Chapter 7

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It was the 24th of January 2019 and the day Hyun Bin landed in Seoul from LA. After the agreement he had with Yejin in terms of their relationship, he was determined to make what they have work. He wanted to protect her and them from the media so he decided to leave LA days ahead of her and made sure that the media knows he's coming back. He was trying to distract them from Yejin. Yejin went back home days later without the media noticing

Days and weeks went by. Yejin and Hyun Bin continued to meet each other at their respective homes but were very cautious. Hyun Bin was the one who visited Yejin the most at her place and reasoned that if they were to be followed it's better they follow him and not her. They would cook and watch movies together.

One night they were at Yejin's place and Hyun Bin had just arrived. He brought a takeaway with him. It was movie night for them. They were on the couch with Yejin resting her head on his lap. Hyun Bin would plant a kiss on her forehead every now and then and kept brushing her hair.

He was now holding her hand with their fingers intertwined. He kissed her hand and asked "How's the script reading going? Have you decided on anything?"

"No, I can't find anything that has caught my attention yet. It's frustrating" Yejin sighed

"I know, me too"

Yejin had just been offered leading roles with Hae In for One Spring Night and for Pirates 2 with Nam Gil but declined the offers. She still read the scripts offered to her and was yet to decide which one to go for but hasn't been successful with coming to a decision yet, same with Hyun Bin.

Weeks went by it was now March, Hyun Bin received a call from writer Park Ji Eun about a potential lead role in a drama she's currently working on. His agency worked on his schedule and they finally met with writer Park

They were now seated in the boardroom and after all the greetings, Park Ji Eun began

"You're probably wondering why I set up a meeting with you. I have a drama I'm currently working on and I had you in mind as you perfectly fit the role" Park Ji Eun continued to explain what the drama is all about and Hyun Bin was intrigued already.

"Now you may be wondering who the leading actress might be. I have done my research on you and contacted all the relevant people who can bring this story to fruition and together we have agreed that should you accept this role, we'd like you to act side by side with Son Ye Jinssi. While doing research and deciding who to cast we went back on all your previous work and we've seen the chemistry you too had in your film and even though it was for a few minutes we have picked up on both your interests to work together again on a romantic drama"

Hyun Bin was floored at this point. A lot of scenarios were running through his mind. He asked her

"Have you contacted Son Ye Jinssi?"

"We haven't yet but we will. We wanted to hear your take on this first before we proceed with casting"

Hyun Bin thanked Park Ji Eun and told her he'll get back to her as soon as he can.

A week later Yejin was contacted too but Hyun Bin had not accepted the offer yet and didn't tell Yejin anything about this until she was called too. Later that day Yejin called Hyun Bin and asked him to come by at her place that night. Hyun Bin could sense what he's being called for and couldn't wait to hear what she thinks about this

They were now in the kitchen helping each other cook. Yejin was leaning on the counter while the food was simmering and Hyun Bin was chopping. She took a sip of her wine and said

"So, I had a meeting today about a potential drama written by writer Park Ji Eun and you know what's strange? You were apparently called too but didn't tell me. I didn't know we're keeping secrets now?"

Hyun Bin thought 'oh boy, here it comes'

"I didn't tell you because I couldn't, not until you were called too"

Yejin just looked at him and he continued

"Do you know how hard it was keeping it in and not saying anything to you? I was dying inside"

"Oh please, dying where. You looked perfectly fine to me the whole week" Yejin said

Hyun Bin laughed and asked "So what do you think about the offer"

Yejin sighed and said "I don't know, I really don't know. It's a great plot and I like it but it's just too risky for us to work together"

Hyun Bin stopped chopping and went to her side, he held both her hands and led them to sit down on the chairs

"Listen, I've thought about that the whole week too. But this is such a really good plot. We can't let it pass by and remember how we've always wanted to work together? I still feel that way nothing has changed, I don't know about you"

Yejin interjected "I still feel the same too but will we survive the speculations? I don't know if I can"

"Trust me, we will. We'll try to make it work" he said rubbing his thumb on her hand

"But do you know what this means for us if we accept the drama? That means we have to put a pause on us and focus on work. I don't want our feelings to interfere with work" Yejin said

"Put a pause? How?"

"That means no kissing, no late night visits unless it's work related, no cooking together." She said pointing to the food. We won't be doing these things until we're done with the drama"

Hyun Bin groaned and pushed back his hair

"Ok ok I hear you"

"So what do you think? Are you in or not?" Yejin asked

"I'm in if you are"

"Alright let's do it"

Hyun Bin pushed his chair closer and leaned in close to her face looking her straight in the eyes, he said

"Since there'll be no kissing behind closed doors, I wanna kiss you however I want now when I still have the chance. He stood up and lifted her making her sit on the kitchen counter. He got between her legs, held waist and kissed her. Yejin put her hands over his neck giving him easy access to her waist, he held it tighter. He brushed his hands on her exposed legs and they both moaned. They broke apart breathing heavily and looking flushed. Hyun Bin said

"I'm going to miss this so much"

Yejin was still closing her eyes with her lips parted a little bit. Hyun Bin turned the stove off and went for a kiss again. He lifted her off the counter while still kissing her and went to the couch holding her with her legs around his waist. He sat down with her and they continued to kiss for the longest amount of time. Hyun Bin's shaft was growing hard and poking Yejin, they were both so turned on. He was groaning and she was moaning softly the whole time. Yejin's tummy growled and they both laughed in between kisses. She broke the kiss and said "I'm hungry". She tried to get off him but he held on to her waist tighter and said "look what you have done to me" he pointed at his shaft. She blushed and got off. He looked at her beautiful legs while she headed to the kitchen and sighed, he threw his head back on the couch.

Yejin wondered what it would feel like being with him that way. They always kissed but surprisingly it never led them to bed.

She dished up for the both of them and went to the couch. They ate while laughing over a comedy show

Hello everyone. Once again thanks for reading, liking and commenting,  I appreciate it. If you notice something off with this chapter especially about casting please forgive me and pretend like you never read that part😂 because I have no idea who casts the actors. What I know is HB was contacted by Park Ji Eun and recently it was discovered that the director said he always had BinJin in mind and never thought of casting anyone else. So forgive me on that part as I have no idea what happened

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