☆Chapter Fifteen (Pt II): Delivery☆

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I lean back and grip Reid's and Abdalla's hands. Surely this isn't what I think it is. Rowan pushes my legs down "Alright, Lassie, push fer me." He says as I sob "I-I'm trying!!" I shout, I feel myself doing it once again; convulsing and looking at the white ceiling "It's happening again!!" A woman shouts as my eyes roll back. What is happening?! I shake violently, maybe I can wake up, I can do this!! I mentally push myself to the ceiling; trying to lift my head into this new vision. I feel Abdalla grip my arm "Hold on, Alice!" He exclaims, and I see a face right in front of me; a face that looks like my new reflection "You're not done." The voice says and everything goes black. I wake up after a few moments to hear crying, I look up weakly once again and Rowan is tapping my forehead with a wet, cold towel "It was a girl, Lassie. You're okay, just weak." He says reassuringly, looking at me lovingly. I look around the area frantically as I see Abdalla and Reid with two white towels swaddled on a table "Where are they?" I ask weakly before he pats my shoulder "T'ey alright, Lassie. I promise. Thomas an' Elizabeth be okay an' healthy." He says with a gentle smile. I arch my brow and he grabs my shoulders gently. "I gotcha, Lassie. Ye go ta sleep." He says, kissing my forehead. I feel my eyes getting heavy before passing out.

I open my eyes to see the sun barely coming up, did I sleep through the night? I squint my eyes and weakly sit up "What a nightmare..." I say tiredly as I sit up, my eyes widen in horror as I see nothing but blood on the hammock; dried, brown blood that is, and it stinks! I slowly try to stand up before I feel two hands on my shoulders "Be careful, easy, easy." Rowan whispers as I look up "R-Row, what happened?" I ask shakily "Yer okie, Lassie. Ya had da twins las' night, an' I was a-lettin' ya rest." He explains as my eyes widen. That's right, I had the twins! Wait..."Twins?" I ask as he nods "I'm jus' as shocked as ya. I guess Doc tried ta tell us, we jus' di'n't listen." He says with a chuckle "Can I see them?" I ask as he nods "Well, ye are t'eir Mum, Lassie. But hold me hand, will ya? Yer makin' me a nervous wreck." He says, reaching out his right hand. I willfully take it and we walk up the stairs. Whilst we walk, Rowan tries to help me walk slowly to make sure I didn't have blood loss or scurvy; whatever that is. He also started talking about how everyone was there to witness me in labor, but what about that weird incident of me staring at the white ceiling? And why those voices sound so...familiar? "Somethin' be on ya mind, Lassie?" Rowan asks, snapping me from my thoughts, I try to think of something to say and I smile "Oh, uh, I was just trying to think of names for them is all." I say bashfully. Rowan arches his brow "Alice, Lassie, we named 'em Thomas an' Elizabeth, rememba?" He asks before my eyes widen "Oh, okay, hehe. Sorry, Row, I'm still a bit off." I say sheepishly "Ye alright, but we need to get ya somethin' ta eat." He says as we slowly head over to the Helm. He lets me sit down gently, and he runs to the Forecastle Deck Mast. I prop my chin on my palms and look around, so, I just gave birth to twins...cool, I guess. It's odd that these children aren't even mine, but who was that face? Telling me I'm not done, like, what does that mean? Maybe I actually did wake up, and came back here somehow. Ugh, maybe I should try to get myself shaking again. I am suddenly staring at a dead fish and I snap from my thoughts "Sorry it took so long, Lassie. I made sure it burnt well." He says as I nod "I gotcha. Thank you." I say as I grab the fish from him. The fish is on a thin stick; like it was impaled roughly to be put on there. Rowan sits down and wraps his right arm over my shoulders  "I figured ya should eat 'fore we go down. Ya didn't look so good." He says as I nod, he's right. I am honestly so starving, even though the fish tastes burnt it still tastes like ambrosia. After I get finished with the fish Rowan tossed the stick into the ocean and we get down to the hammocks, where we enter into our cabin. "Athair, ciamar a tha na leanaban? (Father, how are the babes?)" Rowan asks as he walks in. I walk in behind him to see Reid sitting on our bed and looking down at a small basket "Theys doin' jus' fine. Phillip found us a basket ta put 'em in, so I've been a-sittin' 'ere watchin' 'em." Reid says as I cross my arms and look down. Thomas has a small patch of red hair on his head and olive skin, and Elizabeth has a darker tinge of red hair and is a little paler; they both sleep peacefully. I smile lovingly as I kneel down "They're beautiful." I say. I feel Rowan kneel next to me "Elizabeth looks a little like ya, Lassie." He whispers as I smile. I feel so much love at the moment, I can't believe that in this life I'm doing so much better. Seeing these precious babies' faces, Rowan Wellerman being my husband. I look back at Rowan "We did it, Row." I say softly as he looks at me lovingly "Yer gon' ta be great cap'ns an' parents. Now, I gots ta get meself back ta bed, leave ya two be." Reid says as he slowly tries to stand from my bed. I lay my head on Rowan's right shoulder "I can't believe this. It's so...perfect." I say as Reid slowly saunters past us "Aye, it be. I ne'er would have thought ta see meself like dis." Rowan says before I look up "You should probably go help Reid, I've got the twins." I whisper "Are ye sure?" Rowan asks as I nod. Rowan now gets up and quietly leaves the room. I look at the twins and smile "Hi, twins. So, I am sort of your mother. I know, it sounds crazy, but I am from the future, I don't know where your mum is, or what's happened to her, but until she comes back, I'm right here for you." I say awkwardly, amazed at my British accent, when I'm American. Thomas coos softly and I giggle. "You both look so much like your daddy, it's unreal." I say. I begin thinking of Doc, did I actually do this without him? I still can't believe it, I wonder, you know, did Doc have family? I just can't help but think that Doc has family somewhere, and they have no clue that he is dead. They don't have funeral homes that I know of, I mean, it's 1650 for crying out loud! I still also don't know how I'm here, or why I am. I'm not done? Whatever could that mean? "Lassie, I'm back." I turn around to see Rowan standing in the doorway. I smile "Oh, okay. Sorry, I've got a lot on my mind." I say. Rowan shakes his head "No need to say so'ry. Things have been rat'er odd." He says whilst coming in. He kneels down next to me again. "Ye doin' okie?" He asks as I nod "Yeah, just thinking about Doc was all. I can't believe we delivered them." I say, small amazement still in my tone. Rowan moves his right hand below Thomas' chin and lightly scratches his index finger against it "If ye would have told me I'd be a fatha, I wou'dn't have believed ya." He says with a chuckle "Same. I'm just happy everyone took this so well." I say as he nods "An' ta think, ye would have been married ta yer uncle." He says as my eyes widen...yikes, forgot about that one. I watch Rowan gently lower his arms toward Elizabeth. "We di'n't know one o' 'em was in d'ere." He says as I smile at him. He lifts her up carefully and awkwardly tries to hold her "Hold her head." I say, moving his left hand under her head, he nods and smiles "Aye Lassie, I know." He says as I nod. Maybe I acted a bit off, but I do want to protect these babies, and Rowan with them. Rowan uses his thumb to rub her cheek softly. "She's beautiful." He whispers as I smile. I gently pick up Thomas and cradle him softly "You have to hold them closely to your chest, and make sure they're stable in your arms." I whisper. Rowan nods and lightly kisses Elizabeth on her head. I begin to talk to him about how I feed them, I'm assuming I have to breastfeed, since we have no formula. I observe Rowan and how well he takes care of them, for him to be so young. I mean, I guess people matured more quickly back then, or now, haha. Rowan looks at me and grins "So, uh, Reid's been a-gettin' much be'er, an' wit tat, I was wantin' ta spend some more time wit 'im. I need ta learn how ta be a Cap'n." He says as I nod "Alright, that's fine, and I understand. I just want what's best for the twins." I say with a soft smile, Rowan nods "Of course, I want ye an' da twins ta stay safe. Yer me fam'ly now." He whispers "Yes, but I want you to know that I'm so proud of you, Row. Thank you for delivering these beautiful joys of ours." I say. I now give him a peck on the lips. We stay taking care of the twins all day, Rowan would leave occasionally to help Reid and the crew, and I got to spend time with my babies. Later on into the night I laid the twins inbetween Rowan and myself. Rowan kisses both of their heads and looks at me "I love ya, Lassie." He whispers as I lovingly smile "And I love you, and don't worry, we'll move them sometime soon. I just want them close to us." I say as he chuckles "I know, Lassie." He says. We now kiss and I lay my head down, this has really happened, I have a husband and kids; way better than my life back in the future...ahh, I hope this never ends.


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