Chapter 20 - The End

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Jordan's POV

After Kelly's parents informed us about our background. I couldn't help but wonder if my dad's knew anything about it too. I didn't want to ask them, I didn't want to feel the same betrayal Kelly was feeling. I decided to wait a week after finding out to give my head chance to think rationally rather than act out of emotions. Kelly volunteered to come with me and I agree, I could do with the emotional support.

"Dad, can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Trevor questioned.

"Did you know that Kelly and I were related? Did you know I had a twin sister?" I blurted out.

"Who...who told you that you were related?" Trevor asked.

"So, I'll take that as a yes," I replied "How long did you know?"

"When Darren and I adopted you, they warned us that you had a twin sister and that she had already been adopted." Trevor continued "They gave us the contact information for Kelly's parents for if we wanted you two to grow up knowingly siblings. We didn't know it was Kelly, I promise you that much."

"Oh, great! Fucking great!" I shouted "So you even had contact details, and didn't think to let me know at any point in my life!"

"We thought it was for th-" Trevor began.

"Don't you even dare say it was for the best!" I yelled. "Kelly's parents said the exact same shit. Bullshit! All of this is fucking bullshit!"

"Jordan, please calm down." Trevor requested.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" I shouted "Here I was thinking you were the best parents I could ask for. But no."

I looked over at Kelly who had her head in her hands. I could tell that she was crying. I moved closer towards her direction and put my arm around her shoulders to comfort her.

"Look, maybe we should continue this when Darren gets home." Trevor states.

Before I could get a word in Darren walked through the door.

"Oh look. Perfect timing." I said.

"What's going on?" Darren asked.

"Oh yes, lets explain," I said in a sarcastic tone "Where to begin. Ahh yes when I found out you knew I had a sister and you even had the contact information for her family. But never thought about letting me know. Yeh that just about sums up the conversation we just had."

"Okay, let's all calm down," Darren demanded "Let's sit down and have normal, calm conversation, as a family."

"Ok, fine." I huffed.

We sat down as a family and discussed everything. They even included Kelly as if she was one of the family, which was really nice considering she is my sister. We talked for around 3 hours and surprisingly it helped solve things.

*A month later*

Kelly's POV

Phoebe had the idea for us all to rent out a 4 bedroomed house and live together instead of paying for Uni accommodation. I agreed to this and so did my parents, this was their way of apologising for not telling me I had a brother. The idea of living in a house together worked considering I now had twins to look after.

Moving into a house meant we could throw a joint party for Jordan and I's birthday, which of course we did. Although we didn't invite many people it was more just a group party. Just the 4 of us, plus Lorenzo. It was planned for later tonight so I had to quickly get the twins ready for bed. Luckily phoebe volunteered to help, she helped dress Erin in her pj's whilst I dressed Cory in his.

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