Chapter 6 - The Collision

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Jordan POV

It was Friday and I was walking down the corridor after I left my final lesson for the week. I noticed Roxy through a window to my left, I remembered her from year 11 and how she was the girl that all the boys wanted in school. She was like the best looking girl there. Turns out she has a thing for boys with ginger hair specifically one named Will, I had known Will since like year 4, when he moved here, he was like my best mate. That was until he stole the girl I loved, that can never be forgiven. He is dead to me.

I continued walking still looking towards Roxy, possibly in a slight daze and not completely paying attention to where I was going. Suddenly, I bumped into someone. I look forward to see a blonde girl stood in front of me. We both made eye contact as I stand there staring into her eyes completely speechless, I try to apologise but struggle to form the words in my mouth.

"Um...I'm sorry," I say still staring into her bluish, grey eyes. "I like your eyes."

"Thank you," She replied as her face turned red. I could sense the nervous reaction in her voice. "I should probably go now."

I nodded and just before she left I told her my name. She smiled and replied with her name 'Kelly'. She walks away with a smile on her face and red flushed cheeks. I stood watching her as she continued walking and slowly became a haze in the distance. Eventually I continued walking, although I couldn't stop thinking about Kelly, how had I never noticed her before. I could stare into her eyes for hours at a time.

Kelly's POV

'Well that was awkward' I thought to myself. 'Awkward yet amazing'. I could feel my heart fluttering, and I smiled uncontrollably as I continued to think about Jordan. I think I really like him. But I cannot make the same mistake again. I promised myself I would never go back to another bad boy, not after everything that happened with Ryder. But why, just why, do bad boys have to be so good looking. I walk into my dorm room still thinking of Jordan whilst smiling.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I heard phoebe ask.

I stopped dead in my tracks. Shit. I couldn't exactly tell her why, what would I say 'oh yeh I'm smiling coz I'm in love with the guy you liked'  yeah because that would really end well. Well then, what the fuck do I do now...?

Jordan's POV

I wanted to go back to my dorm, but I couldn't stop thinking about Kelly and that little moment we had. I wanted to speak to her. Maybe find out if she liked me too so I don't have a repeat of Roxy.


At around 3:15 on Friday we were stood outside school just as we finished for half term, I was talking with Roxy about how I'm leaving for New York early tomorrow morning. I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could before leaving.

"Hey Rox, so you know how I'm leaving for New York tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeh," She replied "What about it?"

"Okay so before I go," I continue "I have a little gift to give you."

Her face lit up when I mentioned the word gift. I hope she is that excited when she opens it.

"The surprise is at my house." I told her.

We went back to my house and I gave her the bag which had the special gift inside. She slowly reached in and grabbed it out. It was a plane ticket to go with me and my dad's to New York, I knew she was free over half term as she told me we could hang out the whole time, I couldn't help but notice that her face had lost the excitement it had 5 minutes ago.

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