Chapter 16

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Hey everyone, so sorry for the delay but life just gets too busy sometimes. This is very short, I tried to write a longer chapter but failed, hopefully I'll update again soon.

It was Yejin's birthday, they weren't doing anything over the top because they had work the next day. They were in Guri and decided to take a walk during the day in the mountain and enjoy being out. They later went back home and were too cold. Hyun Bin made two cups of coffee and brought them along with the script for Smart so they can practice. He joined Yejin on the couch tucked in a fleece blanket, he sat next to her and covered himself too with the blanket

"What are you smiling about"

"This" she said showing him the pictures on Instagram with all the events her fans made for her birthday

"Wow, this is amazing Eon Jin"

She nodded and sipped her coffee. 15 minutes later she was still on her phone liking posts on Instagram, Hyun Bin started complaining

"Maybe I should wake Kitty up, at least I get her attention" he said getting up

"Ok ok I'm sorry, there i put my phone down. Don't wake her up she needs to rest. We can start working on the script now"

"Kitty is always sleeping. I miss her"

"She needs her beauty sleep jagiya and besides if you wake her up now we won't be able to go through our lines, you know she loves attention"

They continued bickering about Kitty and finally started practicing their lines for the final time before the shoot tomorrow. When they were tired they ended up cuddling on the couch and kept warm before going to bed to sleep

The next morning Hyun Bin woke up first and checked the time. Yejin slowly opened her eyes when she felt him moving

"Morning" he said slightly smiling and kissed her forehead

"Morning, what time is it?" Yejin's eyes were barely opened

"5am, we have a few hours left before the shoot"

"Then I can sleep for one more hour?"

"No you can't otherwise we'll be really late, remember we have to meet our teams before we start"

Yejin groaned. It was really cold she wished she could snuggle up in his arms the whole day. Hyun Bin felt sorry for her

"Ok one more hour, but that means we won't eat here. We'll grab something on the way"

She nodded and turned facing the other side, he laughed because she wasn't even listening to him she just wanted to go back to sleep. He kissed her cheek and got off the bed and decided to work out for the time being. An hour later he woke her up again

She went to take a bath while he took a long shower, they got dressed in their warm simple clothes and went to the parking lot, he was driving and had his other hand on hers to keep her warm

"Are you nervous about today?" He asked as it will be the first time they work together since they confirmed their relationship

"No I'm not nervous,I'm actually excited because it's been so long since we've been on set together and since we're working with the same crew it will be a lot easier" he nodded. They got food along the way and he dropped her off where her team was and went to meet his team.

They started on his makeup and were done in no time. After they were done Hyun Bin's team went to meet with the Smart crew. Time for the shoot to start was slowly approaching and Hyun Bin got worried because he knows that as much as Yejin loves sleeping, when it comes to showing up for work she was always on time. He called her to find out what's going on. Yejin let him know that a heavy storm started and had to wait until it settles down.

She arrived an hour later and apologised to everyone for the delay. They started shooting and everything was going smoothly. Hyun Bin would search for Yejin with his eyes whenever she was not next to him and went to stand next to her. Yejin would forget at times that they are not home, she would hit his chest every now and then. They finished shooting and went back to Yejin's apartment for the night.

Later that night the staff from Yejin's agency came to drop all the gifts received from her fans. All of them were busy carefully arranging the gifts in one place so they can take pictures and videos. Yejin had already seen some of them on Instagram but seeing them in her house made it more real

Hyun Bin had noticed how suddenly Yejin's facial expressions changed, she was overwhelmed

"Are you sleepy?"

"No" he nodded but knew she wasn't okay

They continued arranging the gifts and 30 minutes later the MSteam staff left. Hyun Bin walked them to the door and came back to find Yejin looking at her gifts. She faced the ceiling to stop tears from coming out. It didn't help as she started tearing up

"Jagiya what's wrong" he went to her

Yejin shook her head and wiped her tears

"It's nothing"

"You think I'll believe that? I know you remember?"

Hyun Bin knew by now, this was a thing. Yejin got emotional when she received gifts from her fans.

"What did I do to deserve this? How are they so considerate? Tae Pyung they even bought Kitty a cot bed, how do they even know about her? There's also a toaster and an expensive one at that. Look at all these flowers and cakes, how am I supposed to eat such pretty cakes? Look at this one from your fans, it's so pretty Tae Pyung, I didn't expect any of this" she said sniffling pointing to the cake given by his fans written 'To Hyun Bin's great love'

He brought her closer to his chest

"Jagiya please don't cry, do you think your fans would be happy seeing you cry right now? They love you and see you for who you are. You're kind, you're real and they see that. This goes beyond acting and beeing on screen, they see your soul you make them happy and they want you to be happy, you deserve this please don't cry my love you're making me sad"

Yejin nodded and wiped her tears. They went to the lounge and watched a movie they've always wanted to watch and enjoyed being in each other's presence.

Later that night they were in bed and were about to sleep but Hyun Bin had other plans in mind, Yejin looked at him and saw how he seductively looked at her

"Tae Pyung I'm tired" she said in a low voice it wasn't convincing enough that she's exhausted

"Too tired for me?" He said getting closer and lightly brushed his lips on her neck

"Aren't you tired? It was a long day"

"I can take away all the tiredness. You don't have to do anything just let me love you" he said getting on top of her still kissing her slowly and passionately, she melted under him and let him have his way with her

The next morning Yejin woke up early, she had a job of arranging her flowers and decorating her house with all the gifts she got. She took a bath and started sorting out the gifts, after some time she took a break and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Hyun Bin was woken up by the smell in the kitchen. He immediately went to the bathroom to brush his teeth

Yejin saw Kitty excitedly running towards Hyun Bin's direction, she kept climbing up trying to reach his level, he picked her up

"Good morning my little Kitty" she licked his chin excitedly. He put her down and went to Yejin by the stove and gave her a tight hug from behind pampering her with kisses all over her face, she couldn't stop giggling

"Good morning my love, the mother of my children"

"Morning jagiya"

"I missed waking up next to you, why did you wake up so early? I thought we're on bed rest"

"I wanted to start arranging the flowers"

He took a sausage from the serving dish

"Sit down so we can eat"

They had breakfast and appreciated these small moments they get to spend together before Hyun Bin starts shooting for Confidential Assignment 2.

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