Chapter 7 - The Confession

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Kelly's POV

I stood in the doorway for a couple minutes in an awkward silence before coming in and sitting on my bed looking Phoebe in the eyes as I prepared to tell her how I felt about Jordan.

"Okay, so promise me you won't get mad at what I'm about to tell you." I said.

"Okay, I promise" She replied.

"Right so, I think I like Jordan but I don't want to like affect anything in our friendship because I know you like him too, or you did a few days ago." I told her.

"Hey, Kelly it's fine. I've moved on from Jordan he's a dick, but I appreciate you telling me but you really didn't have to, especially not for permission." She replied.

"Yeh but like I don't know if it's a good idea because he's like a well-known bad boy." I said.

"I mean, yeh he's a bad boy but like, YOLO right?!" She answered.

"I guess, but like I've made the mistake with the bad boy before" I explained and told her everything which happened with Ryder.

"Alright, well if you like him, then you like him and you can't change that," she answered "however, maybe don't go setting fire to anything this time."

I nodded as we both burst into an uncontrollable state of laughter. I then proceed to tell her what happened and how Jordan and I bumped into each other and had that really awkward yet cute moment together. I told her how he said he liked my eyes and that we were staring into each other's eyes for like 5 minutes straight in the middle of the hallway. Then I explained the feeling I felt when I was around him. She looked at me with this sort of 'proud mum' kind of look which I replied to with a confused look causing us to laugh even harder.

Alfie's POV

I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when Jordan walked in, I looked up at him but he looked to be in his own little bubble completely unaware what was going on.

"Yo bro, you good?" I asked.

"Yeh" he said but he wasn't paying attention.

I asked him why he wasn't paying attention, his face turns red, and I smile at him.

"A girl?" I asked.

He turns away and says nothing.

"Who!" I ask "Come on Jord, you can tell your best mate."

Jordan and I met in year 7. I had started a different school but that didn't quite work out and when I first met him in form I realised he was my new neighbour and we had been best mates since then.


It was my first day at Northview secondary school, I was quite nervous, I had been in year 7 for about a month. But I had moved to a new school because i lived further away from my old school as I went to live with my dad after my parents had separated. It had a weird vibe starting a new school already a month into the school year. Specifically in year 7 because everyone has gotten to that stage where they have made friends and they start to understand their way around school, everyone knew each other and then I was joining late and didn't know anyone.

I walked into my form which was with Mr Spears in room F2. I looked straight over to a guy who was messing around by throwing pencils at the teacher, 'he looks like the kinda guy to be friends with' I thought to myself sarcastically as I thought of him as a bad influence. But then Mr Spears sat me next to him in the seating plan.

"Hey, I'm Jordan." He said holding his hand out to me with 2 pencils propped behind his ears.

"Alfie." I replied shaking his hand.

I was rather quiet during most of the day, at lunch I sat alone in the corner just writing in a book I had in my bag. Jordan must have noticed I was alone because he walked up to me and sat down on the seat opposite me at the table. He started pulling faces to try and make me laugh whilst I was trying to drink my water. He successfully managed to make me laugh causing me to spray water in his face and start laughing. That definitely backfired on him. It then turned into a game, it was my turn to try and make him laugh. We continued this until lunch was over when we had to go back to our lessons. I had English in E5 and Jordan was in E3, he showed me where E5 was before going to his own classroom.

Because we were in year 7 we had 10 minutes of form in a morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon compared to the older years having 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the afternoon. After English I had Maths, and then RE before having to go back to form. Maths was the best lesson I had all day because Jordan and I were in the same lesson and we were sat on the same table, we barely got any work done but it was fun. It was now form time at the end of the day and by this point me and Jordan were really good friends, it was like our friendship just clicked straight away.

After my first week at Northview Secondary School, I had become quite popular. I was now best mates with Jordan and he introduced me to some of his mates who I was now friends with. But my main friends were Jordan and Will, they were the two I hung out with the most.


In all the 8 years that I have known Jordan, never have I seen him act this way about a girl like ever. Not even when he was with Roxy and I know he loved her and that really affected him. This is a whole new version of Jordan, and by the way he's acting I don't think he is used to it either. Although he looks happy and that's all that matters, I just hope it goes well and doesn't end up like another Roxy.

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