Chapter 8

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A couple of weeks later, things were finalized and put on paper. Yejin and Hyun Bin were officially leads of Crash Landing On You but it was not yet announced to the world.

Hyun Bin decided to drop by his parents' house and tell them the good news.

"Omma" he said hugging his mother

"Tae Pyung, how are you?"

"I'm good but hungry, I need my mother's food"

His mom was very happy seeing her last born baby, she missed him so much and even though he loves being home, it was difficult seeing him because he had a very busy schedule. When he was not filming he was either doing promotions or cfs and hardly had time to visit.

His mom quickly made tteokbokki and served him. They were both seated at the table and catching up. His dad was not home unfortunately due to work commitments.

"Omma, i just signed for a new drama" he continued explaining the plot and his mom found it interesting she knew her son would do really good. She was happy for him always but still worried because her son never had time for himself.

"Tae Pyung, don't forget about yourself in the process, I'm too old now I want grandchildren"

"You don't look a day 50 Omma and besides there's Choon Hee and Chun Hei (his nieces)"

"Those two think they are old now, i tried kissing their cheeks over the weekend, they wiped them saying i should stop embarrassing them and don't use my good genes as an excuse to delay having kids"

They both laughed and continued chatting while eating. The tteokbokki was so good and Hyun Bin could only think of Yejin and how much she'd love it so he requested that his mother dishes up some more so he could leave with it.

"Since when do you eat the same dish twice in a day? Was it that good?"

"Of course it was good but this is not for me. Yejin loves tteokbokki."

His mom was very suspicious of their "friendship" and she saw how his face lit up when he talked about her and their drama ever since he got home

"Tae Pyung, bring her over I'll make some for her in celebration of your new drama"

Hyun Bin's mom was trying her luck and saw this as an opportunity to finally meet her since she didn't get a chance to few months back when her son ignored her request

Flashback to 21st January 2019

Hyun Bin's phone rang and he picked up


"Kim Tae Pyung, why is your face all over the newspapers? What is going on? I tried to ignore the news that came out weeks ago because I didn't want to interfere too much in your personal life and thought that you are really there for business as you told me when you left. Why do i now have to hear from my friends calling me and saying they're happy for you because you're finally in a relationship?"

"Omma, please calm down and let me explain "

"Go on"

"I admit that i might have lied about being here for business. Me and Yejin planned this. It was her birthday on the 11th and I wanted to celebrate it with her"

"How long have you been dating?"

"Omma, you're not listening. We're not dating we're friends"

"Tae Pyung, I'm holding a newspaper here and there's a picture of you and Son Yejinssi at a supermarket. What kind of friends are you?"

Hyun Bin sighed and said "Don't listen to other people Omma, just trust me."

"I want to meet her, bring her over when you come back."

"I can't Omma, that will scare her away."

"Oh Tae Pyung-a, I'll keep you in my prayers son. Now it makes sense why you flew all the way there. Keep trying my baby don't give up on her."

"Omma stop" Hyun Bin was so embarrassed at this point, his mom just couldn't stop so he pretended to be receiving a call from his manager as an escape

Present time

Hyun Bin agreed to talk to Yejin and hear what she says about the invite. He bid his mom goodbye and drove to Yejin's place.

She was arranging her flowers when he got there.

"What do you have there?" Yejin asked pointing at the paperbag he was holding

"Wow, do you really love food more than me? You're not even excited to see me"

"I'm sorry, I'm just really hungry" Yejin said laughing " So what is it?"


Yejin's face lit up instantly she reached for the bag and opened it "This looks homemade, did you make this?"

"No, my mom did. I went to see her today"

Yejin moaned after taking a bite "Omo, this is so good"

It warmed Hyun Bin's heart seeing her happy over little things

"My mom wants to meet you" Hyun Bin blurted out. He didn't know how she'll react

Yejin froze and turned to look at him with wide eyes

"Please. She's been wanting to meet you for a while now. I don't wanna disappoint her. Say yes please"

"What did you say to her? She can't just want to meet all of a sudden?"

"I didn't say anything, I was just telling her about the drama and suggested you come over so we can celebrate"

Yejin sighed relieved and thought it wouldn't be a bad idea so she agreed

It was now the day she was going to meet his parents. Hyun Bin came and picked her up. She looked really beautiful in her floral dress which was just below her knees, she let her straight hair down and had very minimal make up on. When she went to the parking lot Hyun Bin was amazed at how she managed to leave him breathless with her beauty. She looked effortless and he made a promise to himself to do everything he can to make her happy and keep her forever.

Yejin stepped inside the car and greeted him. He kissed her left cheek and drove out. Yejin was very nervous and it showed so Hyun Bin took her hand, kissed it and brushed it with his thumb. He never let go of her hand. That helped calm her down.

He opened the door to his parents' house and his mom immediately came to welcome them. To say she was awestruck would be an understatement. Hyun Bin's mom knew Yejin through her movies and always thought she's beautiful but seeing her now she felt her beauty wasn't done justice.

She greeted them and led them to the table.

"Yejinssi, thank you for accepting my invite, I heard you like tteokbokki so i made that as well I hope you'll like it"

"Please call me Yejin. Thank you for inviting me and I'm sure it's good" she smiled and her signature eyesmile came out. Mrs Kim liked her already!

They dished up and Mrs Kim couldn't help but notice the teamwork taking place at her table. They were both dishing up for each other and kept asking if the other will like this and that. She looked at Mr Kim who also noticed the same thing, they both smiled. Throughout the day Hyun Bin couldn't stop looking at her and paying attention to every little thing she did and Mrs Kim was reminded of her younger self with her husband.

His parents congratulated them and wished them success for the drama. It was a successful lunch, Mrs Kim thought.

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