Chapter 17

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Warning: This chapter contains sexual content. Please do not read if it will make you uncomfortable

It was mid February now, Hyun Bin has been preparing for filming of Confidential Assignment 2 he never had time for anything else. Yejin was supportive through it all, her and Kitty had been in his apartment the past two weeks since Hyun Bin didn't have time to travel back and forth but it still was difficult for them to spend more time together even though they were in the same house. Hyun Bin would wake up at 5am or sometimes 6am and work out for 3 hours, after which he would bath and eat then go through his script and do a bit of research on how to approach his role. Luckily for him Yejin made it all easy, by the time he's done bathing after a workout he would find food already prepared for him, she would bring him snacks and meals while he is preparing and reminded him to take it easy and take breaks in between because he worked for hours on end.

Yejin is the clingy type, she's used to being beside him whenever they are in the same house so she was finding it hard getting used to the current situation which was him being in the study most of the time.

It was an afternoon, the day before filming of CA2 starts, Yejin prepared different fruits and was waiting for Hyun Bin to come out of his study so he can eat, she kept looking at his study door but he wasn't coming out. After 20 minutes he came out and went to the living room where she was with Kitty watching tv, he came from behind and hugged her shoulders

"What are you watching?"

"A comedy show. I prepared fruits, they are in the fridge"

"Thank you jagiya, let me go back" he kissed her cheek, went to the kitchen to take the fruits and headed back to his study. Kitty followed him but was too late he had already closed the door in the study. She waited outside and barked, Yejin quickly followed her

"Kitty-ah you're making noise, appa is working" she gently caressed Kitty. Yejin was so sad that they couldn't spend too much time with him

"Don't look at me like that Kitty, he will be done very soon okay. Let's not disturb him, come let's go watch tv" meanwhile Hyun Bin was listening to Yejin outside the door, he was heartbroken he didn't notice he had been in the study for too long, this was all new for them they were still adjusting. It was different than when he was shooting in Jordan, they were in different countries then but now they are in one country and currently living in the same house. He went out and sat on the couch next to Yejin who had Kitty on her lap, she looked up and was surprised to see him, didn't he just go back to the study why is he out again

"Come here" he said bringing her closer to him and put her head on his chest

"I was listening to you talking to Kitty" he sighed

"I didn't realise i had been working for that long and if I am to be honest I started realising now that this is how I have been the past two weeks and it's not fair on you and Kitty, you came here just so you can be with me but I am always working, I'm really sorry about that Yejin, I plan on changing that. The next months will be really hard, my schedule is crazy if I'm not filming i will be shooting a commercial and if I am like this now I don't know how I will be in the coming weeks but I will never allow that to affect our relationship. I want to make a promise to you and I want to commit to it, no matter how packed my schedule is I want to make sure I take you out on a date at least once every week, be it a golf date or just us trying new foods in different restaurants. I don't want you to ever feel like I'm neglecting you and us. Please allow me to do that at least" Yejin nodded

"I would really love that Tae Pyung. There's a restaurant Jung Hyun told me about, I wanna try it" she was suddenly so excited and lively. Hyun Bin laughed because in all the things he said, she's talking mostly about food.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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