "I am not Alice Adney!! My name is Ash, Ash Taylor!" I exclaim "Your sister will be better anyways, you, however, shall be put to death for adultery!!" My fake uncle shouts as his henchmen grab who is apparently my sister. A man comes up behind me and puts a knife to my throat "Please, no..." I say weakly. Is this it? Where am I? Is this a prank? "Oi!" A voice sounds off as everyone looks forward; standing before me is a hooded figure with a plague doctor mask. The mask looks towards the man that is my fake uncle "Leig leatha falbh sa bhad, bidh fìor pheanas aice (Let her go at once, she will have a real punishment)." It says in a gruff voice. "It's a ghost! Please don't infect us!!" The man shouts from behind me as he moves away from me, the plague doctor now grabs my left arm and takes off with us running "GET THEM AT ONCE!!!" My fake uncle screams as I hear shouting and horses galloping. We run and turn to the left "Who are you?!" I shout but the plague doctor now yanks me forward and shoves me into a building. Everyone in the bar stares at us as the plague doctor now hikes me up onto its back. "Hey!" I yelp out as he jumps up onto a table causing commotion to all of the customers and bartenders "STOP THEM!!! TIS NOT A GHOST!!!" The fake uncle bellows from outside, the plague doctor jumps onto a table and leaps into where the bartenders stay, a woman slings beer onto us as it now runs up stairs "Set me down right now!! What is going on?!" I shout as I start to beat my fists on the doctor's shoulders. When we get to the top it sets me down and kicks open the door where we see the rooftop, it slams the door behind us and we run to the edge, it tries to grab my hand. "No, I don't even know you!!" I shout but the doctor now grabs me by my waist and shoves me off and comes along with me, I scream as I look back to see the men and Anne watching us fall to our death. The plague doctor grabs onto a line of laundry and we swing. My stomach churns and flops and I feel like I am on a rollercoaster. "Cùm do ghrèim! (Hold on!)" The plague doctor exclaims as he lets go and I scream, suddenly we hit water. We fall into a lake, we both come up and get out of the mote while the doctor grabs my left hand and we run down some stairs. "Gabh a-steach a-nis! (Get in now!)" The plague doctor barks as it then shoves me down onto what feels like a boat; I can tell because of the swaying movement when we are both on. I hear more shouting of men but suddenly I am covered by a dark cloak. My stomach churns more until I get nauseous and I feel myself begin to lerch. I hold my mouth and groan as I sit up, remove the cloak, and vomit into the ocean. The plague doctor attempts to grab my hair but I shove it away while I'm puking.

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