Chapter 16 - Christmas

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Kelly's POV

It was Christmas morning and me Phoebe and Sharon made our way downstairs for breakfast, only to find my dad dressed up in his Santa suit. We all just stood there laughing.

"Dad, I thought we discussed this tradition when I was 15." I said whilst laughing.

"We did, however then Phoebe would never get to see it." He replied.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the kitchen, phoebe close behind.

"Hey girls, Merry Christmas." Mum said.

"Merry Christmas." we all say back.

We sat at the kitchen bar and ate our Christmas tree shaped pancakes and drank our coffee. I sometimes wonder if my parents have forgotten I'm 20.

It was time to open presents. The second best part of Christmas. The best is the food though, obviously. We had a family tradition to watch each other open each present and would always start with the youngest. So we all handed Sharon her gifts for her to open. She went through them all in like 20 minutes tearing straight through the wrapping paper. She was on her final gift, which coincidentally was the one I bought for her. She opened up the cute, flowery dress and bracelet.

"Merry Christmas Shar. Love Kels," She read the label aloud.

"Thanks Kelly, it looks lovely."

"You're welcome, Merry Christmas." I replied.

"Okay, Kelly your turn" Mum said as she passed over my gifts from under the tree.

I opened all my gifts, including a necklace from Phoebe with a picture of us in it and a Hoodie from Sharon. I had one more gift to open which was another from Mum and Dad. It was a necklace which said 'Our Daughter' in a fancy, red font, Sharon got one in pink but I didn't think I'd get one too. It had a note in the box 'Biology doesn't mean shit. Love you, Daughter. Lots of love, Mum and Dad.' I felt a tear stream down my face I looked up at them and started crying uncontrollably causing them to cry too. I reached over and hugged them both.

"Ok, Pheebs your turn." I said.

"But, I don't ha-" She began until we all cut her off by pulling a pile of presents out from under the tree.

"Did you really think we'd let you go without presents on Christmas," Mum said as Phoebe looked at her confused "Kelly gave us a heads up that you were coming so we got you a few things."

"Oh, you...shouldn't, have." She said in between tears.

I reached over and hugged her and smiled at her as she started to open her presents. She opened her gift from me first, an infinity symbol friendship bracelet to match with mine.

Then we moved onto my dad's gifts, I got him some after shave and a toblerone, his favourite. And then my mum opened her gifts, she loved the pastel teal blouse I got her and the matching celeste starre gold sunset earrings and necklace, which matched the bracelet I got Sharon.

"They match with Sharon's too." I explained.

"Thank you love, they look beautiful." She replied.

"Ok so that's all th-" Dad began.

"Actually I have one more present for you 3," I interrupted and handed out a present to Mum, Dad and Sharon. "Open them at the same time."

All 3 open the gifts to see a plain white top, to which I told them to hold it up. My Mum held up a top which said 'I'm a grandma to twins' my Dad's said 'I'm a Grandad to twins' and Sharon's said 'I'm an Auntie to twins' they all gasped and looked at me.

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