Chapter 3

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It was late at night, just few days after the shoot. Yejin was laying in bed, scrolling through her pictures on her phone when she came across pictures she took with Something In The Rain cast and crew. She then posted a status on kakaotalk "I miss being on set:("

Hyun Bin was sitting on his couch in the living room, reading his script. He stood up, went to the fridge and took a can of beer just to refresh his mind.

He came back to the living room and grabbed his phone while sipping his beer. He checked his kakaotalk and saw Yejin's status, he sent her a message "What? You miss being on set? Let's take turns then because I'm burning out" Yejin laughed and replied "I would love that, I'm bored right now." Hyun Bin smiled and shook his head and thought 'she's such a workaholic, it's attractive' he then replied "I can't wait for our showcase coming up, I'd rather have that than shooting" Yejin replied "oh please, really? Having cameras flash at you all the time and being asked the same questions?" Hyun Bin laughed again and said "I wouldn't mind having cameras flash at me with THE Son Ye Jin, and interacting with fans is the cherry on top, I love meeting my fans" Yejin blushed when she read the text, she replied "You're right about that, I love meeting my fans too" she sent another text "Let me not keep you Binssi, have a good night I'm sleeping now." Hyun Bin replied "You sleep when it's time for kids to sleep and you expect me to call you noona? Anyway, good night Yejinssi" Yejin recieved the text and her eyes popped out and her mouth shaped an O. That got her worked up she couldn't believe he said that, she immediately video called him and he picked up "yaaaa, I'm older than you" Hyun Bin laughed at how serious she was taking all of this. "I'm never calling you noona, forget it." He replied. They continued to talk for a little while then said their good byes. Things just seemed to flow between them, they were getting used to each other very quickly and they didn't even notice it.

The day of the showcase came up and Yejin was looking so good in her slit black dress. There was a huge screen behind them and that got Hyun Bin worried because her slit was cut high and there were many people around. When they sat down he pointed to her to cover her legs, she smiled sweetly and covered them.

Yejin had not forgotten what Hyun Bin said that night about her sleeping early and wanted to get back at him so when the interviewer asked them to rate how it was working with each other, Yejin let him answer first with him giving her 90/100. She then thought 'let me top this so I can make his answer look weak' she replied saying it was a 100/100 working with him. This shocked Hyun Bin because they have always talked about how difficult it was using a monitor and that it could have been better had they acted face to face.

Later that night, Hyun Bin texted Yejin and said "Why did you do that to me? You know I loved working with you why did you make it seem like you're the one who liked it more?" Yejin replied "Are you sulking Binssi?" He texted back "Yes, I am" with a sad emoji. Yejin laughed and said "Don't be sad, I'll make it up to you" she teased. Hyun Bin then said "I'll hold you to that"

They kept texting and video calling each other that whole week whenever they had the chance. It was now at a point where they couldn't go a day without talking and it felt so right. He would reply to her texts in between takes of Memories Of The Alhambra set.

They met a week later on the 10th of September for the Vlive talk and media press conference. They kept complimenting each other and laughing. They enjoyed each other's company a lot.

Hyun Bin was at his apartment that night and he kept thinking about the good day he had today. They drank soju and laughed throughout and he couldn't remember when last he let loose like that if not with his hyungs. He then remembered Yejin saying something about them having the opportunity to work together but him rejecting the offers. He took his phone and texted her "Are you awake?" She replied "Yes, the soju we had is keeping me up I think" He laughed then changed to a serious expression really quickly "It's not that I didn't want to work with you, I did but somehow my schedule never allowed me to. Don't ever think I never wanted to work with." Yejin got touched a little but brushed it off then replied teasing him saying "Oh Binssi, so you're saying I was not worth your time then?" He video called her immediately then said with a puppy look "Don't ever say that Yejinssi." She laughed then got out of her sheets and head straight to the kitchen to get some water. Hyun Bin got taken aback a little when he saw her with her silky pastel pink pijama top. He swallowed a little then said good night to her.

After the call, Hyun Bin sat on his sofa and thought 'she's so beautiful'. He hit his forehead and said "don't think about it, dont think about it, don't think about it. She's your friend that's all she is."

He took his script and went through it then called it a night.

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