Chapter 17 - A Time Out

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I didn't want to put any added pressure onto the situation, so I let him answer in his own time. I could tell he was uncomfortable. I wanted to make him feel comfortable and safe so I moved to sit next to him and sat in silence.

We sat in silence for another 10 minutes before I looked up and noticed Alfie was still looking at the floor, however I noticed a tear fall down his face.

"Hey, it's okay. Whatever it is, I promise, and I mean promise that it will change nothing between us. Nothing." I informed him. "You're like the brother I never had and it is always going to stay that way."

He looks up for a second and accidentally makes eye contact with me, but quickly looks back down again.

"Promise?" He mumbles very quietly.

"Yes, I promise." I reply.

"," He pauses "I can't do this."

He runs straight out of the door as it slams behind him. I quickly rush to the door and look down the hall but he had already gone. I grabbed my phone and started calling his. His ringer began to go off, I turned around to find his mobile sat on the bedside table, at that point I began to worry more, considering he had ran out upset and left his phone behind. I didn't know whether to follow him or not, especially considering his history.

I sat for about 5 minutes contemplating whether I should wait it out for him to come back and give him a bit of space, or whether I should go outside and try to find him. I decided to give him some time alone and sat on my bed waiting.

Alfie's POV

I couldn't deal with it, I had to get out of there. I ran out the door and straight down the hall to the main doors of the dorm block. I didn't know where to go. I leant against the wall for about 5 minutes before setting off running. I was just running anywhere I didn't care where I was going, I just needed to get out and this was the only thing I could think of.

I ended up running 2 miles down the road when I heard a car horn beep. I came to a swift halt and turned around to find out where it came from. I noticed a blue Toyota Yaris pull over, that was Kelly's car. I felt a sigh of relief, it wasn't Jordan. Thank god.

"Hey, what are you doing down here?" She asked.

"Nothing much, just going for a little run." I answered.

"Okay, sounds cool." She replied.

"Anyways, best be off," I explain "See ya later."

She nods and pulls out and drives off heading towards Uni. I set off running again, I ran for another 10 minutes and stopped. I was outside a petrol station. Perfect, I ran inside and bought a six pack of Stella. I crossed over the road and opened the first can whilst sat on a wall staring into the road. I sat on the wall and lost track of time, before I knew it I was on the final can.

Jordan's POV

It had been about 30 minutes since Alfie had ran out. I couldn't help but feel worried about him. I decided to go search for him. I grabbed my phone and called for a taxi, I made my way out of the door and outside to wait for the taxi to arrive. After the car accident my car was completely totalled and we're currently waiting for a pay out from my insurance before I can get a new car.

After 5 minutes the taxi arrived and I requested for the driver to drive around the area to try and find Alfie. The driver nodded and drove around the area in a circle within a 5 mile radius. After driving for 10 minutes I didn't see Alfie anywhere. I called his number to check if he had gone back to the dorms or not, but there was no answer. We drove around for another 20 minutes, still nothing.

I was about to tell the driver to take me back but then I noticed Alfie sat on a wall opposite the petrol station. I immediately asked the driver to pull over and kindly asked if he could wait a few minutes whilst I got out and spoke to Alfie. I sat next to him on the wall noticing all the cans of beer he'd drank, alone. He was drunk off his face.

"Shit," I look down at him "Come on bud."

I helped him down off the wall and walked him over to the taxi, he climbed his way inside. I went back and picked up all the cans and threw them in the nearest bin, then got back in the taxi and asked the driver to take us back to the dorm.

Once we arrived back, I thanked the taxi driver and payed him. Then helped Alfie out of the car, putting his arm over my shoulder as he stumbled his way to the dorm room. I laid him on his bed and took a bottle of water out of the mini fridge.

"Here drink this," I said as I threw him the water "We'll talk tomorrow, right now you need to drink that and sleep it off."

He nods in reply. I sat on my bed watching Netflix on my laptop, looking over at Alfie fast asleep I think to myself how serious this is if he's going out and getting drunk at the side of a road, alone. It was time to get some rest as it was quite late and it had been a busy day.


It was the next day and I woke up before Alfie, I left him to sleep and just waited it out, running my mind over what I was going to say to him. I heard a groan as I look to see Alfie awake.

"Welcome back to the world mate," I joked "How's the head?"

"Ugh, I feel like literal shit." He replied.

"That is usually what happens when you drink a six pack to yourself," I say as I walk into the bathroom and get some paracetamol from the cabinet. "Here take these they should ease the headache."

"Cheers." He said.

I looked over at him and then looked away. He wasn't meant to notice but he did.

"What?" He asked.

"I think you know what." I answered.

"Yeah, ok I know. Yesterday was bad, but I promise you it won't happen again." He replied.

"Alright, but do you need to go to a meeting, I can go with you if you want." I questioned.

"No, I should be fine." He responded.

"Well at least call your sponsor." I requested.

"Ok." He agreed.

I continue to look at him, waiting for more information.

"What now?" He asked.

"Right, I don't want you to run out the door and get pissed again, I need you to talk to me Alf. That's what we agreed on last time," I explained "What was wrong, what caused you to drink again, and don't say nothing because I know it's a lie."

"Ok, I'll talk to you more, I promise," He responded. "This is just a bit more than talk. It's complicated, well not really complicated but it's very hard for me to talk about."

"I understand, and I'm here. Okay. I'm here to listen." I inform him.

"It's something that is really personal to me," He explained "I don't really know how to say it. Like it's really difficult for me to say."

"Hey...Hey, look at me," I say "It's okay, take your time. There's no rush."

"Jordan, please don't hate," He pauses "I'm gay."

I look over to him as he looks to the ground and a tear falls down his face. I stand up and walk towards him and hug him. I stand above him and put my hands on his face as I tilt his head up to get him to make eye contact.

"Hey, Alf. It's okay, like I said, this doesn't change anything between us, and it never will. I love you bro."

"I love you too bro." He replies.

He smiles as more tears fall. He stands up and I give him a long hug.

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