Chapter 12 - Recovery

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Kelly's POV

Dr Eustis examined Jordan and asked him a lot of questions, mostly to check his memory and his pain scale. We were told to leave the room for a bit whilst he asked him more questions. We sat and waited in the relative's room for around 20 minutes whilst this was going on. Then both Dr Eustis and Dr Delmer came to talk to us all about what was going on with Jordan.

"Jordan seems to be doing well, he isn't in too much pain right now due to the pain medication. His memory seems to be a bit foggy, he can remember everything up until the accident, he doesn't remember what happened" Dr Delmer explained.

"However, we do need to run some tests on his head and brain which he needs to be awake for, we need to check how the skull is and he is showing signs of possible PTSD from the crash, although he doesn't quite remember what happens whenever the crash is mentioned he gets really tense and panics." Dr Eustis informs us "We are also certain he will have a damaged knee for the rest of his life, which he will need to go to physical therapy for, it will start to be once a month but will eventually become once every 3 months."


It had been a week since the accident. Given the circumstances the Uni gave a couple weeks leave to me, Phoebe and Alfie, and given his state we were unaware when Jordan would return to Uni.

I was sat in the chair next to him, he started talking more now rather than just one or two words every so often, now he is forming full sentencing which is great progress.

"Hi, Kels." Jordan said.

"Hey Jord," I replied "how is the head pain today?"

He holds up 6 fingers, 6 is still quite bad, but for the past few days it had been 8 so I'd consider that an improvement.

Darren and Trevor both had to work today, they didn't want to take any more time off work and bombard Jordan considering that we were here too, and we promised to let them know if anything got worse or if they were needed at the hospital.

We get the results for the brain and head scans later today, I can't help but worry. I looked down at the ground thinking about the possibility of bad results.

"What's up baby?" Jordan asked.

I was really hoping he didn't notice, I didn't want to worry him even more.

"Nothing." I replied but he knew I wasn't telling the truth.

"No, I know it's not nothing. What is it? I can handle it" He responded.

"Ok, I'm just worried about the results." I said.

"Hey...hey, look at me" He said "It's going to be fine, okay. No matter what the results, we can deal with it yeah. We're strong remember."

"Okay" I nodded.

"Time to interrupt this intimate moment from a soppy romance movie." Alfie said smirking.

"Only coz you're jealous that I'm pulling the girls and you aint." Jordan replied.

Causing Alfie to look uncomfortable and I think Jordan noticed as the room went silent.

"Anyways how you doing bro?" Alfie asked.

"Better than yesterday" He replied.

"Pain?" Alfie asked.

Jordan nodded and held up 6 fingers again.

"Yo, Kelly," Alfie said "Can I have a word outside?"

I nodded and followed Alfie out the door.

"Ok, is he really?" He asked.

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