Chapter 2

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That night after their press conference, Yejin went home and first thing she did was take a shower. She made coffee when she was done taking a shower and just sat on her couch in front of the TV and channel hopped. She couldn't concentrate on what was on the TV because she felt different today but couldn't pin point what made her feel that way. Was it because she saw a friend she hasn't seeing in a while? She kept thinking about what Hyun Bin said at the press conference when asked how she is in uniform and he responded saying she's pretty. Now why did this make Yejin feel excited when she's told all the time that she's pretty, what was so different about it when Hyun Bin says it? These were the questions she asked herself before switching off her TV and going to sleep.

It was a Wednesday morning, a week later since Hyun Bin and Yejin last saw each other and the date of their Vogue shoot. They both got up at their own respective apartments and got ready for the day.

Hyun Bin arrived first at the shoot location and Yejin followed later wearing a blouse and simple denim with ankle boots. Yejin was effortlessly beautiful, she didn't have to try hard but she'd still look good and that somehow seemed to amaze Hyun Bin. He had come across many actresses at work who go all out and dress to impress but with Yejin when the camera isn't rolling she was usually in her denims and t shirts and he loved that, it was a breath of fresh air to him.

They greeted each other, had their make up done and changed into new clothes for the shoot.

Hyun Bin and Yejin never had much physical contact when shooting for their film and now this shoot requires much of that, physical contact. Now Hyun Bin knows Yejin is a person who's always smiling and laughing but what he's seeing now for this shoot is a badass woman. He was
mesmerized and kept stealing glances during the shoot, although never making it too obvious. He felt his heart beat a little faster when she placed her head on his shoulder, she smelled really good too. Yejin on the other side seemed to be in her element, she was in character for the shoot.

They wrapped up the shoot and then went home.

Yejin arrived home and had something to eat after taking a shower and went straight to bed but kept tossing and turning, she couldn't stop thinking about him. She started thinking about how good and tempting it was getting close to him face to face like that, how tall he is and just how good looking he is. She usually doesn't care about how good a man looks and has always wondered why her friends go crazy during their ladies nights when talking about other good looking men, in simple terms she has never taken the time to appreciate attractive men. She started feeling guilty for having thoughts like that about Hyun Bin.

Yejin is always busy with work and she never has time to check news about other celebrities so it was easy for her to miss out unless it's a really hot topic at the time. After her and Hyun Bin were done shooting for The Negotiation, she did come across some news that he broke up with his then girlfriend but never followed up on it. She immediately reached out for her phone and started checking him on the internet to confirm if he has a girlfriend currently. She felt relief when she saw he doesn't have one at the moment, she was relieved not because she wanted him but because she thought she might have had thoughts about him she shouldn't be having when he has a girlfriend, that's how pure she is. Soon after she put her phone down she then fell asleep.

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