Chapter 14 - The Announcement

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Kelly POV

It had been a couple of hours since I found out the whole pregnancy situation. I've been trying to get my head around it, but every time I think about the babies, I end up feeling his breath on my neck all over again. I want to tell Jordan, about that night, about the babies, about everything. I just needed to come up with a way. I decided it would be best to tell him tomorrow when Trevor and Darren are at work so that it'd just be me, Jordan, Alfie and phoebe.


It was the next day and Phoebe had just walk in giving me the eyes as if to say 'are you ready'. Which I most definitely wasn't.

"Hey, how you feeling?" She asked "You ready to do this?"

"I'm okay I guess, as okay as I can be considering what's about to happen," I reply "Best to get it over and done with, sooner rather than later."

She nods and walks out as I follow. We walk towards room 324, where I find him sat on the bed and Alfie sat in the chair beside him. Phoebe looks towards Alfie and he locks eye contact with her.

"I'm gonna go get a drink, anyone want anything?" Alfie asks.

"I'll come with," Phoebe replies leaving me and Jordan alone to talk.

"Hey, what's up, I was worried about you." He said.

"Hey I'm okay, just had a little shock that's all." I respond.

I notice him about to say something until he stopped himself, I could see his look of hesitation, and I could tell he was questioning what to say by his eyes.

"I'm pregnant!?" I blurt out as I see him look down.

"Oh..." He answers "but, we haven't...we haven't done anything."

"I know, there's something I need to tell you," I retort "But I promise it's not what you think."

"Okay," He responded "I promise I'll listen and not over react this time."

I nod. I begin to tell him everything. I describe the beginning of the night. Telling him about Kyle and Phoebe and then I continue the story. I make it to walking out but then I start to panic, as I feel him breathe on me again. But the panicking stops when I feel a familiar hand on mine.

"Take your time," He told me "There is no rush, if you need a minute then take it. It will be ok, I'm here."

I look at him as a tear slips out of my left eye. But it didn't get far before he wiped it away and stroked my hair back behind my ears. I felt safe and comforted which helped me calm down ready to carry on with the story. This time I made it to the end. I looked up at Jordan with tears flooding down my face. I see his eyes well up with tears, but then, they go away and all that I see is rage. Behind his eyes it was like someone had flicked a switch, like Jordan had disappeared and all that was there was this immense level of anger.

"I swear if I ever find out who did this to you," He said as the rage became more detectable "I'll kill him, I will fucking kill him."

I look at him as he wipes away my tears.

"I'm sorry this happened to you baby, and I'm sorry I never noticed." He voiced.

"It's okay" I say back.

"So...the baby?" He questions.

"Babies." I correct.

"Wait...babies!?" He repeats "As in plural?!" to which I nod.

"Yep twins." I explained.

Just as I do, Alfie and Phoebe return this time with Trevor and Darren too.

"Kelly glad to see you're up and well again, gave us quite a fright yesterday." Darren states.

"Thanks Mr Blackburn" I say.

We all spent the rest of the evening laughing and eating pizza that Trevor and Darren ordered. We were having a blast, which was until the doctor walked in. Doctors have a habit of stopping any laughter we have even when they bring good news. It's just a natural instinct after everything that has happened.

"I've got good news," Dr Delmer explained "Jordan you can go home, we are officially discharging you tomorrow morning."

"Can I go back to my Uni dorm, or do I have to go home." Jordan asked.

"As long as you go easy and continue to rest then I can't see why not," Dr Eustis declared "Yes you can return to your dorm."

His face lights up. The doctors went on about his medication, how to use it, when, and what to do if he notices any changes in behaviour or feelings. They informed us all about side effects so we could be aware and spot them early.

It was the next morning, the day we'd all been waiting for since we stepped through the doors 2 weeks ago. Time to go home. It felt weird being able to leave considering me, phoebe and Alfie hadn't gone home since Jordan was admitted. Alfie had gone back to the dorm to bring Jordan some clothes seen as he's been living in hospital gowns for 2 weeks. Once Jordan was changed we were all set to leave. The doctors had brought his prescription for his medication, all we had to do was take that to a pharmacy which we will call at on the way home.

"You ready?" I ask Jordan.

"More than ready." He replies with a smirk on his face.

We slowly walk out of the room as it took a bit of time for Jordan to get used to his crutches. Eventually we make it to the main reception. Jordan stops, and turns around.

"Jord, you okay?" I ask.

"Yeh, just saying goodbye," He answered "It just feels a little weird leaving after being here for so long."

I nod and give him a hug until he's ready to continue. Once he is we walk forwards, out of the big, automatic double doors and towards the hospital car park. I watch as Jordan breathes in the smell of fresh air with a smile upon his face. We walk towards my car, which wasn't that far away. I open the door to the passenger side and help him lift his leg in trying not to hurt him. He had a cast on his leg to heal the broken bone along with a brace on his knee from the dislocation. I heard him inhale deeply as I slowly moved the leg.

"Sorry." I say.

"No no, it's ok, just a little sore that's all." He replies.

He fastens his seatbelt as I put the crutches in the back and get in the driver's side and start the engine. I drive out of the car park and up the lane to the exit of the hospital and onto the main road. I could tell that Jordan was a little on edge during the car ride. But I don't blame him after what he's been through.

We made it back to the Uni dorms where Alfie and phoebe were outside waiting for us. Phoebe gets the crutches out of the back as Alfie helps me slowly move Jordan's leg out. Phoebe hands me the crutches as she goes to hold the door open. We finally get Jordan out of the car and into the dorm block and down the hallway to his room. I walk him in and help him onto his bed. I kiss him and then let him rest.

"Update me if anything happens." I ask Alfie.

"Will do." He replies.

Then Phoebe and I head to our dorm room. Once we arrive I collapse onto my bed and end up falling asleep.

Phoebe POV

Kelly and I walk into our dorm as she collapses onto her bed and falls asleep immediately. I let her sleep, she is pregnant with twins after all. I message Faye to let her know Jordan is out of hospital and everything is good, considering we left her house in a rush that night and I forgot to update her. Then I went to sleep too. In my own bed as well, for the first time in 2 weeks. I was out for the count as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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