Chapter 15 - Family Time

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*A month later*

Kelly's POV

It was 3 days before Christmas and I was getting ready to head home to see my parents for the first time since September. I should've felt more excited, but I couldn't, not when I knew I'd have to explain to them everything that happened that night for them to understand the pregnancy. I felt a tear flow down my face as I thought about their reactions. I hear a footstep and turn around to see Phoebe stood in the door way.

"Hey, you ready?" She asked.

"No," I reply "I mean yeh but no, I'm ready to go but I'm not ready for anything else"

"Yeh I get you," She said "I'm not gonna turn around and say it's gonna be fine, cause I know that isn't true, but what I can say is you will be okay. Okay?"

I nod as I stand up and walk towards her. She hugs me before we set off and leave. Phoebe was spending Christmas with me as her mum had gone with Faye and Kacie to visit her dad in America. Phoebe drove to give me time to plan what I was going to say. It was the Saturday as Christmas was on the Monday luckily for me Sharon has gone to her friend's Christmas party today giving me plenty of time to tell my parents without having to upset her too.

After a 3 hour drive we finally arrive at my parent's house. Phoebe and I walk up to the door and before I could even grab the door handle it opens, and Tamara and Roger are stood in the door way I reach in and hug them both. Just as I leave the hug I see Rex running towards the door. I get down on my knees ready to greet him. Whilst I pet Rex, mum and dad shake hands and welcome Phoebe.

"So, how've you been?" Mum asked.

Phoebe looked over to her and shook her head, I don't think she was aware that I saw her. We went inside and sat on the couch as mum boiled the kettle and made us all a drink then came and sat down with us.

"Mum, Dad... there's something I need to tell you." I say as they nod and listen to everything I had to say.

So I explained it all to them. Once I had done I reassured them to say that I'm okay now and that it was a few months ago. Once I had finished the explanation they both hugged me. I saw a tear fall out of Roger's eye, but he quickly wiped it away.

"Anyways, now that we have the negative stuff out of the way, let's enjoy Christmas," I voiced "What time is Sharon home?"

"Abo-" Roger started but stopped as we heard the door go and Sharon walked in. "About now."

"Kelly!?" She shouted and ran up to hug me.

"Phoebe, this is my little sister. Sharon." I introduced "Sharon, this is my Roommate and best friend. Phoebe"

"Hey, Phoebe." Sharon said shaking her hand.

"Hi" Phoebe replied.

Just as Sharon sat down a timer started beeping.

"That'll be tea." Roger said, walking towards the kitchen.

"Sharon, honey. Please set the table." Tamara asked.

Phoebe and I went to help in the kitchen, she grabbed the drinks as I helped with the dishing up of the food. Then we all made our way to the dining table to eat. After tea me Sharon and Phoebe went up to my room and wanted to get a bit more into the Christmas spirit so we put on an old classic 'Home Alone' and all snuggled on my bed with popcorn and snacks.

Jordan's POV

Trevor came and picked Alfie and I up from our dorm room as we were going to spend Christmas at mine with my dad's.

"Hey boys, you ready to set off." Trevor asked.

"Yeh one sec, just need to grab my toothbrush." Alfie stated.

Alfie walked out of the bathroom with his toothbrush in one hand and hair gel in the other. I looked at him and laughed.

"What?" He asked

"Nothing..." I replied as he gave me a look "Okay, just you sure you can't go 3 days without the hair gel."

He looks over to me and laughs. Trevor shakes his head as he takes my bag and we follow him out of the door. I had been to the hospital 2 days ago and had my cast removed as they changed it for a boot so I could now walk on it but the boot was to stop me from putting a lot of weight on it at once, to give it chance to heal. I was given one crutch to assist my walking a bit. We got to the car and I put my crutch in the boot as I slowly bent my knee and got in the car.

We were on the road for 2 and a half hours as we turned and pulled onto my drive.

"Ayy finally, that drive seem to take forever!" Alfie cheered.

"Darren is at work, he thinks you're not coming home until tomorrow," Trevor told us "That's what I told him at least."

"Well, guess he'll be surprised then." I responded.

We walked in the house and I went straight over to misty and stroked her as she purred loudly.

"I've got some last minute errands to run, you two going to be ok alone?" Trevor questioned.

"Dad, when are we not ok alone," I replied "Go, we'll be fine, don't worry."

He nodded as he ran out the door. I feel like he was planning something but I couldn't tell what, he was acting really suspicious. I shrugged it off and turned around to Alfie.

"Okay, so we have a choice. Movie or Xbox" I uttered.

"How about, Xbox." He responded.

I nodded. As I put the disk for 'Lifeless Invasion' in the Xbox and passed Alfie a controller over. In the menu option we selected multiplayer, zombie warfare and chose the Dynaheart game mode. We played for hours completely losing track of time.

When Trevor and Darren returned together with Chinese takeaway.

"Please tell me you didn't play on that stupid box this whole time" Trevor said.

There was a pause as me and Alfie looked at each other.

"Uh...we didn't play on that stupid box this whole time," I responded. "Ok we lost track of time that's all."

"We were only meant to play for an hour and then switch it off." Alfie added.

Trevor and Darren looked at each other, then started laughing.

"You should've seen your faces." Trevor said whilst laughing.

"Oh, you assholes!" I uttered, throwing a cushion at their faces.

Then we all sat at the table and began to eat the Chinese.

"What even is the fascination with that game anyway?" Darren asked.

"What? You mean besides shooting zombies." Alfie said as we both laughed.

"Look, after tea we'll show you." I responded.

Once we'd finished eating Alfie and I showed Trevor and Darren how to play and explained the different game modes. We selected the same game mode as before, Dynaheart, and began to explain.

"Okay, so Dynaheart is a game mode, there are many different ones but this is our favourite." I continued "In this game mode we play in the desert map, and the only weapons available are shotguns and dynamite. To kill the zombies you have to aim for their heart."

I look over to them, confused expressions painted over their faces.

"Don't worry, we'll explain as we go along." Alfie told them.

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