Chapter 13 - That Dreaded Night

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Kelly's POV


I was sat on my bed in my dorm room scrolling through my Instagram feed waiting for Phoebe to return. Just as I was about to text her to ask how far away she was, she walked through the door.

"Hey Kels." She says closing the door behind her.

"Hey Pheebs." I reply.

"So...remember my brother I told you about?" She asked

"The one in the navy?" I question to which she nods.

"Yeh, well... Come in," she shouts outside "Kyle!"

To which a 6 foot tall blonde guy walks through the door.

To which a 6 foot tall blonde guy walks through the door

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"Kelly meet Kyle, Kyle meet Kelly," Phoebe announced "Kyle is my older brother, he is 23 and has a twin sister called Faye, although she is my favourite twin" she winks at me.

"Hey Kyle." I say holding out my hand awaiting his shake.

"Hey." he replies with an overly deep voice, as he grabs by hand and shakes it with an outstanding grip.

"Ok, ok you can stop now," I clarify " handshake, ok got it."

He just looks at me and laughs causing me to look at phoebe and smile.

Phoebe had planned for me, her and Kyle to all go to a club and enjoy a little night out to give us a break from our Uni work. At first I was a bit sceptical about going but somehow Phoebe managed to persuade me.

It had been a couple of hours since Kyle arrived and we had just arrived at the club in a taxi, this way no one was a designated driver then. I stood and looked up at the bright, neon coloured sign with writing that stated 'The Underworld Nightclub' if a sign could scream then this one most definitely would. The first thing we did when we got inside was obviously order drinks. I started off with a basic gin and tonic, Phoebe ordered a margarita and Kyle ordered a Whiskey sour.

We were casually sat in the bottom right corner of the nightclub. We didn't do much dancing at first but after about 2 drinks we started to feel a little tipsy then me and Phoebe started dancing away to songs I didn't even recognise. Kyle was still sat down looking sad and lonely so Phoebe and I grabbed his arms and dragged him up to come and dance away with us.

At that point time got away from us and we got completely carried away drinking and dancing. I left my drink on the table and continued dancing unaware of the guy stood behind me, watching me. Kyle went to get another round of drinks ordered as me and Phoebe continued dancing. I finished the drink I had placed on the table. 15 minutes after I finished the drink Kyle and Phoebe were dancing away as a sat down for a minute. I felt really light-headed, my vision went blurry and I couldn't hear or speak.

Next thing I know a guy picks me up and walks me outside, I notice his Nike Air trainers and could smell his aftershave. He dragged me over to a corner, I felt my phone fall out of my pocket. I didn't know what was happening. I began to feel scared as he dropped me to the ground. I felt the heat from his breath travel down my neck as he laid on top of me. I could feel him slowly pulling down my jeans and then my underwear. I could just about hear him unbuckle his belt. I wanted to move. But my body was too weak. I just laid there limp unable to help myself. Just as he inserted himself inside me I felt a tear travel down my face as he continued.

Phoebe POV

Kyle went to get drinks and I continued dancing I shut my eyes as I swayed to the music. My eyes were only shut for about 30 seconds, if that. But by the time I had opened them Kelly had vanished. I ran straight over to Kyle and explained then went to check the toilets to see if she had gone in there. They were empty. I grabbed my phone and called  Kelly's number. No answer. I continued over and over again. Still no answer.

Kyle and I ran outside checking any possible place that she could've blacked out at. We couldn't find her anywhere. I rang her phone consecutively. No answer. I rang again. This time I could hear her ringtone. We followed the tone and found her phone laying cracked on the middle of the pathway. We both searched and searched the area but couldn't find her. Kyle checked around this corner, it wasn't until he shouted that I knew something bad had happened.

I ran straight over to him to see him in an alleyway dragging this guy off Kelly laying on the ground with her jeans and underwear down I knew immediately what had happened. I pulled her clothing back on and gave her my jacket, as I just got down and hugged her and didn't stop for a minute. Whilst Kyle took a picture of this guy for evidence and then I witnessed him pound the life out of this guy, I dragged him off, in fear that he would kill him. Kyle stood up and stood on the guy's leg then he turned around and helped me carry Kelly to a bench where we sat until a taxi arrived.

We got in a taxi and went straight to Kyle's apartment instead of going back to the dorm as we didn't want to alarm anyone. Kelly and I shared the spare room so that I could be there with her when she woke up. This was going to be painful to explain to her tomorrow and I imagine very traumatic for her. I didn't inform Jordan as I wanted to give her the choice to let him know or not.

It was the next day, Kelly woke up unable to remember what happened. So I had to explain it to her.

"Hey Kels," I said softly "Do you remember what happened last night?"

"Not really," She answers "Why?"

"Okay, this is going to be really hard to hear, but you need to know," I explain "Basically, your drink got spiked by this guy... and he took you outside and...when Kyle and I found you, you had your underwear down and he did too as he was on top of you and Kyle dragged him off."

"So, he...he ra...raped me?" She questioned with panic in her voice.

I nodded causing her to breakdown. I moved towards her and sat and comforted her for a while before asking her if she wanted to tell anyone.

"Kels, do you want to tell Jordan, or me to tell him?" I asked

She shook her head.

"Please, don't tell anyone," She said "I don't want anyone else to know, not yet."

I nodded and let her know I completely understand. We spent the rest of the day chilling and watching movies whilst Kyle and I comforted her until she was ready to go back to our dorm room at Uni.


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