Chapter 3 - The Eye Catcher

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Kelly's POV

I wake up to the blaring sound of my alarm. I reach up to grab my phone to press snooze still with my eyes shut. I hear a thud and open my eyes to see my phone on the floor. Great. Once my eyes finished adjusting to the brightness of my room I noticed my roommate sat on her bed reading.

"Sorry if I disturbed you." I said in an apologetic tone.

"No, no, not at all," She replied "I'm Phoebe."


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"Kelly," I say "what are you studying?"

"English literature and history," she answers "you?"

"English literature and drama" I reply "This is my second year in university but my first at Northview university."

"That's cool," she said "I joined at the end of last year."

We both set off walking to lecture hall B to start English, it was 20 minutes before the lecture so we had time to find the hall and not be late. On the back of my timetable they printed a map of the whole university site. So all I had to do was make my way from dorm block 2 to lecture hall B, which was located in the main building in the middle of the site. Luckily we arrived to the lecture with 10 minutes spare. The professor decided he was going to make everyone know I was a new student by getting me to stand in front of the class and introduce myself. I don't think I have ever experienced a more awkward situation in the 20 years I've been alive.


Our first lecture was over and Phoebe and I went back to our dorm room and got to know each other a little better.

She told me about her family. Her brother is in the navy, her dad works in America, her sister moved out a few years ago to live with her boyfriend, her and her mum moved to Northview in June because the area they previously lived in was being demolished and turned into a prison. I told her about Tamara, Roger, Sharon and of course Rex. We spent our whole free time between the lectures getting to know each other. I left Phoebe and entered left block arriving at stage room C for my drama lesson 2 minutes before it started.

Jordan's POV

I woke up to Alife slapping my face to realise I had slept through my alarm and missed half of my first lecture. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to pitch A for my sports class. Where coach instructed me to run 3 laps of the pitch one for every 15 minutes I was late. After sports class I had to run to the other end of the site to make it to drama on time. I managed to arrive to stage room C one minute before the lesson started I opened the door hoping to sneak in only to find professor Ayers to be stood staring at me. She just so happened to teach me in year 7 before she got a job in teaching university. I swear she has never liked me especially after the incident.


Monty and I were at a birthday party when we decided to leave early and walk to the school site with a bag full of spray paint and silly string. We walked into Miss Ayer's classroom where she taught us drama. Monty silly stringed her computer and drama files as I spray painted the walls. I stepped back to read my creation 'Monty & Jordan wuz here' it said in neon orange paint. I turn around and see silly string all over the computer and files. We had one more idea that we thought would be funny. I got a bucket of water and poured it over the stage as Monty changed the AC to blow really cold so it would freeze. Once we were done we ran out of there and went back to the party.


"Jordan, I should've known you would be the last to arrive, take a script and sit down." Professor Ayers said to me "and what is all that on your face."

My facial expression dropped as I grabbed my phone to look into my camera and realised the sharpie was still on my face from yesterday.

Kelly's POV

Just as I arrived my professor was instructing the class to collect a script from the back table and take a seat. As I was walking towards the seats I hear the door open behind me. A boy walked in and he immediately caught my eye, he had some sort of drawing on his face. He looks like the type of student to be a trouble maker and he's already caught my eye. 'No, Kelly you cannot make the same mistake again.' I think to myself 'You need to stay away from the bad boys, for good.' I quickly turn away and go towards the seating area avoiding him as much as possible. I hear my professor say his name. Jordan. I remember my parents telling me to stay away from a boy called Jordan I just can't remember why.

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