Chapter 4

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They continued to promote their film for the rest of September and saw each other almost everyday, they were now really close friends.

They celebrated Hyun Bin's birthday on the 25th while promoting the movie and he had a simple but very fulfilling day because Yejin really tried to make it all about him by simply just singing for him and blowing out candles with him. This wasnt much but to him it meant a lot because he could see that she's genuinely happy to do these little things with him.

On the last day of the the tour which was in Daegu, Yejin planned to visit her parents when they were done with the stage greeting, she missed them a lot. She told Hyun Bin about this a week before when they were chatting and he said he'd love for her to show him her hometown so he decided to book for accommodation not very far from Yejin's home.

After the stage greeting, they left and she started by taking him to her house. Yejin entered her house and found her parents in the living room watching TV. She had informed them that she would come but didn't tell them she'd come with someone.

When Yejin's mom saw them come in she was shocked a little she said "Omooo Eon Jin, isn't this Kim Joo Won? Why didn't you tell me you were coming with someone." Her husband replied saying "yeobo, anyo his name is Hyun Bin, why do you always use the characters' names when you meet Eon Jin's friends instead of their real names. Hyun Bin and Yejin laughed. Both Mr and Mrs Son were fans of Secret Garden when it aired so they've seen the drama but didn't know Hyun Bin is Yejin's current co-star.

Mrs Son called Yejin so they can set up the table for the 4 of them while Mr Son and Hyun Bin chatted in the living room. Mr Son told Hyun Bin that him and his wife loved Secret Garden and that he remembers being happy for him when he won a daesang award for his role in the drama. This led to the conversation that they both could relate in because when Hyun Bin won he gave his speech while in the military. They started talking about both their experiences in the military because they both served in the marines. Mr Son commended Hyun Bin for his bravery.

They started eating and Mrs Son told Hyun Bin childhood stories of Yejin. Hyun Bin went to his hotel later on.

The next day Yejin showed him around her neighborhood, it was a simple thing to do for others but to them it was freedom, away from the flashing lights. They had a great time. Hyun Bin left for Seoul later and Yejin remained in Daegu.

A little less than a month later, Hyun Bin's film Rampant was about to premiere so he invited Yejin to the premiere and she agreed to be there.

Tonight was the premiere and celebrities, friends and spouses of the cast started coming in. The cast were able to see who came in and Hyun Bin's heart was swelling with pride when Yejin came in, she was there for him and he loved that.

Later that night, Hyun Bin went home, he was really exhausted. He decided to call Yejin. She picked up on the first ring. "Hey Binssi" "Hey, are you sleeping? Am I disturbing you?" He asked "It's fine, are you ok?" Yejin asked on the other line. Hyun Bin smiled, it was so relaxing hearing her sleepy voice. "I'm fine, just really tired. I'm sorry we couldn't talk much at the premiere" Yejin could hear his tired voice "I understand, you sound really tired please take care of yourself Binssi " that melted his heart he couldn't stop grinning. "I will." "Hey, do you know that you owe me?" He continued "What do I owe you?" She asked. "Remember when you made fun of me at the showcase and promised to make it up to me?" Yejin laughed and said yes. "I was supposed to go golfing with my hyungs and they stood me up now I don't have anyone to go with. Please go golfing with me next weekend? You're not allowed to say no" "But I don't golf Binssi" she said. Hyun Bin said he'll teach her so she ended up agreeing to go with him.

Yejin spent the next few days trying to find an outfit for golfing. She texted her friend Lee Min Jung and asked her where she buys her golfing clothes. "Why are you asking? You don't golf" Min Jung said. Yejin hesitated then answered "Someone asked me to go golfing with them" "Someone? Who's that? Wait, are you finally going on a date with someone Yejin?" Yejin blushed and said "It's not a date we'll just golf that's all" "Ok who are you golfing with?" Yejin told her that she'll be going with Hyun Bin. "No way, what? OMG you guys look so cute together, oh Yejin I'm so happy for you i feel like crying" Yejin rolled her eyes she can't believe her friend is being dramatic over nothing.

It was finally golfing day. Hyun Bin went and picked Yejin up and thought she really looks cute in her golfing outfit, he wished to keep such a golfing partner forever.

They got to the golf estate and Hyun Bin taught her everything she should know, mostly the basics. Yejin was a very fast learner so it wasn't much of work to teach her. They golfed and really had a great time together and Yejin was now convinced golf is her favorite sport she wondered why she didn't start earlier.

Hyun Bin suggested they later go get something to eat and Yejin didn't feel comfortable with that "What if someone sees us and takes pictures, next thing people will say we're dating" Hyun Bin replied and said he wouldn't mind. Yejin hit his shoulder and said "We can't risk it, let's just go home we'll make something there" So they left and Hyun Bin said since Yejin is the one who suggested they eat home then they'll go to her place.

He parked his car at the parking lot and they got out and made their way to her apartment. Hyun Bin had never been there before so he looked around her house and loved how warm it feels.

Yejin started on the food while they chatted in the kitchen with Hyun Bin helping out here and there. Food was ready so they ate and had wine while talking and laughing. Being together made them really happy.

After eating they washed the dishes then refilled their wine glasses and went to her couch. When they sat down Hyun Bin said "So you're beautiful, an amazing actress and you can cook? What can't you do?" He took a sip of his wine. Yejin blushed and was so red she said "I can't sing" He laughed when she said that then said "You're right you can't, remember when we were at the vlive talk and we all had to sing, you were really off key" he continued to laugh at her until tears came out. Yejin kept quiet, stood up and went to the kitchen with her glass. Hyun Bin panicked a little bit, he had never seen Yejin angry before, she's always laughing and joking. He wiped his tears and followed her to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and refilled her glass again. "Are you angry at me? I was joking" Hyun Bin said in his panicked voice. She had her back to him so she turned around and said "gotcha" she laughed at him. Hyun Bin didn't move. "Don't do that Yejin, I was worried" his expression changed from panicked to relief then to what seemed like little anger. Now it was time for Yejin to get worried because she had also never seen him like this, he's always calm. "Don't get mad" she said and pinched his cheeks, he still didn't move and stood there like a robot. She then put her hands over his whole body and hugged him. He smiled a little. She looked at him then their faces slowly got closer with him looking down at her and her looking up at him and their lips parted a little bit. She slowly broke the hug and her elbow tipped the glass that was on the kitchen counter, the glass fell and wine spilled on the counter. They turned to look at it and Hyun Bin rushed to get a napkin and wiped everything. He then smiled and said "You're so clumsy" she just looked at him shyly so he went to her and said "It's late I should go. Thank you for golfing with me and feeding me, I had a great time" she nodded and said "I had a great time too, thank you." They head to the door and Hyun Bin said "Hug?" So she got closer and they hugged, he held her waist a little tighter while she put her hands over his neck. They stayed like that for a minute, it felt so good. They broke the hug and he said "I'll call you when I get home" she nodded then they said their goodbyes.

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