Chapter 8 - Official

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Jordan POV

It had been a couple of weeks since me and Alfie had our conversation about Kelly. He eventually found out who the girl was, specifically because we were hanging around with her and Phoebe during our free time. I was talking to Kelly a lot during the past couple of weeks. I've noticed recently she does this cute hair tuck, where she tucks her hair behind her ears and smiles it's those moments where she lets her guard down with me and I love when she does that. I was sat in my dorm room waiting for Alfie to come back from the shop. I needed to ask him his opinion on something that I am quite nervous and unsure about.

It had been about 5 minutes and Alfie walked through the door. He looked at me for a second with a confused look, which caused me to smile.

"Hey bro," I said "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, dude what's up?" He replied.

" you know how I really like Kelly and everything" I said as I could feel my face turning red "Well, I was thinking of asking her out, like officially."

"Yeh bro go for it." He replied with a smile on his face.

I looked up at him with a nervous look on my face as I slowly nodded to agree although I was still unsure whether to do it or not.


It had been roughly 2 days since I spoke to Alfie about this. I eventually got over my nerves and decided to ask her. We were sat in the library just the 4 of us, I didn't know when to do it so I just decided to get her to follow me as I asked her on a date for tonight at a nice café where I was going to plan on asking her.

"Hey Kels, can I talk to you a second." I requested, she nodded as we walked into the hallway.

"What is it Jord?" She asked with a slight concerned look.

"Ok so I was wondering if you would want to go to a café with me tonight, just us two." I replied.

"Yeh sure, I would love to Jordan." She said with that cute smile on her face, as always.

Kelly's POV

I was sat at a table in the library with Phoebe, Alfie and Jordan we were discussing random colours and what we associate that colour with, me and Jordan started it off since it was homework from our drama class. Jordan whispered in my ear asking to talk and started walking towards the hallway, to which I followed.

"What is it Jord?" I asked slightly concerned.

"Ok so I was wondering if you would want to go to a café with me tonight just us two." He replied.

"Yeh sure, I would love to Jordan" I felt myself smiling as I answered.


It was a couple hours later and Jordan and I just arrived at the café. We sat in the first booth on the right, I scanned over the drinks menu and immediately caught my eye onto 'Hazelnut Bomb' an iced latte drink with a special hazelnut shot as stated by the drink description. I looked over to Jordan who was intrigued by the 'gingerbread infusion frosty shake' vanilla and gingerbread ice cream mixed together topped with fluffy cream and gingerbread shavings the drink description detailed.

One of the waiters came over with a mini notepad ready to take our order.

"I'll have the hazelnut bomb please and...the ham and cheese Panini please, thank you." I stated as the waiter nodded.

"Can I have the gingerbread infusion frosty shake please and the ham and cheese Panini too please, thanks."

"Ok it will be about 10-15 minutes." the waiter replied.

Whilst waiting for our food Jordan kept looking into my eyes and smiling. I ended up getting lost in his eyes for about 5 minutes, until I was interrupted by the food and drinks arriving. The whole time we were eating Jordan kept looking up at me.

"Kels," he said with a nervous look on his face "Can I ask you something?"

"Okay..." I replied.

"Ok so...I was wondering...if maybe you might want to make us know like actually start dating?" He asked.

"Yes," I said, excitedly "Of course I would."

We sat staring into each other's eyes smiling.

Jordan's POV

We had just ordered at the café and I was looking into Kelly's eyes thinking of when the best time to ask her would be. Whilst I was looking at her she did her nervous hair tuck, she looks so cute when she does that. I got lost in her greyish, blue eyes thinking of how beautiful she looked. Once our food arrived I continued to look up at her preparing myself.

"Kels," I said nervously "Can I ask you something?"

"Okay..." She replied, looking confused.

"Ok so...I was wondering...if maybe you might want to make us know like actually start dating?" I asked.

"Yes," She said, excitedly "Of course I would."

We were sat staring into each other's eyes smiling. I felt my heart beating swiftly, and I went all warm and funny inside, its official...we're official.

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