Chapter 19 - The Truth

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Kelly's POV

I was in the interrogation room for about an hour, confessing everything to the police was terrifying. Whilst I was in one room talking one officer through what I remembered that night, Phoebe was in another room explaining how the events took place in her mind, one which was less polluted by a drug, considering her drink wasn't spiked.

After 3 hours we could all leave the police station, they informed us that it could take months to collect all their information and finish investigating the allegation.

*6 months later*

It's June, a lot has happened in the past 6 months. Firstly Valerio was arrested 3 weeks after we told the police, and was charged yesterday when he appeared in front of the court. He plead guilty and was given 8 years in prison.

I woke up this morning to horrendous pain in my stomach. After 5 minutes I soon realised it was a contraction. I was 39 weeks pregnant meaning that the babies coming now was completely possible. I woke phoebe up immediately.

"Phoebe!" I shout "Phoebe wake up...I think I'm going into labour."

"H...Holy shit...ok...shit! Fuck! What do I do...ok, call Jordan...and let's get to the car." She panics "Do you have the hospital bag sorted?"

"Yeh, it's under my bed." I inform her.

"Ok, I'll grab the bag let's go." She says, still panicking. "Jordan Kelly is in labour wake Alfie and get to the hospital ASAP."


We arrive at the hospital and these babies are not waiting for anyone. I was in agony. The doctors transferred me into a room and hooked me up to a lot of devices and examined me.

"Hi Kelly I'm Nurse Octavia, You're 7 cm dilated, meaning these babies are coming, and they're coming now."

"Drugs, I need drugs. Anything I don't care what, it hurts." I scream.


2 hours later and I was sat holding the 2 most adorable looking babies in the world. Cory Roger Hartell and Erin Tamara Hartell. At that moment, everything was good. Everyone that mattered was either in that room with me or there over facetime. My parents smiled when they found out the names of their grandson and granddaughter.

 My parents smiled when they found out the names of their grandson and granddaughter

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Erin(left) Cory (right)^

"They're beautiful." Mum said.

*A week later*

I had gone home with Jordan and the twins. I felt bad for Sharon not getting to meet them as she had school, so I thought this way we could spend some quality time together and she could meet and hold the babies. It was a surprise for Sharon as Jordan and I sat on the couch holding the twins waiting for her to walk through the door from school. After 10 minutes I heard the door open then shut.

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