Chapter 2 - A New Start

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Kelly's POV

"We wanted to give you the perfect gift that you could take with you to your new university so we came up with this, I hope you like it." Mum says.

As I open my birthday gift from my parents. A photo collage of all our moments together since they adopted me when I was 4. I try to blink away the tears but a couple escape and fall down my face.

"I love it, it's perfect." I say whilst giving both my parents a hug.


It was a little later in the day and I was packing my things ready to leave for Uni on Sunday. When I noticed a figure standing in the door way. I turn around and see Sharon almost in tears as she watches me pack a bag full of clothes.

"Hey what's up?" I ask

"I'm gonna...miss you." She says in between crying.

"Don't cry, it'll be fine. I'll be back home at Christmas and I can visit during the weekends." I reassure her "Besides who'd wanna hang around with their boring older sister anyway."

We laugh whilst hugging. I leave the packing for later and decide to watch a movie with her. We spend the rest of the night sat with plenty of snacks watching multiple different movies and laughing endlessly.


Jordan's POV

I wake up to a knocking on my bedroom door, then hear a muffled voice shout

"Alfie's here."

Soon to realise it was Trevor.

"Ok dad I'll be right there." I grumble still half asleep.

" I grumble still half asleep

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"Yo bro, I brought us a couple pre-rolled joints and some snacks." Alfie says holding up a bag full of goods.

"Dude, keep your voice down." I tell him as I shut the door behind him "If they find out they'll kill me."

"Jordan." I hear Trevor call from the living room.

I open my door to see what he wants.

"I'm going to work now Darren will be back around 5 and me at 7, there's a menu and some cash on the table, feel free to order a pizza for you and Alfie."

"Ok, thanks dad." I reply.

After a couple of hours we worked our way through a tube of pringles and watched football, Northview united vs Streatham. We sat on my bed and smoked the joints out of my bedroom window.

We decided to have a wrestling match whilst we're both stoned. Alfie tackles me to the ground as I lay staring at the ceiling spinning, making me dizzy, Alfie sits having a full conversation with the wall as I watch whilst laughing uncontrollably.


I woke up to a banging headache and fuzzy vision. Opening my eyes I see Alfie staring at me with a smirk on his face.

"What?" I ask

"Nothing," he says still smirking "Just...your face."

I quickly jump out of bed completely ignoring my headache and go to look in the mirror to see that Alfie has drawn a moustache and goatee on my face when I was asleep.

"Dude, what the fuck." I shout only for him to stand there laughing.

I grab a wipe and desperately try to scrub it off but it wouldn't come off.

"I'm gonna kill you," I shout as I chase after him "Get back here you little shit."

I tackle him to the ground and draw him a moustache and a monobrow with sharpie as revenge. We both walk out of my bedroom and I grab some paracetamol as Darren sits and stares at our faces.

"Don't ask." I tell him.

"Ok, Trevor is in the car waiting if you're ready to go." He replies.

I nod my head as I put my shoes on as Alfie and I run out the door to the car ready to spend the next 2 hours in the car to Uni.


Once we arrive at Uni We thank my dad and say bye. Then me and Alfie race to the dorm room after he set a bet in the car, saying he was faster and of course I think he's wrong because I'm faster. What better way to decide this than by a race. I fly past the other rooms I can just about depict a few of the numbers 117, 120. I start to decrease speed as I arrive at room number 129. Alfie and I's dorm room. Before I could turn around Alfie arrives next to me.

"Safe to say I won," I say holding out my hand. "Hand over my 10 quid thanks."

"Alright, alright don't get cocky." He replies.

He reaches into his pocket and hands me a £10 note. We both then walk into our room and collapse onto our beds.

Kelly's POV

I wake up on the floor next to Sharon. We must've fallen asleep whilst watching the movies. I leave Sharon to sleep as I finish packing my bags to leave for Uni later. I work my way downstairs where my parents sit watching some random TV show that old people enjoy.

"There you are," Mum says "Best get something to eat before we set off."

I nod agreeing with her. I walk to the kitchen and grab some cereal from the cupboard and milk from the fridge, as I do I hear footsteps coming downstairs.

"Morning darling." Mum says acknowledging Sharon from the staircase.

But Sharon doesn't reply. She walks past my parents and comes towards the kitchen where I'm stood eating my cereal.

"Can I come with you in the car?" She asks.

"Of course, why not," I answer "It's gonna be a quite a long journey though."

She looks at me like she's thinking for a second then nods.

"Ok, run upstairs and get ready we leave in 20 minutes." I explain as she runs off midway through my sentence.


We've been on the road for 3 and a half hours, just as we pull up to the university I start to feel rather nervous. I walk up to the door collecting my dorm number from reception as Mum and Sharon stay in the car. Walking back to the car they both get out to help me with my bags. We walk towards my dorm room searching for room number 167 which didn't seem to exist. We walked down a long corridor to find room 167 right at the very end. We moved all the bags in and put them on the floor at the right hand side of the room away from the door. Mum and Sharon left as I sat on my bed looking at the ceiling thinking. 'This is my chance for a new start.'

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