Chapter 9 - Girls trip

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Kelly's POV

It had been almost 2 months since Jordan and I became official. We practically spent all day together, this was a lot easier considering we were in the same drama lesson. But I still managed to get that time to talk with Phoebe during English literature. I hadn't spent as much time with Phoebe recently so we decided to go on a mini girl's trip over the weekend in Rollchester, which was about 4 hours away from Northview so we were staying with Phoebe's sister, Faye Waterman, and her 2 year old daughter, Kacie. Faye had recently gone through a divorce with Kacie's dad so we thought we'd use this as an opportunity to cheer her up.

Once we arrived, we got greeted at the door by Faye and Kacie.

Once we arrived, we got greeted at the door by Faye and Kacie

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"Ata Fee," Kacie said with the most adorable smile on her face.

"Hiya," phoebe replied.

Kacie reached her arms out towards Phoebe showing the fact she wanted cuddles. I collected the bags from the car and followed everyone inside. We spent the next couple of hours playing with Kacie until she was fast asleep at naptime.

"So, how've you been sis?" Phoebe asked "And I want the truth."

"I'm doing well, better than I was before," Faye replied "It's been easier having Kacie to distract me from thinking about it anymore."

I wasn't completely sure what they were on about I just assumed it was to do with the divorce.

"Ok well Kelly and I have planned us a nice shopping trip tomorrow, just the 3 of us." Phoebe told her.

"Wait," Faye answered in concern "What about Kacie?"

"Oh don't you worry about that we have the perfect babysitter and he's on his way now," I said.

"He's going to make a pit stop to grab food for everyone and should arrive at around 8pm," phoebe added. "That will give you a couple of hours with him so you can get to know him before you leave Kacie with him."

"But I assure you he's really kind and he's very good with kids." I explained "He used to babysit for his neighbours before he moved to university."

We continued chatting and drinking coffee whilst waiting for Kacie to wake up from her nap.

Once Kacie finally woke up and was ready to activate full energy mode. She was running around the room giggling endlessly as Phoebe and I pretended to chase her with her giant dog teddy she had, meanwhile Faye was cooking Kacie her favourite, turkey dinosaurs, for her tea.

When Kacie finished her tea it was time for her to get a bath and start winding down for bed, she got to watch her favourite show, in the night garden just before bedtime.

It was now 8pm and Kacie was fast asleep and there was a knock at the door.

"That'll be our trusty babysitter." I said answering the door.

"Hey Kels," he said with a smile on his face to which I smiled back.

"Hey Jordan," Phoebe shouted from the couch grinning at us making it a little awkward knowing she had been watching the whole time. "Oh, perfect you brought food I'm starving."

At least she managed to make it less awkward by mentioning the food. We all sat to the table and tucked into the food. Whilst eating, Faye got to know Jordan so he could watch Kacie tomorrow.


It was the next day and thankfully Faye gave permission for Jordan to look after Kacie, so we left them two at the house and set off to the shopping centre. We arrived at about 10am and the first thing we did was get iced coffee because we need coffee to function and why not. Then we started shopping, we let Faye decide what shop to go to first and she chose H&M. I used this trip as an opportunity to buy Christmas presents specifically for my mum and sister. I found a cute blouse in a pastel teal that I think my mum would love, and a summer dress with cute flowers and polka dots on it for my sister.

We finished in H&M and quickly nipped into tkmaxx where I bought a celeste starre gold sunset earrings with a matching necklace for my mother which also came with a matching bracelet for my sister. I managed to buy an infinity symbol friendship bracelet for phoebe where mine and hers would connect without her knowing as she was busy looking at all the rings. Faye bought her and Kacie a matching locket with a picture of the two of them inside it. A couple hours past, we went into a couple more shops but now it was lunch time, we decided to go to Gregg's and get the trusty sausage rolls. Once we'd finished eating we went back shopping.

After about 4 more hours of shopping it was 5pm and time to head back home. We bought Jordan some food seen as he missed out on shopping, not that he would've liked it anyway. Half an hour later we arrived home and walked in to see Jordan dressed in a pink too-too with a tiara sat unevenly on his head and a fairy wand in his hand and pink lipstick on, as Kacie was in a princess dress, they were both sat at the table having a tea party with all of her teddy's.

As soon as Kacie heard the door go she ran straight towards Faye with the biggest smile on her face. I looked over to Jordan who looked back and shook his head mouthing 'don't you dare' to me.

"Pincess Esa." Kacie said pointing to her dress.

I walked over to Jordan trying not to laugh.

"Who knew you could play such a good princess." I laughed.

"Oh yes, you've never met Princess Jordy." He replied whilst we stood there laughing.

Then there was a knock at the door. I looked over confused to see if anyone was expecting guests as Faye handed Kacie to Phoebe and answered the door.

"Hello, can I help you?" She said to the man standing at her door.

"Hi, is Kelly here?" He asked.

Faye looked over to me. I walked to the door and was stunned at what I was seeing.

"Ryder?!" I shouted...

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