☆Chapter Thirteen: The Marriage☆

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September 27, 1650 @ 10:39A

I eventually find a book with blank papers and I sit down to write in it. Since this is technically my first wedding I might as well start planning; it keeps me sane, trust me. I write down if I want flowers; maybe roses? Nah, too cliché. I don't see any churches here at Port Royal; we don't even have a priest "How is he planning to do this exactly?" I ask aloud, the confusion hurting my skull. Plus, I didn't know planning a wedding would be so difficult, but it is last minute. I tap the pencil against my right cheek and a person comes up to me "Someting on mind, Alice?" It's Abdalla, I smile awkwardly and sigh "Yes, the wedding is today and we have nothing planned. I was going to try to write something down to at least prove we did something!" I say as he leans against the board to the right of me "Hmm, sounds like you nervous. I'm sure it will be a beautiful wedding, dear Alice. No need to fret." He says reassuringly as I shake my head "I wish it were that simple, Abdalla. I just feel like I'm the only one who cares." I say sadly "Oh, Alice. Rowan is trying hard, believe me." He says as I nod. Nobody really seems to understand how I feel. I close my notebook and smile "Abdalla, have you ever gotten married before?" I ask as he laughs and shakes his head "Nah, I be married to the sea. I have had a few woman back in day, but I am true pirate. I need no woman." He says as I nod "I guess I understand that." I say "I couldn't keep woman anyway. I care too much for myself, she would leave, I love myself too much to have woman around." He says with a laugh as I shake my head "You don't seem selfish." I say as he looks down "Alice, I am no selfish, but I will often see right in me, and not in woman. It was way I was raised." He says as I look down; kind of taken aback by his words "Say, Abdalla, I'm probably going to go check on Rowan, see how he's doing." I say, changing the subject "Alright, he down with Cap'n and Doc." He says as I nod and wave at him. I head down the stairs but pause to see Rowan "Furasta furasta, Reid! Is e cas briste an rud mu dheireadh a dh 'fheumas tu! (Easy easy, Reid! The last thing you need is a broken leg!)" He scolds, although I can't understand him I can tell he's upset "O, gabh fois, a mhic! Tha mi ceart gu leòr! (Oh, relax, my son! I'm fine!)" Reid exclaims. Reid looks up at me and nods his head for Rowan to turn around and smile "Alice! Sorry, Lassie, didn't see ya there!" He greets cheerfully as I nod "Reid, shouldn't you be down?" I ask as he shakes his head "Aye, no, no, I gotta stretch me legs, Lass. It was a-gettin' ta me." He says as Rowan walks up the steps to me, there I see that Reid is holding a cane, his hook is missing and a wooden stick takes its place "Reid would like ta marry us! I hope that be alright wit ya." He says as I nod "Oh, uhm, sure. I don't mind that at all!" I say with a fake smile "I'm glad ta get yer approval, Lass. I promise ta do well, I've ne'er done anythin' like dis, but I wanted ta fer wee Rowan." Reid says as Rowan rolls his eyes and laughs "Well, what about a wedding dress?" I ask as Rowan smiles awkwardly "Do we really need all dat, Lassie?" He asks as I scoff "Of course we do! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for us!" I snap as Reid smiles "Lass knows what she wants. We'll find somethin' fer ya." He says before raising his unhooked hand to the stairs. "Now let's get goin', we've got a weddin' ta do." He says as we start heading back up the stairs. When we get to the deck I pull Rowan aside "Now, it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride." I say as he arches his brow "Huh?" He asks, I facepalm and giggle "For the wedding, silly. Hopefully things are finally becoming normal, Rowan." I say, we walk past a cannon "Normal? How?" Rowan asks as I stand in front of him "Normal by we'll get married, have this baby, you'll become captain. And hopefully Grant won't be coming 'round anytime soon." I say "Lassie, Grant won't be comin' back, he's a wee coward." He says "Don't mean he won't find some self confidence and come around later. I'm just worried for our safety is all." I say as Rowan chuckles "Safety? Now, Lassie, I ain't worried 'bout meself wit Grant. I worry about ye an' da baby." He says as I blush "Speakin' of, we still need names. Now I was thinkin' for a boy, we could maybe name him Axel, and for a girl, how about Sarah, or Stacey?" I ask. Rowan shakes his head and laughs "Lassie, I'll neva know where ya get yer idears from." He says, I put my hands on my hips "Rowan, they're better than the names you picked. Those names you picked were utter cringe." I say as Rowan arches his brow "What is, cringe?" He asks, I bite my bottom lip "Right...you don't know that word. Well, it's pretty much a bad thing, and makes people feel disgusted." I explain, he nods slowly and I look back from where we've walked. "I forgot, I was going to go check on Doc. It's just, I want him to enjoy this too." I say as Rowan crosses his arms "Lassie, just be careful 'round him, he ain't doin' good." He says as I smile and kiss his right cheek "I will." I say as I skip away. I head down the stairs and knock on Doc's open door. "Doc? You awake?" I ask gently. Doc is still laying in his hammock and snoring softly. "Hey, Doc. I think we're getting ready to get married." I say as I walk closer to him. Suddenly his eyes begin to flutter, and his eyes open slowly "Huh...?" "It's okay, Doc. It's me, Alice." I say as Doc smiles "Oh, dear Alice. How are you?" He asks "I'm alright. The baby's fine too. How are you doing?" I ask, Doc nods slowly "I've been better. I'm just glad to see you up and about." He says as I rub my belly "This baby has felt so strange, I can't really describe it. I had Brax-uh, labor pains not too long ago." I say, Doc shakes his head and chuckles "Aye, I remember. I was a tad bit worried for ya. But you're a strong girl, you've got this." He says. I smile at him warmly "Doc...why are you so kind to me? I mean, I'm glad you are. But, I always thought that-" "You're a young Lass, I had a young sister just like you once. I haven't seen 'er in o'er twelve years though." He says "Really? You're a really good man, Doc. And you've helped me with so much." I say, Doc's face changes; his happy look turns sad, fearful even. He furrows his brows and sighs "Lass...Alice, I want you to know that you are so strong, just look into yourself for this baby, or babies, future children down the road. I want you to know that you can do anything that you put your mind to. You're brave, and Rowan is so lucky ta have ya in his life. I want you to enjoy this wedding, and be happy." He says, tears begin to stream down my face. I don't know if it's the hormones or what, but I bend down to wrap my arms around his neck "Thank you, so much!" I say "You're very welcome, kid." He says as he hugs me back. The baby begins to kick on both sides again making us laugh and I leave him; hoping and praying he will be there. I start to Frenchbraid my hair; trying to plan everything minutes ahead, I look around the cabin for something; even a shawl would suffice. I put my hands on my hips and frown. Rowan walks in and looks at me strangely "Somethin' da matter, Lassie?" He asks as I look back at him "I just want something special, I've never been married before." I say with a small laugh "Neitha have I. Ya look good fer it. I ain't wearin' nothin' special eitha." He says whilst gesturing himself "Today is special. I just want it to work." I say sadly. Rowan hugs me from behind and nuzzles my left temple "Lassie, ya look perfect the way ya are." He says softly, I smile and look at him "Alright, sweetheart, I'll leave it be. Now let's be wed!" I exclaim, grabbing his right hand and dragging him. The moon shines brightly in the sky with twinkling stars; the sound of ocean waves and the smell of rotted wood and beer fill my nostrils, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Pirates sit and drink as I watch Rowan help Reid walk, I wring my hands nervously. "I don't have my mother here, or my father, or my friend, whatever her name was...oh my gosh, this is it." I babble to myself. Rowan pulls Reid up on the table; both of them speaking in their native tongue. I stand at the doorway and watch Reid stand up and bellow loudly, the bar falls silent as Reid pats Rowan roughly on his back "Is e seo mo mhac, Rowan. Bidh e gam thoirt mar Chaiptean a dh ’aithghearr! An-diugh tha e a ’suirghe air a bhean, Alice. (This be me son, Rowan. He will be taking me place as Captain soon! Today he is courting his wife, Alice.)" He says. Rowan hops down from the table and walks towards me. My heart is racing as I take a deep breath; this is really happening. As Rowan gets closer to me I open the door and head to him, his eyes widen and I stand in front of him "I'm ready when you are." I whisper as he smiles, he grabs my left hand and we walk back to Reid. The pirates watch us as Rowan helps me up on the table carefully. Reid nods at me with a warm smile as Rowan holds both of my hands, his eye watery as I smile at him. Reid drops the cane suddenly making everyone gasp; he stumbles for a moment and gains his balance "I've got it. No worries." He whispers as he looks at Rowan "Tha thu air a bhith na bheannachd dhomh nam bheatha. Dèilig i fhèin agus do chlann gu math, no eile nì mi do ghut. (You've been a blessing to me life. Treat her and your children well, or else I'll gut you.)" He says with a laugh as Rowan nods and smiles "Tha fios agad gum bi mi, Athair. (You know I will, Father.)" He says before looking at me. Reid looks my way "And ye, Alice. Ye have become a great mate aboard De Night Soul. I know ye'll be great fer Rowan." He says as I smile "Thank you, Reid. That means so much." I say, a tear coming down my left cheek. Reid looks at us both "Alright, kiss 'er and let's go. I've gotta get back ta me bed." Reid says with a laugh. Rowan puts his hands on my cheeks and kisses me passionately; I kiss back and everyone starts hollering and cheering. I break the kiss and I feel thick, cool liquid on me, the pirates are throwing beer on us! "Is this normal?!" I ask as Rowan laughs "Not really sure!" He exclaims. Rowan and I help Reid get back to The Night Soul, and Doc wanted to see me. After talking to Doc about the wedding, we went walking in Port Royal and we watched the stars "Rowan." I say as he looks up at me. "I wanted to thank you, for tonight. It's been magical." I say amusingly. Rowan smiles warmly before looking back at me "I love ya, Lassie. I'm glad I made ya happy." He says as I look out at the ocean...maybe I should try to talk to him? I wring my hands. "What's wrong, Lassie?" I look down to see Rowan with his eyebrow arched, his eye peering into mine, I sigh "Rowan, May I speak to you about something?" I ask, he nods and smiles before grabbing my right arm "Of course, Lassie, whatever might it be?" He asks worryingly, I look down at him "Rowan, I think I've gone back in time." I say, he looks at me confusingly "Huh?" "I know, it's strange. Listen, I go to a place called high school, and I had an ex who looks just like you, his name was also Rowan. I have a mum and a dad who love me, I was a lonely child. I got hit with a basketball and fell down the stairs, and I woke up here. Anyway, I said all that to say this, you have really taught me so much, and I'm so thankful, I just-" "Lassie, were ya a-drinkin' tonight?" He asks with a laugh, I shake my head "Perfectly sober. Please, Rowan, listen to me." I say "Alice, I don't even know whatcher sayin'. I've been a-worryin' 'boutcha fer awhile now, since we gots ta see each ot'er again you've been actin' strangely." He says, I shake my head "I don't know if it's time travel or some lucid dream. But, Rowan, I can't believe how much being with you has helped me see what I am, I'm a jerk, a witch, I haven't ever felt this at peace with myself. And-" "Lassie, I need ta take ya ta see Doc. I hope ye ain't sick." He says, I scoff at him and hop down "No!! No, I'm not!! How dare you?! I ain't sick in the slightest, ya don't wanna listen ta me." I say frustratingly, Rowan's eye widens at me; I've never seen him look so...fearful before. I sigh and look down. "I'm...I'm sorry, I just...I'm tired of nobody believing me." I say, feeling tears come down my face. Rowan slowly tries to approach me "Alice, I didn't mean ta make ye mad. I want ta believe ya, Lassie. I just, have no clue whatcher talkin' 'bout." He says, I cross my arms "Nobody does." I say, I start to walk away from him. "Alice?!" He shouts "I'm goin' ta bed, Row! I jus' need a rest!" I exclaim. I head back to The Night Soul. What was my name? What is even going on anymore? I lay down on my bed and start crying, I'm not really sure why I felt this need to ruin tonight...I just want someone to believe me, but, do I even believe myself? I roll over and look out the window, this is my life now, and I need to accept that...


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