Chapter 13

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It was mid March now. After the gruelling months they've had filming for their drama, Hyun Bin and Yejin were now resting.

They were at Yejin's place and decided to take an afternoon nap which lasted for 3 hours. Yejin woke up first at around 5pm and was now starring at him, she loved waking up next to him and seeing his face. She mostly loved waking up in his arms. She suddenly lost the smile on her face as she remembered that he's supposed to go to Jordan at the end of the month to start filming for his next project. She felt it was so unfair that they had to be apart right when they started being official. All she wanted was to spend time with him.

She stood up and went to the bathroom to wash her face. That caused Hyun Bin to wake up due to her movements

"There you are" he said when she came back

"Hey, sorry I woke you up"

"It's ok. So what are we gonna do now that we're up?"

"How about we watch a movie?"

"Sounds good to me"

"Alright great. I'll go pick a movie and you can make popcorn in the meantime"

They got up with Yejin heading to the lounge and Hyun Bin to the kitchen to prepare popcorn and drinks

When Hyun Bin came back from the kitchen holding the popcorn he saw Yejin holding the remote but was not doing anything, she just froze and starred blankly at the TV. He frowned and got closer then sat down next to her

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Mmhh?" Yejin said

"You're not okay, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'm fine"

"Try something else, I know you. Out with it. Was is it?" he said to her

"When are you going to Jordan?"

"Oh, so this is what it's about" he said putting down the popcorn "I honestly don't know I'm waiting to hear from the team but with this virus I doubt we'll be going"

"Oh, I see"

"Don't worry about it okay? I think you'll be stuck with me for a little longer"

Yejin started to relax and they started watching the movie

A week later Hyun Bin got the news that Jordan filming is postponed, they'll start filming in South Korea instead with shooting to commence in April. He was relieved, they both were. They continued spending more time together for the rest of March.

It was now April, they were found mostly in his apartment because he was preparing for his role and wanted to make sure everything he needed for preparation was within reach.

One Saturday evening they were at his apartment and were about to watch The World of the Married. Yejin made ramyeon with boiled eggs and went to join him on the couch carrying two bowls, they started watching while eating. When the series ended he took the bowls and went to the kitchen

It was his turn to wash the dishes since she made the food. He found eggshells on the sink. He called her, she went to him singing the drama's ending ost in excitement

" Why did you leave eggshells in the sink instead of throwing them in the trash, look now it's difficult getting them out" he said picking the eggshells one by one from the sink. Yejin had a bad habit of throwing eggshells together with the boiled water in the sink

"Tae Pyung stop shouting at me just leave it ok I'll do it, I made the mess I'll clean it up" she said taking over angrily removing the shells and putting them in the trash

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