Chapter 11 - The aftermath

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Alfie's POV

I arrived at the hospital and ran inside. I found Kelly and Phoebe sat at reception.

"What happened?" Kelly asked.

"I'm not sure, one minute he was on the phone and then the next he wasn't and then a crash happened so I called the ambulance," I explained "Any news on how he is?"

Kelly shook her head. This is definitely not how I imagined this weekend to go. The doctor came and took us to a relative's room, where we waited for them to give us any information.

Kelly's POV

I got a call from Alfie saying I needed to get to the hospital immediately. He didn't really explain why just that Jordan had been in an accident. I looked over to Phoebe who grabbed the keys and got the car started. We raced to the hospital barely under the speed limit. When we arrived Phoebe went to the main desk and told them we were relatives of Jordan Blackburn, they told us to sit in the reception and wait for a doctor to come over. Alfie wasn't here yet.

Alfie arrived and spotted us and walked towards us.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, one minute he was on the phone and then the next he wasn't and then a crash happened so called the ambulance," He explained "Any news on how he is?"

I shake my head, trying to hold back the tears. What happened to having a fun weekend, so far it's turned into a disaster that I don't want to remember. A doctor moved the 3 of us to a relative's room and told us to wait and once they had information they would tell us.

"When's his parents getting here?" I asked, as Alfie's face dropped.

"Shit!" he shouted. "I forgot to call them."

"Look it's ok," Phoebe said "it's normal to forget something amidst a panic, just go call them now and let them know."

Alfie left the room to call Jordan's parents leaving Phoebe and I alone.

"Pheebs," I said as she looked up to me "is it my fault?"

"No!" She answered as she put her arm around me "No, I promise you, it isn't your fault."

Alfie walked in and sat next to me and phoebe as the doctor entered shortly after.

"I'm Dr Eustis, one of the doctors treating Jordan Blackburn." He said. "Jordan has sustained some life threatening injuries, but is considered lucky after the situation he was in."

"What does this mean?" Alfie asked.

"Will he be ok?" I asked.

"The short answer would be yes," He answered "However, considering the amount of harm caused he could be living with some permanent damage." He replied.

Then another doctor came running to the door.

"Dr Eustis, we've got a cardiac arrest in room 324." She said.

Both doctors rushed out of the room. I couldn't help but wonder if that was Jordan currently in cardiac arrest. I sat shaking uncontrollably whilst Phoebe tried to comfort me.

Jordan's Parents arrived just after the doctors left.

"Hey Alfie," Trevor said "Any news?"

"Not much, Mr Blackburn, they just informed us he is going to be ok but could have some permanent damage."

The other doctor walks back in this time instead of Dr Eustis.

"I'm Dr Delmer the other doctor treating Jordan Blackburn." She said "I'm not sure what Dr Eustis has told you but I thought it would be right to at least inform you what happened and what is going on with him so far."

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