Chapter 5

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Days and weeks went by and Hyun Bin was busy filming almost everyday. They hardly had the chance to meet so they just kept texting. The cast and crew had noticed a difference in him since September, he was always on his phone smiling and they wondered what was there.

One night they were texting when he had just got back from set.

"So what have you been doing the whole day?" Hyun Bin asked Yejin

"Nothing much, I just watched TV and cooked"

"Lucky you, you have time to cook. I can't remember the last time I had a home cooked meal"

Yejin didn't reply right away so Hyun Bin went to the bathroom and took a shower.

A few minutes later he came out of the shower, towel drying his hair topless with just a towel on his waist. There was a knock on the door. He went to get it. He was shocked to see Yejin on the screen, he looked down at himself and debated whether to go and change but his bedroom just seemed too far he didn't wanna keep her waiting so he opened the door. She was shocked to see him like that. She avoided eye contact so she just greeted him and walked past holding a container.

"Please get dressed I'll warm up the food in the mean time" Yejin said still avoiding eye contact with him

"Yes ma'am" Hyun Bin said and went to his bedroom to change.

He came back and Yejin already laid food out for him to eat. He looked at her adoringly and said "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"I wanted to disturb you in case you had a girl around" Yejin said sticking her tongue out

"Why would I have a girl in my apartment?"

"Why wouldn't you have a girl in your apartment?" She asked

Hyun Bin wanted to say 'because I want you to be my girl' but didn't have the courage to say it so he started digging in and when he took his first bite he moaned.

"This is so good. Are you sure you cooked this or you just bought it"

Yejin laughed at him and they continued to talk about their day. Hyun Bin then asked Yejin "So new year's eve and new years are coming up. How are you gonna spend that?"

Yejin told him that she wants to visit her sister in LA and spend her birthday there

"You spent my birthday with me and it's only fair that I spend yours with you, please allow me to. I also need a break from work, it would be lovely to get out of the country, I haven't been to USA in a while."

Yejin was more than happy to have him with her for her birthday and being the planner that she is she started planning what they'll do when they are there. Hyun Bin suggested that they can even golf while there.

They continued talking until late when he accompanied her to the parking lot and they bid each other good bye.

Days flew by and it was finally Memories of The Alhambra wrap up party. Hyun Bin couldn't wait so he could catch the first flight to LA and see his favorite girl in the entire world.

They spent new year's eve and new years together with Yejin's family. Hyun Bin blended in and felt like part of her family. Some days Hyun Bin spent time with his old time friends in LA while Yejin spent time with her family.

One day they decided to golf so they did. As usual they had too much fun and Yejin was starting to get really good at it.

Later they went grocery shopping and got a few items. It was around 7pm when they went to his hotel room and started watching an American movie while having popcorn with wine.

The movie ended 2 hours later and Yejin got worried saying it's late and she should leave.

"Why can't you stay? It's late I won't be fine not knowing if you'll get home safely or not. I'll sleep on the couch you'll take the bed. Yejin agreed so they continued having wine and talking about life and their interests and hopes for the future

It was 7am when Hyun Bin opened his eyes and was greeted by a beautiful sight on his hotel bed. Yejin was sleeping with his boxer shorts and white tshirt on that he offered her last night. She looked so cute Hyun Bin wished he woke up with her by his side but this is where they are right now and it was better than nothing, he actually treasured these moments with her even as just a friend because he hadn't told her how he feels

Yejin woke up later after Hyun Bin had showered and was now on his phone just waiting for her to wake up. She checked the time on her phone and got off the bed in an instant.

"Oh noooo, i have 5 missed calls from my mom and sister. It's 9am already they must be worried. I forgot to tell them I won't be home last night. Why didn't you wake me up"

"Please calm down, we'll call them"

"I need to leave right now Binssi" Yejin said

"Please dont leave just yet, I don't wanna have breakfast alone" Hyun Bin pleaded with her

"Tae Pyung I can't, that's what you said last night look what happened now" she said stomping her feet and pouting

"I know I know, I'm sorry." He went to her and covered her with his arms while brushing her back.

"Please take a bath I'll ask them to bring our food here. I'm so sorry ok but I can't let you leave with an empty stomach"

Yejin dragged her feet to the bathroom and took a bath. When she came out food was already at his room so they began to eat and she was quiet

"Please say something, I want my bubbly Yejin back." she still kept quiet just to see how he'll react but deep down she was loving all the attention and extra care he was giving her. When she didn't respond he went to her side and started tickling her and said "Give me an eyesmile" she started laughing uncontrollably and kicked him until he stopped.

Later he called an uber and she went home. They had no idea what was about to hit them in the coming week

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